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Cosmetic dentistry is the evolution of a new beginning in improving the overall physical appearance of an individual. With more emphasis placed on a brighter and whiter smile...<br>
The Birthof CosmeticDentistry Cosmeticdentistryis theevolution of anew beginningin improvingthe overall physical appearanceof an individual. With moreemphasis placed on abrighter andwhitersmile, cosmeticdentistrycontinues to draw theattention ofthose in search of viable improvements to become moreappealingandattractiveto theopposite sexwith overall improvements to underlyinghealth conditions as a result of improper careof oncepermanent teeth. Sincethe beginningof timedatingback to 700 B.C, repair, improvement and replacement ofteeth has often beenreferred to asthe birth of cosmeticdentistry. Cosmeticdentistrybeganto gain popularityin the1980’s with the invention of resin cement applied to an existingdecayingtooth. Although morenon-traditional andexperimental methods wereused bythe Ancient Egyptians for tooth repair andreplacement including using gold to makedental crowns, thesemethodsand practices was often temporary,crude and involved great discomfort to the receivingindividual. As time evolved, cosmetic dentistryin a veryrudimentaryform, involved thedevelopment of mouth washes or toothpaste comprised of vinegar and pumicestone used primarilyto removestains. Although somewhat effective, thismethod often proved to behighlyoffensive to thosein close proximityof theuser. CosmeticDentistrycontinued to progress throughout Medieval times. Once considered as a part oftrip to the barber,cosmeticdentistryloomed ever present in the decades to comewith the invention and practiceof new procedures thatwould eventuallyrevolutionizethe entire dentist profession. With theinvention of prosthetic and cosmeticdentistrystartingto evolve in themid to late 1700’s, porcelain dentures were brought to fruition to replacedamaged or missingteeth with the aid of averylargecontainer ofliquid antiquated sedative. Bythe 1800’s, a evasive form ofcosmeticdentistrybrought forth metal placed in teeth often producingothermore critical health conditions includingpoisoning and even death.
CosmeticDentistrybegan to emerge asa form ofrehabilitatingsmiles andteeth bythe 20th Century. Bythe 1900’s newtechniques andpractices began to improveprocedures in the replacement and repair of damaged teeth that would changesuchprocedures formany generationsyet to come.Porcelain dental crownswerenot asaffordableastheyaretoday, replaced form of plastics still an integral part of cosmeticdentistryusedtoday.Often labeled as the truebeginningofwhat was to become arecognized form of cosmetic dentistrytoday, the 20th centuryintroduced techniques and highlyskilled dentists that would transfigureand takethe cosmeticdentistryindustryto record proportions. CosmeticDentistrywillcontinueto develop and implement new practicesand procedures in improvingand maintainingabeautiful smile for an unprecedented time frame that holds no boundaries or limitations. Throughout historyandthe development of new technology, cosmeticdentistrywill continueto surfaceas a means repairingand replacement ofdamaged teeth oncelost due to malice and impropercaredueto forefathers that brought about the birth of cosmeticdentistry. Article Source: http://www.aimfitbody.com/the-birth-of-cosmetic-dentistry/