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GCdataPR: Publishing and Sharing Global Change Research Data

Explore challenges and solutions in publishing and sharing global change research data in developing countries. From principles to action, discover how data publishing can drive progress.

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GCdataPR: Publishing and Sharing Global Change Research Data

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  1. GCdataPR: Data Publishing and Sharing for Global Change Studies in Local Places Prof. LIU Chuang Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository Co-Chair of CODATA PASTD Data Publishing sub-group Professor of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences GEOXIII,St.Petersburg,7-10Nov.2016

  2. Content • Challenges and Solutions on Global Change Research Data in Developing Countries • GCdataPR: from Principles to Action • From Doing Locally, Thinking Globally to Doing Locally, Networking Globally • Conclusion

  3. 1 Challenges and Solutions on Global Change Research Data in Developing Countries 1.1 Challenges (1) – Statistics from the GEOSS Data CORE GEOSS Data Core records – 1,219,917 In which, 86% from OECD countries (1,043688)) 14% from the countries else (176,229) Source (13 April 2015): GEODAB

  4. 1 Challenges and Solutions on Global Change Research Data in Developing Countries 1.2 Challenges (2) – Statistics from Earth Science Journals > 250 Journals on Earth Science + >200 University Journals in China More than 30,000 research papers published on environment, earth sciences, ecology, agriculture, … each year in China Question 1: where is the dataset linked to the journal publications? Question 2: Why scientists prefer to publish paper instead of dataset? Question 3: Are there anyway to change it?

  5. 1 Challenges and Solutions on Global Change Research Data in Developing Countries 1.3 Challenges (3) – almost all of the global change studies in developing countries focuses on local, national, or regional scales, instead of global scale. WANG Qing,ZHAI Zhen.2016.The lower timberline dataset in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, China (1999-2009) ( LowerTimberlineMinjiang_1999-2009 ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2016.04.18.V1 ZHANG Kecun,ZHANG Hao,QU Jianjun,WANG Junzhan,AN Zhishan.2016.Aeolian sand mapping dataset in the three special sand-damaged sections along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway ( AeolianQinghaiTibetRailway ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2016.05.10.V1

  6. 1 Challenges and Solutions on Global Change Research Data in Developing Countries 1.2 Four issues for finding the solution • National security and private Information prohibition • Intellectual property protection • Data quality control • Data authors’ feedback • The Key Solution is by Data Publishing - Peer review and have an ID for each dataset

  7. 2. GCdataPR: from Principles to Action 2.1: GCdataPR’s focus Discoveries and Engineering products Data sharing system Data publishing Data products Data development

  8. 2.2: GCdataPR’s Key Value – peer review for the data quality control Pretend to play Yu In Qi dynasty, the King named Xuan enjoyed listening Yu, preferred 300 Yus together. A man named Nanguo pretended to play, Xuan approved him to join the team and pay him more. When Xuan died, new king named Min preferred one by one, Naguo escaped.

  9. 2.3 Data publishing and sharing principles and practices • Dataset Submission for Publishing • Data Quality Control • Peer Review • 10% Rule to Identify a Dataset as an Original • Data Long-term Preservation • Data Sharing • Data Services Statistics

  10. 2.4: GCdataPR’s Data Sharing Policy • Full and Open for free download for everyone • Free to be used by end users subject to citation • value added services users subject to written permission • 10% policy

  11. 2.5 Outreach: Enhancing the Joint Efforts on Data Sharing in Developing Countries We recognize that science has a central role in the development of the Information Society. Sharing research data not only provides fundamental resources for research, but can be an accelerator for the knowledge economy and to achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As we enter the big data era, data sharing in developing countries has become even more critical Every corner of the world should get benefit from the information society equally. I Suggest U.N. continue to pay more attention to and to call research communities, founding agencies, private sectors and all stakeholders to reduce the digital divide. -- LIU Chuang (2015), New York The President of the United Nations General Assembly's Informal Interactive Consultations on WSIS+10, ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 2 July 2015

  12. 2.6 Product: www.geodoi.ac.cn

  13. Not only research dataset products, but the data encyclopedia Cases 1: Amur River Basin: how large? Area:1,855,000 km2 (from wiki) Area:1,843,000 km2 (from Badu) Area:2,082,251.58 km2 (from GCdataPR)

  14. Cases 2: Alan Islands: how many? Number: 6,500 sherries and islands  (from wiki) Number: 6,500small islands (from Badu) Number: 13,161(area>7m2) , 6450 (area>2500 m2) (from GCdataPR)

  15. Cases 3: Lake Nakulu: When changes? The water of the Lake Nakuru changed from 1758-1790 meters above sea level from 1976-2015, area of the Lake Nakuru was 40.58 km2 in 1976, 56.06km2 in 2013, and 53.98km in 2015, Lawrence Nderu LIU Chuang Mabel Imbaga Waweru Mwangi Mika Odido Willis Owino …. DOI:10.3974/geodb.2015.02.13.V1 Published: Dec. 2015

  16. 3. From Doing Locally, Thinking Globally to Doing Locally, Networking Globally • 3.1 Networking dataset to DOI Dataset with ID Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) , Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1 ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,

  17. 3.2 Networking dataset to data paper and DOI Data paper Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1

  18. 3.3 Networking dataset to data paper, discovery publications and DOI Discovery Data paper Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 1-9. Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1

  19. 3.4 Networking dataset to data paper, discovery publications, DOI and DCI Discovery Data paper Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 1-9. Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 Data Citation Index ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1

  20. 3.5 Networking dataset to data paper, discovery publications, DOI, DCI and ResearcherID Discovery Data paper Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 1-9. Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 Data Citation Index ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1

  21. 3.6 Networking dataset to data paper, discovery publications, DOI, DCI and ResearcherID Discovery Data paper Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 1-9. Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 Data Citation Index ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1

  22. 3.7 Doing locally, networking globally: innovative way to go - New Journal Discovery Data paper Zhang Yili, Li Bingyuan, Zheng Du. A discussion on the boundary and area of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 1-9. Dataset ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, DOI: 10.11821/dlxb2014S012 Data Citation Index ZHANG Yili,LI Bingyu,ZHENG Du.2014.Datasets of the Boundary and Area of the Tibetan Plateau ( DBATP ) ,Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository,DOI:10.3974/geodb.2014.01.12.V1 SCI

  23. 4. Conclusion • Peer Review Data Publishing is the most advantage way to encourage scientists to be evolved in full and open research data. • Networking the local dataset into a global IP protection network, database network and researcher personals network are very important for benefit both local studies as well as global change studies in any scales. • GCdataPR is part of the global data publishing, repository and sharing infrastructure in the world, especially for the developing countries.

  24. Thank You !

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