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Merton Residents Survey 2008/09 Draft Presentation. Presented by TNS Social September 2008. ISSUES COVERED. Issues of concern Image of the council Service delivery User perceptions Extra Questions 2008 The local area Crime and anti-social behaviour
Merton Residents Survey 2008/09Draft Presentation Presented byTNS Social September 2008
ISSUES COVERED • Issues of concern • Image of the council • Service delivery • User perceptions • Extra Questions 2008 • The local area • Crime and anti-social behaviour • Tackling racism, social cohesion and respect • Community activity • Complaints • Sources of information • Young peoples survey
METHODOLOGY • 1,121 interviews conducted in home and in street • Fieldwork conducted 14 July – 10 August 2008 • 2007: 16 July – 5 August 2007 • 2006: 17 July – 8 August 2006 • 2005: 2 – 25 September 2005 • 2004: 10 November – 7 December 2004 • Representative quota sample • Quotas set on gender, ethnic origin, age, working status of women and housing tenure, set to 2001 Census • 88 sampling points across the borough
Men Women 18-34 35-59 60+ Owner Occupier /Other Council Rented SET ACHIEVED Number % % 49 42 476 51 58 645 37 29 330 42 50 562 21 20 229 91 1,012 90 9 9 106 SAMPLE PROFILE } Base: All Merton residents (1121)
SAMPLE PROFILE Base: All Merton residents (1121)
AREAS OF PERSONAL CONCERNMerton 2008 Change from 2007 +7* +1 -4* -5* -4* -3* -2 -5* +2 +2 0 +1 -7* -1 -1 *Sig Base: All Merton residents (1121)
SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN CONCERN SINCE 2007 UP Crime +7 DOWN Not enough being done for young -7 Litter/dirt in the street -5 Lack of affordable housing -5 Traffic congestion -4 Standard of education -4 Quality of health service -3 Base: All Merton residents (2007: 1088, 2008: 1121)
MAIN ISSUES OF PERSONAL CONCERN 1995 - 2008 Crime Council tax Traffic Litter Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
All AB C1 C2 DE CONCERNS OF ‘AB’ RESIDENTS Base: All Merton residents (1121)
All AB C1 C2 DE CONCERNS OF ‘DE’ RESIDENTS Base: All Merton residents (1121)
IMAGE OF THE COUNCIL 2008 Change from 2007 +1 +5* -1 0 +5* 0 0 -2 +4* -1 -2 -4* *Sig Base: All Merton residents (1121)
SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN IMAGE OF THE COUNCILSINCE 2007 BETTER: Informs +5 Efficient & well run +5 WORSE: Doesn’t do enough for me +4 Good value for council tax -4 Base: All Merton residents (2007: 1088, 2008: 1121)
OVERALL PERCEPTIONS OF MERTON Saying Great Deal / Some Extent Good job Efficient VFM Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
DOING A GOOD JOB Highest 2007/08 81 Highest 2006/07 80 Lowest 2006/07 64 Lowest 2007/08 62 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
EFFICIENT AND WELL RUN Highest 2007/08 73 Highest 2006/07 70 Lowest2007/08 54 Lowest2006/07 48 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
INVOLVES RESIDENTS IN DECISION MAKING Highest 2007/08 53 Highest 2006/07 52 Lowest 2006/07 44 Lowest 2007/08 41 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
LISTENS TO CONCERNS Highest 2007/08 59 Highest 2006/07 57 Lowest 2006/07 50 Lowest 2007/08 47 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
DIFFICULT TO CONTACT BY PHONE Highest 2007/08 49 Highest 2006/07 49 Lowest 2007/08 31 Lowest 2006/07 28 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
RESPONDS QUICKLY WHEN ASKED Highest 2007/08 57 Highest 2006/07 54 Lowest 2007/08 46 Lowest 2006/07 45 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
KEEPS RESIDENTS INFORMED Highest 2007/08 74 Highest 2006/07 71 Lowest 2007/08 64 Lowest 2006/07 62 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
STAFF FRIENDLY AND POLITE Highest 2007/08 78 Highest 2006/07 76 Lowest 2007/08 69 Lowest 2006/07 68 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
DOES NOT DO ENOUGH FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME Highest 2006/07 54 Highest 2007/08 53 Lowest 2006/07 44 Lowest 2007/08 42 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
VALUE FOR MONEY Highest 2007/08 56 Highest 2006/07 56 Lowest 2007/08 35 Lowest 2006/07 32 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
BETTER JOB NOW THAN YEAR AGO Highest 2006/07 52 Highest 2007/08 50 Lowest 2007/08 39 Lowest 2006/07 38 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
MAKING AREA BETTER PLACE TO LIVE Highest 2006/07 79 Highest 2007/08 78 Lowest 2006/07 61 Lowest 2007/08 55 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
PERCEIVED SERVICE DELIVERY Merton 2008 Change since 2007 *Sig Base: All respondents (1121)
SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN SERVICE DELIVERYSINCE 2007 BETTER: Street cleaning +5 Public transport +4 WORSE: Collection of council tax -5 Policing -5 Primary education -5 Adult education -5 Housing benefit service -4 Base: All Merton residents (2007: 1088, 2008: 1121)
REFUSE COLLECTIONNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 81 Highest 2007/08 78 Lowest 2006/07 64 Lowest 2007/08 63 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
STREET CLEANINGSignificant improvement from 2007 Highest 2007/08 76 Highest 2006/07 75 Lowest 2007/08 46 Lowest 2006/07 46 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
STREET LIGHTINGNo change since 2007 Highest 2007/08 79 Highest 2006/07 75 Lowest 2007/08 60 Lowest 2006/07 55 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
Highest 2007/08 59 Lowest 2006/07 33 ROAD AND PAVEMENT REPAIRNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 53 Lowest 2007/08 31 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS & OPEN SPACESNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 75 Highest 2007/08 72 Lowest 2007/08 50 Lowest 2006/07 50 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
Highest 2007/08 31 NURSERY EDUCATIONNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 37 Lowest 2007/08 19 Lowest 2006/07 16 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
Lowest 2007/08 22 Lowest 2006/07 22 PRIMARY EDUCATIONSignificant fall from 2007 Highest 2006/07 42 Highest 2007/08 38 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
SECONDARY EDUCATIONNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 36 Highest 2007/08 32 Lowest 2007/08 16 Lowest 2006/07 16 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
ADULT EDUCATION / EVENING CLASSESSignificant fall from 2007 Highest 2006/07 39 Highest 2007/08 37 Lowest 2006/07 29 Lowest 2007/08 25 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
LEISURE AND SPORTS FACILITIESNo change since 2007 Highest 2007/08 50 Highest 2006/07 50 Lowest 2007/08 32 Lowest 2006/07 23 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
LIBRARIESNo change since 2007 Highest 2007/08 68 Highest 2006/07 68 Lowest 2006/07 54 Lowest 2007/08 50 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
COUNCIL HOUSINGNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 26 Highest 2007/08 25 Lowest 2007/08 12 Lowest 2006/07 12 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
RECYCLING FACILITIESNo change since 2007 Highest 2006/07 72 Highest 2007/08 67 Lowest 2007/08 57 Lowest 2006/07 56 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
LOCAL HEALTH SERVICESNo change since 2007 Highest 2007/08 64 Highest 2005/06 61 Lowest 2007/08 55 Lowest 2005/06 46 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
PUBLIC TRANSPORTSignificant improvement from 2007 Highest 2007/08 76 Highest 2006/07 66 Lowest 2007/08 64 Lowest 2006/07 55 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
POLICINGSignificant fall from 2007 Highest 2007/08 58 Highest 2006/07 52 Lowest 2006/07 41 Lowest 2007/08 39 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
HOUSING BENEFITSignificant fall from 2007 Highest 2006/07 32 Highest 2007/08 29 Lowest 2006/07 14 Lowest 2007/08 12 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
COLLECTION OF COUNCIL TAXSignificant fall from 2007 Highest 2006/07 72 Highest 2007/08 65 Lowest 2006/07 52 Lowest 2007/08 50 Base: All Merton residents (c1000)
SOCIAL SERVICESNo change since 2007 % good-excellent Base: All Merton residents (2007: 1088, 2008: 1121)
PARKING SERVICESNo change since 2007 % good-excellent Base: All Merton residents (2007: 1088, 2008: 1121)