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Recovery from addiction is not a simple thing because there are many things involved. Addicts need to recover both physically and emotionally and this can be very challenging...<br>
SoberLivingHome–TheIn-HouseRules • Recoveryfrom addictionis not a simple thingbecause there aremanythings involved. Addicts need to recoverboth physicallyandemotionallyand this can beverychallenging. After gettingtreatment from a recoveryfacility, itwould behard toget back toyour normal life. Therefore,you needto go to asober livinghome so thatyou can transition with ease.If you don’tgo through theprocess ofrecovery, thereis a highchanceof fallingback into relapse. Research has revealed that chances of arelapseincreasebyabout 70% in oneyear when an addict does not go throughasober living home. • Therefore, ifyouwant to transition from addiction smoothly,you need togo to asoberliving home. Themain role ofthis home is to ensurethat a recoveringaddict learns the ways of soberlivingandremainsclean for alongtime after thetreatment. Sober homes havetalented support team that takes addicts through the process of recovery.Inaddition, theyhave practicalrecoveryprograms that areveryeasyforhelpingaddicts recover.Sober living homes also haveother activities that help addicts recoverfully. This includesyoga, spirituality, medication, exercise as well as other sports. However, there aresome rules and regulations thatyou needto follow whilein thehome: • You haveto abstain from all alcohol ordrugsubstances whileat the facility. This is veryimportant as it is theprimaryreason whyyouarein thefacility. • Beprepared togo for routinedrugtests. Duringyourstayat the facility,youwill be required togo for routinetests at the facility. Thisis doneto ensurethatyou are copingwith thetreatment. Thepatrons at thehomes takethesetests from time totime. • Attend communitymeetings. At sober livinghome,youwill be required to attend routine communitymeetings. Thesemeetings helpmembers ofthe communityto mingle and interact.Inaddition, such meetings can help in teachingyouths about the effects ofdrugs andsubstanceabuse. • Takeyour resident dutiesseriously.It is importantfor all members to taketheir resident duties seriously.Thereis a dutyroster in everysober livinghome that assigns responsibilities to members. Theduties includecleaning, teaching, organizinghalls and keepingthe lawn tidy.You should take all theseduties seriously. • Integratewell with the community. Member so of the communityis also expected to livewell with the rest ofthe community. Sober livinghome consists of abig communityand all members are expected to livein harmony. • Inaddition to the aboveregulations, it is importantto observethegeneralcodeof conductat the sober livinghome. The rules prohibit pornographic materials oranysexual activityin the facility.In addition,youareprohibited from smokingcigarettes, takingalcohol and other substances. All theserules are aimedat helpingyou transition from an addict back toyour dailylife. • Article Source: http://passionlifelovehealth.com/sober-living-home-the-in-house-rules/