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Fanatic Faith: Lessons from Sports Fans for Christians

Discover the fascinating origins of the word "fan" and learn valuable lessons Christians can glean from the unwavering faith and dedication exhibited by sports fans. Explore the virtues of loyalty, generosity, perseverance, and passion mirrored in the behavior of sports enthusiasts, drawing parallels to biblical teachings on faith and commitment. Embrace the fanatical zeal that propels fans to stay true to their team, spend generously, persevere tirelessly, and exhibit unbridled passion, and apply these principles to deepen your own spiritual journey.

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Fanatic Faith: Lessons from Sports Fans for Christians

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  1. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN”

  2. FAN-Webster,theOxforddictionary and other recognized sources define the word as a shortened version of the word “Fanatic.” “Fanatic itself, was introduced into English around 1550, means "marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion". It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning "insanely but divinely inspired". The word originally pertained to a temple or sacred place [Latin fanum, poetic English fane]. The modern sense of "extremely zealous" dates from around 1647; the use of fanatic as a noun dates from 1650.) However, the term "fancy" for an intense liking of something, while being of a different etymology, coincidentally carries a less intense but somewhat similar connotation to "fanatic."” - Wikipedia Encyclopedia

  3. FAN-Webster,theOxforddictionary and other recognized sources define the word as a shortened version of the word “Fanatic.” “Fanatic derives from the Latin fanum, "temple"; but the meaning "zealous" or "zealot" seems to derive from the peculiar behavior of priests who served the Roman war goddess Bellona … Every year the priests staged a festival during which they tore off their robes and hacked at themselves with axes, splattering blood everywhere. When the word "fanatic" first appeared in English in the sixteenth century, it meant "crazed person", and then more specifically "possessed with divine fury". "Religious maniac" is still the principal meaning of the term, but in the shortened form "fan", it means, "devotee" or "adherent."” - Michael Macrone, It's Greek to Me!, page 204.

  4. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform!

  5. Sports FANS are true to their team. Despite the season they are loyal to the end. They will not consider switching to another team! 12Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evilheart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13butexhortoneanotherdaily,whileitiscalled"Today,"lest anyofyou be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 ForwehavebecomepartakersofChrist if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, - Hebrews 3:12-14 10 Donotfearanyof those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested … Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. - Revelation 2:10

  6. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform! • FANSare Big Spenders - Don't Withhold!

  7. Youcansell a FAN, tickets, T-shirts, hats, car tags, flags, stickers and all sorts of things in support of their team, which are not cheap! 1 Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia: 2 that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of their liberality. 3 For I bear witness that according to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability, they were freely willing, 4imploringuswith much urgency that we would receive the gift and the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. 5 And not only as we had hoped, but they first gave themselvestotheLord,andthentousbythewill of God. - II Corinthians 8:1-5

  8. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform! • FANSare Big Spenders - Don't Withhold! • FANS are Tireless - They Don't Rest!

  9. Do you know of another event, where FANS rejoice hour after hour on hard cold seats,whenovertimeismetwith great enthusiasm? 1 <<A Song of Ascents. Of David.>> I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the LORD." - Psalm 122:1 7 “… Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.” - Acts 20:7 24 “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some …” - Hebrews 10:24-25

  10. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform! • FANSare Big Spenders - Don't Withhold! • FANS are Tireless - They Don't Rest! • FANS are Passionate - Truly Committed!

  11. TrueFANSarenotafraidtoletyouknowhow excited they are, and without hesitation will tell anyone why they need to be a FAN! 19"Gothereforeandmakedisciplesofallthenations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20"teaching them to observe all thingsthat I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. - Matthew 28:19-20 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come.Whoeverdesires,lethimtakethewater of life freely. - Revelation 22:17

  12. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform! • FANSare Big Spenders - Don't Withhold! • FANS are Tireless - They Don't Rest! • FANS are Passionate - Truly Committed!

  13. The Super The Super Bowl Bowl (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) (What Sports "FANS" Can Teach Christians) • The Origins of the Word “FAN” • FANS are Faithful - They Don't Conform! • FANSare Big Spenders - Don't Withhold! • FANS are Tireless - They Don't Rest! • FANS are Passionate - Truly Committed! What Can You Learn? What Can You Learn?

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