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Explore the applications and benefits of LUCAS Soil data for policy-making and research in the European Union. Discover how this data supports the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals, helps develop EU indicators, and enables scientific research on soil-related properties and ecosystem services.
LUCAS Soil data:Use cases Joint Research Centre, Unit D.3 - Land Resources LUCAS Working Group, Luxembourg, 13 March 2018 Presentation: Constantin Ciupagea, Head of Land Resources Unit D3 JRC
LUCAS Soil data for policy-making Contribution to major EU policy areas LUCAS Soil 2018 Comparison LUCAS Soil 2015 and 2009/2012 LUCAS Soil 2018
LUCAS Soil data for policy-making Support to the EU’s implementation on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Development of EU indicators, such as soil erosion and organic carbon, to monitor the implementation of SDGs over time
LUCAS Soil data for research (based on LUCAS Soil 2009/2012) The support to the EU policy is based on scientific research made with LUCAS Soil data (made mainly at the JRC) A broad range of scientific papers and maps derived from LUCAS Soil data Main applications of LUCAS Soil data: • Modelling soil related properties • Validation of small-scale models involving soil data • Assessing ecosystem services provided by soils • Evaluation of the effect of soil on economic activities
LUCAS Soil data forresearch (based on LUCAS Soil 2009/2012) Soil loss by water in the EU Soil loss by wind in agricultural lands in the EU Source: Borrelli et al., 2017 in LDD Source: Panagos et al., 2015 in EnvSci and Policy
EU-28 LUCAS Soil data for research (based on LUCAS Soil 2009/2012) Economic cost of soil erosion for EU agriculture Changes in agricultural production levels (million €) in European Union due to soil erosion Source: Panagos et al., 2018 in LDD
LUCAS Soil data for research (based on LUCAS Soil 2009/2012) Global soil organic carbon map Soil organic carbon in the EU Source: FAO, 2017 Source: de Brogniez et al., 2015 in EJSS
LUCAS Soil data for research (based on LUCAS Soil 2009/2012) Mitigation potential of soil carbon and nitrogen management • The potential SOC sequestration in arable soils is high as their general state is far from saturation • Agricultural practices introducing additional N can potentially turn the agroecosystems to a net GHG source in the long term • However, policy aiming at mitigating climate change should look at the coupled C and N cycles together Scenario based on N-fixing cover crop incorporated into soil (green manure) Scenario based on integrated crop residue retention and lower soil disturbance Source: Lugato et al., 2018 in Nature Climate Change
LUCAS Soil data: publically available LUCAS Soil data is accessible to users on the ESDAC Portal • LUCAS 2009/2012 data: accessible • LUCAS 2015: available in 2018 Statistics on the use of LUCAS 2009 / 2012 Soil data Source of figures: Orgiazzi et al., 2017 in EJSS
Any questions? oihane.fernandez-ugalde@ec.europa.eu(LUCAS Soil coordinator) alberto.orgiazzi@ec.europa.eu(Contact for soil biodiversity) arwyn.jones@ec.europa.eu(Soil Project Leader) constantin.ciupagea@ec.europa.eu (Head of Unit Land Resources)