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Do you ever wonder how hotdogs are made and where did they even originate? Hot dogs have been around for some time now and are a very popular and easy food...<br>
HOTDOGSINTHEMAKING Do you everwonderhow hotdogs aremade and wheredidtheyevenoriginate? Hot dogshavebeen aroundforsometimenow and areaverypopularand easy food to makeandthereis atonofrecipes to choosefrom.Theyarealso known forthe contest peoplehold that consist ofmanyyoucan eatandthelongesthotdogsonthe planet! TheStartoftheHotdogEmpire Hotdogs wereoriginallycalledtheFrankfurter. Ithas nicknames likethewieneror franks. It has always beenplaced between asteamingbuthas changed overtimeto beingusedinbeans andwrappedin dough and baked callingthempigsinablanket. TheFrankfurt names comes from Germanyand often refers tothesausagebutthe ‘Weiner”namecomefrom Vienna, Austria. Johann Lahnerwasan18th century butcherandis claimedtobethepersonwhobrought thehotdogfrom Frankfurt Germanyto Vienna, Austria. In 1904 Antoin Ludwigstartedsellingthehotdogsin buns attheWorld’s Fairmakingbigprofit butin 1916 Nathan Handwerkerwassaid to gointobusiness sellingthehotdogsand puttingthem onthemap. No onereally knows whatstartedthebigdeal with hotdogs,theyjustkindoftookoff. Thereare severaldifferentsources thatsaymanydifferent stories. Perhaps theyalljustlike thehotdogandstarted spreadingits goodnessbymakingabuck.
Whatis intheHotdogs? Hotdogshavebeen known tohaveabad name,but theyreallyarenot whatpeople thinktheyare.Theysaythatthemakingis gross,but itis no differentthanany otherprocessing. Theyconsist ofmeattrimmingandseasonings such as garlicand salt. Theyhavefat trimmings also which helpswithflavor. Beef and pork are the twomostcommon meatsused inhotdogs,butcertain manufacturers havebeen known to usechicken inthemtoo,but you canalways optoutforthe100%beef. Theyusedtobeencased withthenaturalsheepintestineto hold themeat together butnowtheymainlyusestarch.Thereis alsoanothertype you can getthat iswith nocasing at all,buttheyaremuch easiertoprocess with thecasing. How DoYouLikeYours? You can get avarietyofcondimentson yourhotdog. You can getonions, Cole slaw,horseradish,pickles, chili,mustard, ketchup, mayo, hotdog spread, and so muchmore. Thelist goes on and on. You canmake you with allthestuff youlove, andtheyaresimpleandeasytomake. Iam hungryjustthinking about them! Source:http://www.ideaengineblog.com/2017/11/hot-dogs-in-making.html