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Transition to the Information Society : How stakeholders can move the process forward

Transition to the Information Society : How stakeholders can move the process forward. Proposal for a shared framework – Version 2. After the first DOT.FORCE Meeting. December 6th 2000. Purpose of this document. To formalize some elements All stakeholders could use

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Transition to the Information Society : How stakeholders can move the process forward

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  1. Transition to the Information Society :How stakeholders can move the process forward Proposal for a shared framework – Version 2 After the first DOT.FORCE Meeting December 6th 2000

  2. Purpose of this document To formalize some elements All stakeholders could use As an enriched framework For future discussions and actions

  3. A effort initiated by :

  4. Four Agreed Fields of Action • Regulatory environment • Infrastructure and access • Human capital development • Applications and services

  5. A shared vision : transition to information society • Concerns all countries, developped or not • Is an interaction between technical, political, economical and societal levels • Requires the involvment of three categories of stakeholders : public, private, third sector All task forces need a tripartite format

  6. What sort of Divide ? or Evaluate possible transition drawbacks

  7. Methodology remarks • For each goal, alternative paths and actors • Both top-down and bottom-up approaches are required (structural/grassroots, wholesale/ retail, macro/micro levels) • Importance of leverage and scalability Important to agree on common objectives

  8. Basic Stakeholders Interests • Governments : to get their country into the global information society • Businesses : to make money and create new markets and profitable activities with less risk • Third Sector : to promote wider participation and transformation of society • Organizations and fora : be part of the process and push their agenda (ie their mission)

  9. More Common interests ? Public Private Public Private Third Sector Yesterday Public Private Third Sector Today Third Sector

  10. What Common Objectives ? • Create balanced and EnablingFrameworks to maximize benefits for all stakeholders • Enhance Wealth Creation and Entrepreneurship • Extend / PromoteActive Participationof populations at various levels Each require involvment of all partners

  11. 4 X 3 = A matrix 3 Objectives 4 Fields

  12. A more dynamic matrix Enabling Framework Wealth Creation Participation Structural / top-down approach Policy Infr./ access Human Capital Appli- cations Grassroots / bottom-up approach

  13. Examples (and only examples) Enabling Framework Wealth Creation Participation 1 - Reg/Env 2 - Infr./ access Public places : post Offices, Universi- ties, town halls,.. Private places : Cyber-cafés Community access points Access Points 3 – Hum/ Cap. 4 – Applic. Public on- line ser- vices Local citizenship Applications and e-governance IT for administrative efficiency E-Govt

  14. The bare bones Enabling Framework Wealth Creation Participation Policy Infr./ access Human Capital Appli- cations

  15. So … what we’ve got : • Potentially shared tool for analysis, listing initiatives, setting objectives and identify actions • Just the beginning of a process extending in time • Integration of various stakeholders interests within a common reference : it’s a key to scalabiliy • The capacity to enhance dialogue with other foras

  16. Leverage various fora • Multiple fora, Task Forces and Programs : • Intergovernmental Agencies (UN system, regional groups or others) • Govenmental bodies and national Development agencies • Business groups (GBDE, WEF, …) • Third Sector (Communities Network Partnership, …) • Adress the same issues from different perspectives, enriching discussion and extending concertation • Meet the same challenges (representation, method) • Could articulate heir action in a shared framework

  17. Next steps • How to improve this framework • How do we use it, now and between meetings • Articulation between the various fora

  18. Back to the bare framework Enabling Framework Wealth Creation Participation Policy Infr./ access Human Capital Appli- cations

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