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Mastering Subject and Object Pronouns in English

Learn the fundamental concept of subject and object pronouns in English. Explore examples and practice sentences to enhance your understanding. Improve your English language skills efficiently.

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Mastering Subject and Object Pronouns in English

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  1. Subjectand Object Pronouns(Zamirler) PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri)

  2. SubjectandObjectPronouns(Zamirler) İngilizce'de ilk olarak öğrenilmesi gereken temel kelimeler zamirlerdir. Bu kelimeler Türkçe'de olduğu gibi isimlerini yerine kullanılır ve "zamir" diye adlandırılır. Doğadaki her bir nesnenin mutlaka bu zamirler tarafından bir karşılığı vardır. Cümlenin "öznesi" konumunda başta bulunurlar ve cümle içinde başka bir görevleri yoktur, yerleri asla değiştirilemez.

  3. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) SUBJECT PRONOUNS • Zamirler, cümle içinde konuşulan kişinin kim olduğu belli olduğu durumlarda, ismi tekrarlamamak için de kullanılır.

  4. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) SUBJECT PRONOUNS • Aşağıdakiörneklerde, cümleiçindekiisminyerinialanşahıszamirleriniinceleyiniz. • John (He)Mary (She)John and Mary (They)John, Mary and me (We)My dog (It)My dog and cat (They)My dog, cat and you (You)My dog, cat and me (We)You and Joe (You)Joe and Michelle (They)

  5. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler)

  6. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) SUBJECT PRONOUNS • Bu konuşmadageçenöznevenesnezamirlerinebakınız. A:I saw Sheila yesterday, but she didn't see me.B: Are you going to see her tomorrow?A:   No, I 'm meeting Steve. We are playing golf.B:You're bothe beginners! It isn't an easy game. I played it last year and I was terrible!A:   Why don't you come with us? We can help you.B:I would like to play with you both tomorrow, but my brother is leaving in the afternoon. He is catching the two o'clock train, and we're taking him to the station. He's spending a month with our aunt and uncle. They live in Scothand. I stayed with them last year. • We use it for things and for the weather, time, days, dates, distances, and for animals:(Itzamirinieşya, hava, saat, gün, tarih, uzaklık, vehayvanlariçinkullanırız.) 

  7. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • PRACTICE(PRATİK) • A- Write these sentences using subject and object pronouns instead of the underlined words.0-John and I saw Peter yesterday. He bought John and mea cup of coffee.  (We - us)1-David and Mike are arriving today. I'm meeting David and Mike at the station.2- I'm looking for Mary. Have you seenMary? Mary isn't at home.3-John and I saw a film called 'The Tiger' yesterday. Have you seen 'The Tiger' ?4- Come to the swimming pool with Joanna and me . Joanna and I are leaving now.5-George and Jane are meeting Paul today. Paul is having lunch with George and Jane.6- There's Jack! Jack's got a heavy suitcase. Shall we help Jack? is having lunch with George and Jane.

  8. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler)

  9. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) SUBJECT PRONOUNS • Alıştıma 2 • 1Do youlike……….job? • 2I met Mr. Black I haven't met……….  wife yet. • 3My father is an accountant…………  works in a bank. • 4Thank you for…….. letter. It was good to hear from you again. • 5We'll invite all …………. friends to the party. • 6Do you think that most people like…………  jobs? • 7Put on………  coat if you want to go out………..  is very cold today. • 8She's going to wash………….  hands before the meal. • 9He lives with……….  parents in a small flat. • 10I like Mary……..  is really nice. But I don't like………. brother Jack

  10. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) OBJECT PRONOUNS • Özne zamirlerine karşılık gelen nesne zamirleri (objectpronouns) tabloda gösterilmiştir. • Subjectpronoun          Object pronoun • I                                              me • youyou • he                                           him • she                                         her • it                                            it • we                                          us • youyou • theythem

  11. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • Object pronouns (nesne şahıs zamirleri) cümlede fiillerin ve edatların (with, at, of, about, to, without gibi) nesnesi olarak kullanılır.

  12. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • 1. Pronouns (Zamirler) isimlerin yerine geçerler. Object Pronouns (Nesne Zamirleri) nesne olarak kullanılan isimlerin yerine geçerler.Peter gaveMary a presentfor her birthday.Peter gaveher a presentfor her birthday.Wewatchedactionfilmsyesterday.Wewatchedthemyesterday.

  13. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • 2. Object Pronuns (Nesne zamirleri) fiillerden sonra gelir.Theysolvedit.Westudiedthem.I knowher.Shelovesme.3.Object Pronouns (Nesne Zamirleri) edatlardan sonra da gelebilirler.I listenedtoit.Comewithme.I talkedabouther.

  14. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • EXAMPLES (ÖRNEK CÜMLELER) • Steve kickedtheballtome. (Steve topu bana çekti.)Douglas wantsto talk toyou. (Douglas seninle konuşmak istiyor.)Lizdoesn'tlikehim. (Lizonu sevmez.)John kissedher. (John onu öptü.)Giveitto me please! (Lütfen, onu bana ver!)Thepoliticianliedtous (Politikacı bize yalan söyledi.)Mary didn'tinvitethem. (Mary onları davet etmedi.)

  15. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • The Object Pronoun - it • Be careful when using'it'as an object pronoun because it is only in the correct context that it has meaning. It needs to have already been mentioned or obvious to the listener what you are referring to. Compare; • You are sitting on it! (The listener probably doesn't know what the speaker refers to). • The letter is on the sofa. You are sitting on it! (It is obvious in the second sentence that the reference is to the letter)

  16. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • Tips • 1 - When there are multiple subjects or objects, reduce the sentence to only the pronoun. Example:" Steve, Bill, and (I, me) went to the park."If we remove Steve and Bill, the sentence would be: (I, me) went to the park."I went to the park" sounds a lot better than "Me went to the park."Answer:"Steve, Bill, and I went to the park." • 2 - If you are not sure, turn the sentence around.Example:"The best player on the team is (he, him)."Try this: (He, Him) is the best player on the team.Answer:"He is the best player on the team." • 3 - Use an object pronoun after a preposition.Example:"The money will be divided between you and (I, me)."After the preposition "between" we need an object pronoun.Answer: "The money will be divided between you and me."

  17. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • The seven basic pronouns take on different forms when used as object pronouns rather than as subject pronouns: • I becomes Me • You becomes You (tnis rule applies for singular and plural use) • He becomes Him • She becomes Her • It becomes It • We becomes Us • They becomes Them

  18. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • OBJECT PRONOUNS • Bob took her to work Monday. • Willyou please tell them to come in? • He told you a lie about where he was Saturday. • Our grandparents gaveus candy and our teeth are just fine.

  19. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler) • Object Pronouns Exercises • Mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework. • Him • Her • You • Them • The plate shattered when John dropped __________ on the floor. • Him • Her • Them • It • Be careful; he lied to __________ before and he may do it again. • Us • It • We • They • Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite __________? • Us • Them • They • Her

  20. Subjectand ObjectPronouns(Zamirler)TheDifferenceBetweenSubjectand Object Pronounce(ARASINDAKİ FARKLAR)

  21. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları)

  22. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Türkçe’de de karşılığı olan bu sözcükler için ilk dikkat etmeniz gereken kural iyelik sıfatlarından sonra mutlaka bir isim kullanılması gerektiğidir. Çünkü Possessiveadjective cümlede anlam olarak ilgili nesnenin kime ait olduğunu ifade etmektedir.

  23. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership.

  24. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • İyelik zamirleri ismin kime ait olduğunu belirterek, şahıs zamirlerine ait alt öğeleri yani nesneleri anlatmak için kullanılır. Ayrıca aidiyet, sahip olma bildirirler ve İngilizcede zamir (pronoun) sayısı kadar iyelik sıfatı vardır.

  25. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • İyelik zamirleri asla tek başına kullanılamaz. Kendilerinden sonra mutlaka bir isim gelmesi gerekir. Yani iyelik sıfatları bir isimle birlikte kullanılırlar ve isimden önce gelerek ismi nitelerler. • En çok aşina olduğumuz cümlelerle bu duruma bir örnek verelim. • A :What is your name ?B:My name is Sue. • Bu örnekte, “your” ve “my” kelimeleri öncesinde geldikleri ismin (name) kime ait olduğu bilgisini verdi.

  26. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Bu konuyla ilgili de en çok yapılan hataların başında Türkçe düşünerek cümle yazmak veya söylemek gelir. Aşağıdaki örneği incelerseniz durum netleşecektir. • Türkçe düşünerek İngilizce konuşmaya çalışan birisi şöyle bir cümle kurabilir. • A: Hey, thispen is my. (Hey, bu kalem benim.) YANLIŞ ! • Görüldüğü gibi, myTürkçe'de benim olmak anlamına gelse de, cümle içinde bu şekilde kullanılamaz. Mutlaka sonrasında bir isim gelmek zorundadır.

  27. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları)  İyelik sıfatları ister tekil olsunlar, ister çoğul olsunlar önemli olan iyelik sıfatından sonra kullanılan isimdir. Bu isim tekilse sıfat tamlaması tekil işlemi görür. İsim çoğulsa bu sıfat tamlaması çoğul işlemi görür. • - My book is blue. (Benim kitabım mavidir.)- My booksareblue (Benim kitaplarım mavidirler.) • - Ourteacher is good. (Bizim öğretmenimiz iyidir.)- Ourteachersaregood. (Bizim öğretmenlerimiz iyidir.)

  28. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Things to remember: • 1. Possessive adjectives are different from possessive pronouns. • This is your (possessive adjective) book and this is mine (possessive pronoun). • 2. its, their are possessive adjectives. • Its color is beautiful. • Their car is in their garage. • 3. it's, they're and there are not possessive adjectives — its is a contraction of it is or it has; they're is a contraction of they are; there is an adverb of place. • It's not my book = It is not my book. • My house is big. It's got five bedrooms = It has got five bedrooms. • Nancy and Alan are from New York. They're my friends = They are my friends. • Please, put the chair there. (adverb)

  29. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • EXAMPLES (ÖRNEKLER) • Hisschool (onun okulu) • Hisgirlfriend (onun kız arkadaşı) • Her car (onun arabası) • Herhouse (onun evi) • Yourmother (senin annen) • Yourmistake (senin hatan) • Ourfamily (bizim ailemiz) • Ourlivingroom (bizim oturma odamız)

  30. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Examples(örnekler) • My car is very old. • Her boyfriend is very friendly. • Our dog is black. • Their homework is on the table. • Like all adjectives in English, they are always located directly in front of the noun they refer to. (Possessive Adjective + Noun) • We do not include an S to the adjective when the noun is plural like in many other languages. • Examples: • Our cars are expensive. (Correct)Ours cars are expensive. (Incorrect) • However, the verb that is used needs to be in agreement with the noun - if the noun is singular then the verb is singular; if the noun is plural then the verb is plural.

  31. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is possessed. • Examples • My car is very old. • Her boyfriend is very friendly. • Our dog is black. • Their homework is on the table. • Like all adjectives in English, they are always located directly in front of the noun they refer to. (Possessive Adjective + Noun) • We do not include an S to the adjective when the noun is plural like in many other languages.

  32. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • Examples: • My penis black. (Singular)My pensare black. (Plural) • Our child is intelligent. (Singular)Our children are intelligent. (Plural) • Examples: • Our cars are expensive. (Correct)Ours cars are expensive. (Incorrect) • However, the verb that is used needs to be in agreement with the noun - if the noun is singular then the verb is singular; if the noun is plural then the verb is plural.

  33. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • PossesiveAdjectivesExercises • 1I'm a student and __________ name is Sue. • 2This is my cat. __________name is Pip. • 3Here is Sally with __________mum. • 4Look at Tom with __________new computer. • 5My brother is 12. __________name is Richard. • 6This is my school. __________name is Rainbow. • 7I live with my parents and this is __________ house. • 8Is this __________pen? Yes, it is my pen. • 9Is this __________car? Yes, it's their car. • 10This is my hamster. __________name is Cool. • 11Mark is on holidays with _________parents. • 12This is my sister. It?s__________birthday. • 13What?s __________name? George. • 14This is my fish. __________name?sSleepy. • 15__________name is Sandra. I?m a manager.

  34. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • PossesiveAdjectivesExercises • 1Emily loves archery; it's __________ favorite hobby. • 2Lee enjoys basketball; it's __________favorite pastime. • 3Samantha loves cooking. The kitchen is__________favorite place! • 4I'm Kim. I love dancing. It's __________favorite hobby. • 5Ariel's favorite hobby is exercising. She loves __________treadmill! • 6Tommy likes fishing. It's one of __________ favorite pastimes. • 7My sister, Chloe, loves gardening. It's one of __________ hobbies. • 8I asked my friend Jimmy: "Is hiking _________favorite hobby? It doesn't look so fun to me! It's hard work!" • 9I prefer ice skating! I love it! It's __________ hobby!" • 10My aunt loves to make jewelry. It's __________hobby.

  35. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) • PossesiveAdjectivesExercises • 1. I've got a house…………… house is very big. • 2. She's got a cat. …………… cat is black. • 3. They've got a big house…………….house is very beautiful. • 4. We've got some work………… work is very important. • 5. -What is ……..name? -I'm Tuğçe. • 6. Levent has been working for two months……….. job is very good. • 7. You work with Oğuz, don't you? Do you like………………. job? • 8. Is Ahmet……………husband? You are very lucky. • 9. Don't you know my brother? He always brings…………….car here. • 10. I can't find…………………glasses. Have you seen my glasses? • 11. Ayşe lives very close to here………………….house is on the corner. • 12. The workers work a lot, but……………….salaries are low. • 13. The children washed………………………faces and went to bed. • 14. Can I use the computer? I will check………….e-mails.

  36. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) PossesiveAdjectivesExercises • 1. He missed………….sister. • 2. Ali loves………….wife so much. • 3. Aylin wants to change…………..shoes. They are small. • 4. Yeşim has red hair and…………….hair is very shiny. • 5. We live in a big house. You can stay at……….house. • 6. This is Ayşe………..father works here………parents are very friendly. They are…..........neighbours.

  37. PossesiveAdjectives(İyelik sıfatları) PossesiveAdjectivesExercises 1No problem! We can help you with _____ homework. A. Your B. You C. We D. I E. She  2. Dave lives in Germany, but _____ brothers live in France. A. We B. Her C. He D. His E. They 3. Amy watches _____ favouriteprogramme on TV. A. Me B. His C. Her D. She E. He 4. My friends and I like _____ new classroom. A. Our B. They C. Their D. I E. He 5. The house is big, but _____ windows are small. A. His B. It C. Her D. She E. Its

  38. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri)

  39. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • Possesivepronouns, bir ismin yerine geçer ve nesnenin kime ait olduğunu gösterir. Başka bir deyişle aitlik sıfatı (possessiveadjective) ile belirtilen tamlamaların yerine geçer.

  40. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • İngilizce öğrenme sürecinde olan herkesin mutlaka bilmesi gereken konulardan biri olan Pronouns yani zamirler, Türkçe’de olduğu gibi bir isim grubunun yerine kullanılan sözcükler olarak bilinir.

  41. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence, making the subject a person or a thing. Possessive pronouns are pronouns that demonstrate ownership, showing that something belongs to a particular someone. Like other pronouns, they're great for brevity and for avoiding repetition.

  42. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossesivePronouns: Used in Sentences • Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours. These are all words that demonstrate ownership. If the book belongs to me, then it is mine. If the book belongs to her, then it is hers. • A great way to understand this part of speech is to see them in action. Here are some basic examples of possessive pronouns used in sentences:

  43. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossessivePronouns •   ● PossessivePronouns – İyelik Zamirleri : İyelik sıfatları ile hemen hemen aynı anlamda kullanılan İngilizce iyelik zamirlerinin en temel farkı kendinden sonra bir isim kullanılmaz. Çünkü bahsedilen nesnenin cümle içinde zaten kime ait olduğu bilinir.

  44. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossesivePronouns • PossessivePronouns- İngilizce iyelik zamirlerini tanıyalım • Mine...….Benimki • Yours…..Seninki (2. Tekil şahıs) • His………Onunki (eril) • Hers…….Onunki (dişil) • Its……….Onunki (cansız varlıklar ve hayvanlar) • Ours……Bizimki • Yours….Sizinki (2. Çoğul şahıs) • Theirs….Onlarınki

  45. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • Bu konuyu anlamak için diğer pronouns halleri hakkında da en azından bir miktar bilgi sahibi olmanız gerekmektedir. Aksi taktirde PossessivePronouns kullanılan cümleleri anlamakta zorluk çekebilirsiniz. O halde birlikte diğer İngilizce zamir konularına da kısaca göz atalım.

  46. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossesivePronouns We can use a possessivepronouninstead of a nounphrase

  47. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • TheDifferenceBetweenSubjectandPossesivePronouns(ARASINDAKİ FARKLAR)

  48. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossesivePronounsexample • The kids are yours and mine. • The house is theirs and its paint is flaking. • The money was really theirs for the taking. • We shall finally have what is rightfully ours. • Their mother gets along well with yours. • What's mine is yours, my friend. • The dog is mine. • The cat is yours. • The ring is hers. • The bag is theirs.

  49. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossesivePronounsexample The following sets of sentences illustrate how possessive pronouns provide clarity. Possessive pronoun examples are italicized. • This is my cat, not your cat. (Sounds repetitive) • This cat is mine, not yours. • I didn’t have my bookso Jenny lent me her book. (Sounds repetitive) • I didn’t have my book, so Jenny lent me hers. • Your car is a lot faster than my car. (Sounds repetitive) • Your car is a lot faster than mine.

  50. PossesivePronouns(İyelik Zamirleri) • PossessivePronounsExamples(Örnekler) • ● Your car is fasterthan mineSenin araban benimkinden hızlı • ● My house is verybeautiful, whataboutyours?Benim evim çok güzel, peki ya seninkiler? • ● My lessonandyourswere not boringBenim dersim ve seninki sıkıcı değil • ● This is mine andthat is hersBu benimki ve şu onunki • ● OurhousesmallerthantheirsBizim evimiz onlarınkinden küçük • ● My bag is lighterthan hisBenim çantam onunkinden hafif • ● ThistelevisionmoreexpensivethanoursBu televizyon bizimkinden daha pahalı

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