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What is and what is not the eEducation: Experience of the Industrial Ontologies Group

Explore the Industrial Ontologies Group's insights on eEducation and its role in personal development navigation, as contrary to mere content management. Discover a new approach to understanding and enhancing personal missions through digital tools.

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What is and what is not the eEducation: Experience of the Industrial Ontologies Group

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  1. Industrial Ontologies Group What is and what is not the eEducation: Experience of the Industrial Ontologies Group Vagan Terziyan eEducation Workshop Wed. 21.11.2012 (9:30-12:00) AgD123, University of Jyvaskyla

  2. The Open World Assumption as a context for innovative learning approaches: • “Students need to be prepared for jobs that do not yet exist ... using technologies that have not yet been invented … in order to solve problems that we do not even know are problems yet”. • [Richard Riley, Secretary of Education under Clinton]

  3. Think about it!

  4. I. Simple view to the eEducation eEducation Learner Content

  5. Content Content:Knowledge and Skills (“executable knowledge”) collected , documented (made explicit) and shared by the humankind assisted by the ICT

  6. What eEducation is not Educational content management (searching, collecting, indexing, storing, filtering, integrating, adapting, personalizing, etc.) should NOT be a major concern of the eEducation ! Content:Knowledge and Skills (“executable knowledge”) collected , documented (made explicit) and shared by the humankind assisted by the ICT

  7. Learner Own content: personal knowledge and skills Learner:The one who is aiming to update own content (knowledge and skills) with the new one according to certain objectives

  8. What eEducation is not Own content: personal knowledge and skills eEducation is NOT a servant for the learner, it is neither configured nor driven by the learner. eEducation should NOT address the learner needs or objectives in a way he/she understands it ! Learner:The one who is aiming to update own content (knowledge and skills) with the new one according to certain objectives

  9. Content understanding Own content: personal knowledge and skills Content to be learned Understanding:the process of connecting (linking) the conceptual items of new knowledge and skills coming from external sources to the ones already stored as a personal knowledge and skills. Linked Data (emergent and challenging concept of Tim Berners Lee widely exploited by the Semantic Web community) is the good analogy and possible enabling technology for the content understanding.

  10. What is eEducation eEducation:the ICT-based enabler and facilitator of the content understanding process Understanding

  11. II. Advanced view to the eEducation

  12. Personal development objective Own personal development objective (the destination up to which the person wants to develop himself), usually based on incomplete and inconsistent assumptions and may lead to faulty (or at least not optimal) decisions within the personal career path

  13. What eEducation is not eEducation should NOT support exclusively the navigation towards the learner personal development objective because it may not be well understood and therefore may not be optimal for the learner after being achieved. Own personal development objective (the destination up to which the person wants to develop himself), usually based on incomplete and inconsistent assumptions and may lead to faulty (or at least not optimal) decisions within the personal career path.

  14. Personal “Mission” “Education supports a process of self-discovery and learning about the world, encourages personal development, and helps individuals find their roles in society.” [Declaration of Barcelona, 24.10.2004] Objectively “ideal” potential professional activity (and related to this personal development objective) for the person (unknown in the beginning and challenging to be recognized), in which the person has enough talents and capabilities to potentially develop himself towards providing the best possible performance for the society and getting the best possible benefits for himself "You cannot teach a person anything; you can only help him find it within himself.“ ~ Galileo Gallilei

  15. http://tnlp.valuescentre.com/pages/leading-self/internal-cohesion/uncovering-your-mission.phphttp://tnlp.valuescentre.com/pages/leading-self/internal-cohesion/uncovering-your-mission.php Richard Barrett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Gs02ZmUmE&feature=player_embedded

  16. What is eEducation eEducation:the ICT-based life-long personal development navigator towards personal mission (supports mission recognition, personal development planning and provides appropriate for the mission knowledge and skills understanding support). Objectively “ideal” potential professional activity (and related to this personal development objective) for the person (unknown in the beginning and challenging to be recognized), in which the person has enough talents and capabilities to potentially develop himself towards providing the best possible performance for the society and getting the best possible benefits for himself

  17. Industrial Ontologies Group One of former activities of the Industrial Ontologies Group: Towards Life-Long Personal Development Pocket Advisor SHOK \ Tivit \ Services \ Educational Services \ Personal_Study_Advisor http://www.cs.jyu.fi/ai/OntoGroup/index.html vagan.terziyan@jyu.fi

  18. My personal quota: "How to secure your future job from being replaced by the Artificial Intelligence?... Just to choose the Artificial Intelligence to be your future job." "How to secure your future business from the threats brought by the Artificial Intelligence?... Just to choose the Artificial Intelligence to be the target of your future investments." "How to benefit from the Artificial Intelligence every day instead of being worry about it?... Just to “wear the Artificial Intelligence”as a good “pocket friend and advisor” always and everywhere with you." Vagan Terziyan

  19. III . Even more advanced view: eEducation for Everything ! Machine Learning?

  20. University of Jyväskylä – The First University for “Artificial Students” (why not?) Update from February 22, 2018 http://www.cs.jyu.fi/ai/UniversityForEverything.pdf

  21. COIN Master Program – A pilot for the “University-for-Everything” ?! New International Master Program: COIN:Cognitive Computing and Collective Intelligence starts September 2018 On completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to use, design and train complex self-managed and continuously evolving public and private industrial systems, digital ecosystems, cyber-physical systems, systems-of-systems, platforms, services and applications; will be able to connect their designs with publicly available Deep Learning and Big Data analytics and Web-based Cognitive Computing capabilities as services; will be able to figure-out and approach various challenging aspects of wicked problems world-wide, which require collective intelligence and self-managing service-based architectures for their solutions; understand and professionally utilize for that purpose knowledge on enabling technologies and tools; … Students, who will graduate from the programme with a Master of Science in Natural Sciences from the Faculty of Information Technology, will think beyond the routine and will be able not just to adapt to a change but to help to create and control it. This means that our graduates will not be able only to “solve smart problems”, but in addition to it they will be able to “invent new and smart problems” and drive them by “designing artificial smart problem solvers”. COIN

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