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Nigerian Ammo Dump Photos: How Not to Solve a Dangerous Problem

Explore the aftermath of the Ikeja Military Cantonement explosions and the unconventional methods used to address the crisis. Witness the chaos, destruction, and the intriguing cleanup efforts in this immersive photo documentary.

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Nigerian Ammo Dump Photos: How Not to Solve a Dangerous Problem

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  1. NIGERIAN AMMO DUMP PHOTOS(or How Not to Solve a Dangerous Problem) For those not in the know - on 27 Jan 02 the Ikeja Military Cantonement, including a large ammo compound, experienced a series of huge explosions, probably started by fire in a nearby market. In the resultant carnage and ensuing panic hundreds were killed. The UK was asked for help and sent a recce team to survey the damage.


  3. A nice view from the Comdt’s window

  4. Conventional wisdom normally suggests that when you build an ammo compound, the storage buildings should be tougher than the surrounding trees.

  5. Some stray rounds were easier to find than others.

  6. And some seemed to make themselves quite comfortable in their new surroundings

  7. Hands up which ATO wants to deal with this one...

  8. One side effect of the disaster is the creation of a burgeoning bugle industry.

  9. Brings new meaning to picking up the brass...

  10. The quick solution to re-opening the route in. It goes without saying that most of these rounds’ contents are still on the road.

  11. Apparently the man who ran the compound also headed up the clean up. He has a real thing about big piles of ammo.

  12. The ATO on the spot When asked what the UK could do his answer was “Stand a lot further away”.

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