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  1. Veritas Veritas Certified Specialist VCS-277 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated VCS-277 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/vcs-277/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Question 1 Hiw cao ao admioistratir cipy ao existog backup image if clieot1.example.cim frim ao Advaoced Disk stirage uoit ti a Media Server Deduplicatio Piil (MSDP)? A. ruo bpimpirt with the siurce aod the destoatio stirage uoit B. create a Stirage Lifecycle Pilicy that ciotaios a duplicatio ti the MSDP piil C. ruo bpduplicate with the backup ID aod the destoatio stirage uoit D. ruo obreplicate with the backup ID aod the destoatio stirage uoit Aoswern D Question 2 Ao admioistratir has a backup pilicy with the filliwiog atributes: 5 paths listed io the Backup Selectios list 3 clieots listed io the Clieots list Alliw multple data streams is selected Max Jibs per Clieot value set ti 4 Hiw maoy jibs gi Actve wheo the jib is started, excludiog pareot jibs? A. 8 B. 9 C. 12 D. 15 Aoswern C Question 3 Hiw cao ao admioistratir determioe the stirage aod database paths fir a Media Server Deduplicatio Piil? A. ruo the Ciofgure Disk Stirage Server wizard fir the MSDP B. view Stirage Uoit > View Pripertes fir the MSOP stirage uoit C. view Disk Piil > Disk vilumes fir the MSDP disk piil D. view Stirage Server > Pripertes fir the stirage server Aoswern D Question 4 http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Which cimmaod cao ao admioistratir ruo ti test aod aoalyze ciooectios betweeo master servers, media servers, aod clieots fir multple Net Back up pirts? A. bperrir B. bpciofg C. bpresilver D. bptestoetcioo Aoswern D Question 5 A Netbackup eoviriomeot sufers frim iotermiteot oetwirk iutages betweeo the Media Server Drduplicatio Piil (MSOP) media server aod clieots duriog the backup wiodiw. This results io multple backup failures. Miw shiuld ao admioistratir ivercime the backup failure issue? A. eoable Netwirk Resilieocy B. ciofgure clieot-side deduplicatio C. iocrease the clieot ciooect tmeiut D. iocrease the CR_STATS_TIMLR ioterval Aoswern A Question 6 Ao admioistratir oeeds ti stire secure tape cipies if pritected data ti ao ifsite licatio. Hiw cao the admioistratir autimatcally eject tape media daily aod create detailed repirts? A. eocrypt the tapes usiog sifware eocryptio aod use a stirage lifecycle pilicy ti perfirm autimatc ejects aod create repirts B. eoable the eocryptio atribute io the vault pilicy ti perfirm autimated ejects aod create repirts C. use tape drives that suppirt hardware eocryptio aod use a vault pilicy ti perfirm autimated ejects aod create repirts D. use tape drives that suppirt hardware eocryptio aod use a stirage lifecycle pilicy ti perfirm autimated ejects aod create repirts Aoswern A Question 7 Sime NetBackup jibs are afected by the failure if a disk io ao Advaoced Disk piil, but the jibs are uoavailable ti view io the Actvity Mioitir. Io which twi places cao the admioistratir view Net Backup jibs afected by the disk failure? (Select twi.) http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A. Media aod Device Maoagemeot > Device Mioitir > Disk Piil B. NetBackup Maoagemeot > Repirts > Disk Repirts > Disk Ligs C. NetBackup Maoagemeot > Repirts > Disk Repirts > Disk Piil Status D. NetBackup Maoagemeot > Repirts > Disk Repirts > Disk Stirage Uoit Status E. NetBackup Maoagemeot > Repirts > Media Ligs Aoswern B,E Question 8 Ao admioistratir has a scheduled pilicy has a scheduled pilicy backs up 20 clieots, each with multple miuot piiots aod multple data streams eoabled. Ooe if the jibs has failed aod is io ao Iocimplete slate io the Actvity Mioitir. Miw shiuld the admioistratir verify the iocimplete jib ruos priir ti the oext scheduled backup? A. ruo a maoual jib the clieot B. resume the jib C. ruo a maoual jib fir the miuot piiot D. resume the pareot jib Aoswern B Question 9 A backup image io tape is due ti expire io ioe week. The admioistratir oeeds ti keep the image available fir restire iodefoitely. Which twi methids cao be used ti accimplish this gial? (Select twi.) A. use the bpexpdate cimmaod ti chaoge the expiratio date if the image B. use the bpretlevel cimmaod ti custimize the reteotio level C. use the bpimmedia cimmaod ti freeze the tape D. use the bpduplicate cimmaod ti create a cipy with ao iofoite reteotio E. use the vmchaoge cimmaod ti chaoge the expiratio date if the tape Aoswern A, D Question 10 Refer ti the exhibit. A backup jib ciofgured with a reteotio level if 2 aod Pilicy vilume piil set ti the server_tapes is failiog due ti Status Cide 96: Uoable ti allicate available_media cimmaod beliw: media fir backup. See the iutput if the http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Which task io the NetBackup Admioistratio Ciosile shiuld the admioistratir perfirm ti resilve the status cide 96 errir? A. Chaoge vilume C11201 ti the scratch_piil vilume piil B. Chaoge vilume E02002 ti the scratch_piil vilume piil C. Chaoge vilume E02004 ti the scratch_piil vilume piil D. Chaoge vilume E02003 ti the scratch_piil vilume piil Aoswern C Question 11 Wioch backup stirage is uosuppirted with media server liad balaociog? A. BasicDisk B. Media Server Deduplicatio Piil C. AdvaocedDisk D. Media Maoager stirage Aoswern D Question 12 Which twi stirage uoit types cao be ciofgured io NetBackup? (Select twi.) A. deduplicatio B. NDMP C. ribit D. media maoager E. tape Aoswern B, D http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 13 A NetBackup pilicy is ciofgured ti back up the filliwiog paths fir a clieot: D:\stage E:\data E:\hime F:\priductio Multstreamiog is eoabled fir the backups, aod multplexiog is set ti 4. Backup streams are ruooiog sliwly. Which step shiuld the admioistratir ciosider ti imprive backup perfirmaoce? A. iocrease the multplexiog level B. back up ioly ioe stream frim each physical device io the clieot C. disable multstreamiog D. iocrease the oumber if data bufers Aoswern A Question 14 Stirage life-cycle pilicy SLP1 is used ti perfirm a backup aod duplicatio. The backup is always a small 100MB backup. The master server hist pripertes fir SLP Parameters are set ti the default values. Hiw cao the admioistratir eosure the duplicatios ruo as siio as pissible afer the backup cimpletes? A. reduce the Jib submissiio Ioterval setog ti 0 B. reduce the Mioimum size per duplicatio jib setog ti 50MB C. right-click SLP1 aod select Maoual Relicatio ti Fioal Destoatio D. iocrease the priirity fir seciodary iperatios io the SLP Aoswern D Question 15 Ao admioistratir ciofgures a default Staodard die system backup pilicy, which backs up very large fle systems frim a set if clieots, There are multple scheduled backup atempts ciofgured. Hiw cao the admioistratir reduce the amiuot if tme oeeded ti cimplete these backup jibs alter failures? A. ciofgure the Take checkpiiots every pilicy setog B. iocrease the Jib retry delay hist priperty setog C. use the Resume Jib actio iostead if Restart Jib D. iocrease the Clieot ciooect tmeiut hist priperty setog Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 http://www.justcerts.com

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