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Whether you are an athlete or are in a physically demanding profession, you may benefit a lot from a deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massage is all a...<br>
Top3BenefitsofGoingforDeepTissueMassage • Whether youare an athlete or arein a physicallydemandingprofession,you maybenefit a lot from a deep tissue massage.Deep tissue massageis all a... • Howdoes ShakeologyWork? • Takethe powerful steroid to gain theperfect musclemass • Role ofHGH in RetainingHealth • Whether youare an athlete orarein a physicallydemandingprofession,you maybenefit a lot from a deep tissue massage.Deep tissue massageis all about manipulatingthe deeper layers of tissue inyour body, includingthe tissues that makeup the joints andmuscles.Itworksgreat to relievepsychological andphysical stress, which ensures thatyou can liveamorefulfillingand healthylife. • TreatChronicPain • Whilethere aremanybenefits associated with deep tissue massage,you can always switch to this massagetherapyto dealwith chronic pain. Manystudies have found that deep tissue massageis a anotheroption tto therapeuticmassage for treatingchronicback pain.Infact, peoplewith back pain arelikelyto notice asignificant improvement in pain within 10 days ofreceivingdeep tissue massage. Anotherstudypublishedin theScientificWorld Journal has shown that getting deep tissue massageworks much better thangettingaconventional massagewith NSAID painkillers to treatyour chronic symptoms. This shows thatyou should certainlytrythis massage technique ifyou arecurrentlyhavingtroublemanaging chronic pain. • Control BloodPressure • Anothergreat reason to go fordeep tissuemassageis that it helps manageyour blood pressurein amuch better way. Manystudies have confirmed that deep tissue massageleaves positive effects on diastolic and systolicblood pressure.Italso helps improvemean arterial blood pressure readings. Regularmassagetherapywould actuallyhelp people deal with hypertension in a much better way.It is important to ensurethatyou keepin touch withyour doctorand do not relyonly on deep tissue massageto controlyour blood pressure. • ManageStress andMuscle Tension • Oneof theprimaryreasons forpain is stress andmuscletension.It is quite common in athletes, but anyoneinvolved in physicallyand mentallydemandingwork mightend up developing muscletension. Actually,the thingis that whenyou are under stress, it increases inflammation in the body, which in turn leads to muscle tension and chronic pain.Italso affectsyour cardiovascularand immunesystems,and increasesyourrisk ofdevelopinghypertension and otherheart problems.
Deep tissue massageproves effectivein managingstress becausestudies have confirmed that it lowers cortisol levels in the body.It mayalso increaselevels of oxytocin, ahormoneresponsible forimprovingyour mood and makingit easierto sustain socialbonds. Moreover, thereis evidencesuggestingthatdeep tissue massagehelps dilateblood vessels, which controls blood pressure and reduces stress and anxiety. Some studies have also found thatthe massagetherapy maylower activityof the limbicsystem,which inturn regulates cortisol secretion. Thefact of thematteris that deep tissue massageis onegreat option foranyoneinterested in relievingstress and muscle tension. When done correctly, it also helps regulate blood pressure. So, besureto work witha certified massagetherapist to receive deep tissue massageand enjoy all amazingbenefits. Source: http://www.celebrityhealthinsider.com/top-3-benefits-of-going-for-deep-tissue-massage.html