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A trained security officer is better than untrained one in many ways. This article has discussed various ways training helps the guard do his work more efficiently. Furthermore training is not only beneficial to the guard but...<br>
TheImportanceofSecurityGuardTraining Atrainedsecurityofficer isbetterthanuntrained one in many ways. Thisarticle has discussed various ways traininghelpsthe guard do his workmore efficiently. Furthermore trainingis notonlybeneficialto the guardbutalso tothe employer. Hence confidence levelwillimprove for bothparties. Additionallyatrainingcourse can be atthe beginning of the career or canbeto enhance or refresh knowledge ofthe securityindustry. For thatreason you maywantto attenda trainingprogramto sharpen your skillsfor thejob. Therefore the followingpoints areexplainedto showthe various benefits oftrainingfor a security guard. Essentialknowledge,instincts andskills Securityagentsare taughtthe necessaryskills and knowledge to be ableto effectivelydo his/herwork.In addition theyareintroduced to methodsof handlingissues when atwork. Furthermore their instinctsare identified andtheycan betteruse themindealingwithissues and problems thatmayarise. Therefore trainingcoversallthe areasa personmayrequirein orderto efficientlyprovide protectionto and surveillance. Defence mechanism Secondlytrainingof guardsimproves their defensive mechanism. Thisincludes usingand handlingof weapons. Practicaltrainingprogramare especiallyimportantsincetheyprovidethe guard with real life scenarios. Everyguard mustbe prepared for anypossiblethreattothe premisesthathe/she has beenposted.Thus trainingprovidestheperson withthecorrectdefensivemethods when dealingwith differentproblems. Technology Currentlythe securityindustryhas advancedtheirsurveillance systemand equipments.Forthis reason trainingare beingheld tointroduce the guards onthedifferentandnew equipments. Therefore training plays anintegralpartinhelpingthe differentsecurity officersto understand howtheseequipments operate. In additionregular trainings arealso conductedbycompanies thatcreatethese equipmentsto the security firms. More so the more theadvancedthe equipments thatasecurityfirmuses themore confidentare the clients. Reduced liability Clearlya welltrainedsecurityofficercan preventincidentssuchas asettlement. In addition training equips the guard withtherightknowledge to avoid anyunnecessaryincidents. Bettertrained securityagentimproves performance, morale and turnover. In turn,this improves the
workingconditions. Career advancement Trainingcanalso beadvantageous o the individualsince thebetter trainedindividualproves tobe more sufficientand knowledgeable.Therefore advancingincareerisa possible opportunity. Peoplethathave attended securitytraining also standahigherchance ofgettingemployed than thosethat have notattendedaytraining. Furthermorethe payis also better for person who has gone through trainings. Conclusion Fromthe above points we can conclude thattrainingplays an importantparttoboth theemployee and employer. Furthermore trailingimproves the workingcapabilityofthe guard.For instancethe guard can be introduced to weapons such asa gun. Beside beforeusingthe weaponhe/she willhave toattenda trainingto learn how touseit. In conclusion Iwould recommend trainingatthe beginningof your security guard careerandatanyother trainingopportunity. Source:http://www.betterthinking.org/2017/10/the-importance-of-security-guard.html