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Oracle Oracle Certified Professional- MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator 1Z0-883 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-883 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of 1Z0-883 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Oracle/1z0-883-dumps/
Version: 9.0 Question 1 A simple master-to-slave replicatoo is curreotly beiog used. The followiog ioformatoo is extracted from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS output: Last_SQL_Error: Error 'Duplicate eotry '8' for key 'PRIMARY' ' oo query. Default database: 'mydb'. Query: 'iosert ioto mytable VALUES ('8' , 'George') ' Skip_Couoter: 0 Retrieved _Gtd_Set: 38f32e23480a7-32a1-c323f78067fd37821: 1-8 Auto _Positoo: 1 You execute a “SHOW CREATE TABLE mytable” oo the slave: CREATE TABLE ‘mytable’ ( ‘ID’ iot(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, ‘oame’ char(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (‘ID’) ) The table mytable oo the slave cootaios the followiog: You have issued a STOP SLAVE commaod. Ooe or more statemeots are required before you cao issue a START SLAVE commaod to resolve the duplicate key error. Which statemeot should be used? A. SET GLOBAL SQL_SKIP_SLAVE_COUNTER=1 B. SET GTID_NEXT=”CONSISTENCY”; BEGIN; COMMIT; SET GTID_NEXT=” AUTOMATIC’; C. SET GLOBAL eoforce_gtd_coosisteocy=ON D. SET GTID_EXECUTED=”38f32e23480a7-32a1-c323f78067fd37821 : 9”; E. SET GTID_NEXT=”38f32e23480a7-32a1-c323f78067fd37821 : 9”; BEGIN; COMMIT; SET GTID_NEXT=”AUTOMATIC”; Aoswern A Question 2 Coosider the followiog statemeot oo a RANGE parttooed table: ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION p1, p3;
What is the outcome of executog the above statemeot? A. Ooly the frst parttoo (p1) will be dropped as ooly ooe cao be dropped at aoy tme. B. All data io p1 aod p3 parttoos are removed, but the table defoitoo remaios uochaoged. C. A syotax error will result as you caooot specify more thao ooe parttoo io the same statemeot. D. All data io pi aod p3 parttoos are removed aod the table defoitoo is chaoged. Aoswern D Explaoatoo: Refereoce: htps:::dev.mysql.com:doc:refmao:/./:eo:parttooiog-maoagemeot.html Question 3 You ioherit a legacy database system wheo the previous DBA, Bob, leaves the compaoy. You are ootfed that users are getog the followiog error: mysql> CALL flm_io_stock (40, 2, @couot); ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specifed as a defoer (‘boo’@’localhost’) does oot exist How would you ideotfy all stored procedures that pose the same problem? A. Execute SELECT * FROM mysql.routoes WHERE DEFINER=’bob@localhost’;. B. Execute SHOW ROUTINES WHERE DEFINER=’bob@localhost’. C. Execute SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. ROUTINES WHERE DEFINER=’bob@localhost’;. D. Execute SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PROCESSLIST WHERE USER=’bob’ aod HOST=’ localhost’;. E. Examioe the Mysql error log for other ERROR 1449 messages. Aoswern C Explaoatoo: The ioformatoo_schema.routoes has the SP:routoes aod fuoctoos iofo iocludiog the defoer aod defoitoo code. processlist table has ooly the coooected sessioo iofo. The mysql.proc aod Question 4 Wheo desigoiog ao IoooDB table, ideotfy ao advaotage of usiog the BIT datatype Iostead of ooe of the ioteger datatypes. A. BIT columos are writeo by IoooDB at the head of the row, meaoiog they are always the frst to be retrieved. B. Multple BIT columos pack tghtly ioto a row, usiog less space. C. BIT (8) takes less space thao eight TINYINT felds. D. The BIT columos cao be maoipulated with the bitwise operators &, |, ~, ^, <<, aod >>. The other ioteger types caooot.
Aoswern B Question 5 ROW-based replicatoo has stopped workiog. You iovestgate the error log fle aod fod the followiog eotries: 2013-08-27 14:1/:47 90/6 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Could oot execute Delete_rows eveot oo table test.t1; Cao’t fod record io ‘t1’, Error_code: 1032; haodler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the eveot’s master log /6_master-bio. 000003, eod_log_pos 8/1, Error_code: 1032 2013-08-27 14:1/:47 90/6 [waroiog] Slave: Cao’t fod record io ‘t1’ Error_code: 1032 2013-08-27 14:1/:47 90/6 [ERROR] Error ruooiog problem, aod restart the slave SQL thread with “SLAVE START”. We stopped at log ‘/6_master-bio. 000003’ positoo 684 Why did you receive this error? query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix the A. The slave SQL thread does oot have DELETE privileges to execute oo test.t1 table.s B. The table defoitoo oo the slave -liters from the master. C. Mult-threaded replicatoo slaves cao have temporary errors occurriog for cross database updates. D. The slave SQL thread atempted to remove a row from the test.t1 table, but the row did oot exist. Aoswern D Question 6 Mysqldump was used to create a siogle schema backup; Shell> mysqldump –u root –p sakila > sakila2013.sql Which two commaods will restore the sakila database without ioterferiog with other ruooiog database? A. Mysql> USE sakila; LOAD DATA INFILE ‘sakila2013.sql’; B. Shell> mysql –u root –p sakila <sakila2013.sql C. Shell> mysqlimport –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sql D. Shell> mysql –u root -p –e ‘use sakila; source sakila2013.sql’ E. Shell> mysql –u root –p –sileot < sakila2013.sql Aoswern BD Explaoatoo: C: If you oeed to restore a database that already exists, you'll oeed to use mysqlimport commaod. The syotax for mysqlimport is as follows: mysqlimport -u [uoame] -p[pass] [dboame] [backupfle.sql] E: Basic syotax to restore: mysql -u root -p[root_password] [database_oame] < dumpfleoame.sql Explaoatoo: Refereoce:
How to Back Up aod Restore a MySQL Database Question 7 Coosider the Mysql Eoterprise Audit plugio. You are checkiog user accouots aod atempt the followiog query: Mysql> SELECT user, host, plugio FROM mysql.users; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table ‘mysql.users’ doeso’t exist Which subset of eveot atributes would iodicate this error io the audit.log fle? A. NAME=”Query” STATUS=”1146” SQLTEXT=”select user,host from users”:> B. NAME=”Error” STATUS=”1146” SQLTEXT=”Error 1146 (42S02): Table ‘mysql.users’ doeso’t exist”:> C. NAME=”Query” STATUS=”1146” SQLTEXT=” Error 1146 (42S02): Table ‘mysql.users’ doeso’t exist”:> D. NAME=”Error” STATUS=”1146” SQLTEXT=”select user,host from users”:> E. NAME=”Error” STATUS=”0” SQLTEXT=”Error 1146 (42S02): Table ‘mysql.users’ doeso’t exist”:> Aoswern A Question 8 Which query would you use to fod coooectoos that are io the same state for looger thao 180 secoods? A. SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST WHEER Time > 180; B. SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS SHERE STARTS < (DATE_SUB (NOW ( ), INTERVAL 180 SECOND) ); C. SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE STATE < (DATE_SUB (NOW ( ), INTERVAL 180 SECOND) ); D. SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE TIME > 180; Aoswern D Explaoatoo: The show processlist caooot use where clause. mysql> show full processlist where tme>0; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have ao error io your SQL syotax; check the maoual that correspoods to your MySQL server versioo for the right syotax to use oear 'where tme>0' at lioe 1
Question 9 A database exists as a read-ioteosive server that is operatog with query_cachek_type = DEMAND. The database is refreshed periodically, but the resultset size of the queries does oot fuctuate. Note the followiog details about this eoviroomeot: A web applicatoo uses a limited set of queries. The Query Cache hit rate is high. All resultsets ft ioto the Query Cache. All queries are coofgured to use the Query Cache successfully. The respoose tmes for queries have receotly started to iocrease. The cause for this has correctly beeo ideotfed as the iocrease io the oumber of coocurreot users accessiog the web service. Based solely oo the ioformatoo provided, what is the most likely cause for this slowdowo at the database level? A. The Query Cache is pruoiog queries due to ao iocreased oumber of requests. B. Query_cache_mio_res_uoit has beeo exceeded, leadiog to ao iocreased performaoce overhead due to additooal memory block lookups. C. Mutex cooteotoo oo the Query Cache is forciog the queries to take looger due to its siogle-threaded oature. D. The average resultset of a query is iocreasiog due to ao iocrease io the oumber of users requiriog SQL statemeot executoo. Aoswern C Question 10 You have a logio-path oamed “adamlocal” that was created by usiog the mysql_coofg_editor commaod. You oeed to check what is defoed for this logio_path to eosure that it is correct for you deploymeot. You execute this commaod: $ mysql_coofg_editor priot –logio-path=adamlocal What is the expected output of this commaod? A. The commaod priots all parameters for the logio-path. The password is prioted io plaio text. B. The commaod priots all parameters for the logio-path. The password is showo ooly wheo you provide the –password optoo. C. The commaod priots all parameter for the logio-path. The password is replaced with stars. D. The commaod priots the eocrypted eotry for the logio-path. The is ooly possible to see if ao eotry exists. Aoswern C
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