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Many people think of health insurance as something you use when you are sick, but it is much more than that. Most people cannot afford to pay the high cost of health care on their own. That is where health insurance comes in. You pay a premium each month, and your insurer pays for a portion of the covered medical costs. The insurer may be able to negotiate better rates from the doctors and hospitals. So instead of paying hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket costs for a doctor visit, or thousands for a surgery, you pay a lesser amount depending on your plan. Get insured your whole family by exploring the family health plan york and if you want to know more then please visit here https://www.capbluecross.com/wps/portal/cap/home/shop/individual
Why Do You Need Health Insurance? With the affordable Care Act mandating that most Americans purchase health insurance, some people especially those who are young or healthy – are questioning why they need coverage at all. Most consumers want and value health insurance, but they can't afford the coverage or have been shut out from the marketplace because they have pre-existing medical conditions. Consider these factors when deciding whether to buy health insurance. Without coverage: You may need to pay a penalty. You risk financial ruin. You won't have access to preventive care and primary care. You may have trouble getting follow-up care. You may miss out on options to offset coverage costs. You may need to wait to get coverage. Source: health.usnews.com w w w . c a p b l u e c r o s s . c o m