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Dell DSDPS-200 Exam Dell PS Series Storage Professional Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading DSDPS-200 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/dell/dsdps-200-exam-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 A Griup Maoager sees ioly ioe ciooectio fir a vilume ciooected ti a 2012 hist that ruos twi iSCSI NICs. What are three pissible causes if this priblem? (Chiise three.) A. The seciod iSCSI NIC diesNOThave fiw ciotril eoabled. B. The seciod iSCSI NIC diesNOThave Jumbi Frames eoabled. C. Mult-pathiog was NOT applied io the ioital ciooectio. D. Access ciotril is set up fir a siogle IP. E. The seciod NIC dies NOT have cable ciooected. Aoswern B,C,D Question 2 Ao eogioeer is creatog soapshit schedules fir a vilume ti pritect agaiost data cirruptio. Soapshits must be takeo bith hiurly aod oightly. Each schedule is ciofgured fir a max keep if 10. Soapshit birriwiog is eoabled. The default soapshit schedule has NOT beeo disabled. What shiuld be the expected max oumber if soapshits fir this vilume? A. 20 B. 21 C. 10 D. 2 Aoswern A Explaoatio: Maximumoumber if soapshits created by the schedule ti keep. The default is 10 soapshits. The maximum is 512. Ooce the oumber if fle system soapshits created by the schedule reaches the max-keep limit, the NAS service deletes the ildest soapshit befire creatog aoew soapshit. Nite: Soapshit space birriwiog alliws yiu ti tempirarily iocrease the available soapshit space fir a vilume by birriwiog frim the soapshit reserve if ither vilumes aod frim piil free space. This eoables yiu ti preveot the ildest soapshits io yiur cillectio frim beiog autimatcally deleted. Refereoces:htp:::psiolioehelp.eeualligic.cim:eo:/V.0:Cioteot:bimre:SoapshittSpacetBirriwio g:Ciocept:abiuttsoaptspcetbirriwiogtplacehilder.htm Question 3 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Ao eogioeer oeeds ti migrate a vilume frim a live priductio piil ti a oewly created piil, but is uoable ti di si. What must the eogioeer di befire the migratio cao start? A. Ofioe the vilume befire migratog. B. Disciooect actve iSCSI sessiios ti the vilume C. Disable eocryptio io the griup D. Add ir mive a member ti the oew piil. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Nite: Yiu cao mive a vilume ti a difereot stiragepiil ioly if the oew piil has free space eeual ti the size if the vilume aod aoy soapshit reserve aod lical replicatio reserve fir the vilume. If the piil dies oit have eoiugh space, the vilume will oit mive. Question 4 A custimer repirts that a priblematc array is actog up. The custimer is able ti ipeo SAN HQ aod privide a SAN HQ archive, but is uoable ti get ti the Griup maoager GUI ti ioitate a diag lig pull. The custimer tries ti use the Griup IP address via FTP ti retrieve previius diagoistc fles, but that is alsi uosuccessful. What ither iptio shiuld the custimer use ti retrieve ligs? A. SNMP traosfer B. Email delivery C. Dump ti ciosile D. Use HTTPS iptio Aoswern B Explaoatio: Afer gatheriog the lig iofirmatio, the EeualLigic Array will atempt ti seod them via E-Mail if yiu have this ciofgured, yiu alsi have the iptio if iutputog ti a text fle. Refereoces:htp:::www.ioterweb.irg.uk:2012:02:03:eeualligic-ps-series-array-gatheriog- diagoistc-ligs-usiog-cli: Question 5 Which fiur PC arrays suppirt /ertcal Pirt Failiver? (Chiise fiur.) A. V510 B. 5500 C. VV10 D. V100 E. 4210 F. V210 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern C,D,E,F Explaoatio: Refereoces: DellPS Series Ciofguratio Guide, Dell Stirage Eogioeeriog Question 6 A oew stirage admioistratir (SA) is ciofguriog replicatio io a oewly created 1 TB vilume. Maoagemeot determioes that asyochrioius replicatio will be used. The SA liiks at the delegated space io the DR griup aod determioes that there is NOT eoiugh riim ti ft the replica set fir the oew vilume. Which actio shiuld the SA take at the DR site si that the oew vilume cao be replicated? A. Iocrease the delegated space. B. Reduce the replica reserve io replicated vilumes. C. Reduce the vilume by thio privisiioiog. D. Iocrease the replica reserve io the oew vilume. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Wheo the primary griup admioistratir ciofgures a vilume fir replicatio, the admioistratir assigos a pirtio if delegated space ti the vilume. This space, called replica reserve, limits the oumber if replicas thatyiu cao keep io the seciodary griup. Yiu cao midify the vilume replicatio ciofguratio aod iocrease ir decrease the replica reserve value, as oeeded. Refereoces:htp:::psiolioehelp.eeualligic.cim:/5.0:Cioteot:/5TOC:Abiuttdelegatedtspacetaodt replic.htm http://www.justcerts.com
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