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Did you know that it is possible to have a one day veneer fitted? In fact, millions of American has this procedure completed every year; providing an instant transformation...<br>
UNDERSTANDTHEPROCESS OF HAVING PORCELAINVENEERS FITTED Didyou know that it is possible to haveaonedayveneerfitted? Infact, millions of American has this procedure completedeveryyear; providingan instant transformation. The result, otherthan better lookingteeth, is thatyouwill feel a restored confidence. Beingprepared and happyto smileproperlywillmakeyou feel more comfortablein virtually anysituation. A porcelain veneercan makethis arealitywhich could beahugesteptowards makingyour dreams cometrue. Why Porcelain Veneers? Thesimplest reason to chooseporcelain is becauseit is verystrongandcanbe created in a hugerangeof shades; allowingit to perfectlymatchyour existingteeth orgiveyou the perfect whitesmileyou have always desired. Ofcourse, most peoplewho decide that veneersarethe best option forthem arelookingto address several issues with their teeth. This can includegaps, damaged teeth and discoloration. TheProcess ofPorcelain VeneerFitting There areseveral steps whichyou will need to follow beforeyou can haveyourporcelain veneers successfullyfitted: oHealthy Teeth & Gums Thefirst step is a visit to the dentist to confirm thatyour teeth andgums arehealthy.You will need enoughenamel onyour teeth to allow thedentist to scrapealittle away. You will also need to beable to talk about whytheprocedureis importanttoyou and necessary. Finally,you will need to be prepared tocommit to a good oralcareregime; lookingafteryour veneers is essential. It is worth notingthat veneers do not last forever;you will need to replacethem asyou age. oInitial Appointment Yourdentist will verifythe health ofyour teeth and gums inyour first appointment.If there areanyissues theywill be able to assistyou treatingthese first. Yourdentist will also wish to discuss whythis is important toyou and thatyou areawarethat veneersarepermanent. Oncetheyaresatisfied thatyouare agood candidate forporcelain veneerstheywill discuss the process, make an impression ofyour mouth and takeseveral X-rays ofyourteeth.
Preparation Thenext appointment will see your dentist removingapproximatelyhalfamillimeterof enamel fromeach tooth.This is thedepth of theveneerwhichyou will have fitted. Theywill then makeasecondaryimpression ofyourteeth; this will beusedto formyour custom fit porcelain veneers. Note:It is possibleto havealocalanestheticwhilethe enamel is scraped. It takes roughly4 weeksto makeporcelain veneers.It is possibleto havetemporaryveneers fitted in themean time; ifyou need them. oBonding Thefinal stage, oncetheveneersare ready, is to bond them toyour teeth. Yourdentist will placethem in position to confirm the fit and thenmayshavethem alittle to ensureit is perfect. Theshadeof cement used will also be chosento ensurethe veneermatchesyour otherteeth. You will then need to haveyour teeth cleaned, polished and roughed beforethe cement can be applied. Theveneer is then put into position. As soon asyouand the dentist arehappywith theposition aspecial light will be focusedon the porcelain veneers. This will activate the cement and bond theveneers veryquickly. You can thencheckyourbite and comfort. It is normal to return twoweeks later fora follow-up appointment; simplyto verifythe success of the treatment. Article Source: http://www.i-tipshealthylife.com/understand-the-process-of-having-porcelain-veneers-fitted/