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Bar ents Sea Ec osystem Re silience under global environmental change BarEcoRe (pronounce Bar í kår) 2010-2013. NSS herring. capelin. NEA cod. primary prodution. spatial distribution & phenology. species interactions. size & age composition. Resilience ?. Vulnerability. Robustness.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience under global environmental changeBarEcoRe (pronounce Bar í kår) 2010-2013

  2. NSS herring capelin NEA cod

  3. primary prodution spatial distribution & phenology species interactions size & age composition

  4. Resilience ?

  5. Vulnerability Robustness Variability Stability Resilience ? Complexity Diversity Adaptability Resistance

  6. Resilience definitions: Holling (1973): the ability to absorb disturbance and maintain function Pimm (1984): the time taken to return towards equilibrium following a perturbation

  7. Resilience of & to what? ecosystems energy input, species interactions (top-down, wasp-waist) communities invasive species altered phenologies altered spatial overlap populations recruitment failure, habitat loss, demographic truncation individuals Lack of food, thermal stress, parasites and diseases,...

  8. BarEcoRe evaluate the effects of global environmental change on the future structure and resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem

  9. BarEcoRe evaluate the effects of global environmental change on the future structure and resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem fish and benthos communities climate and fishing-induced species comp, spatial structure, trophic network quantitative data analysis and modelling ability to absorb disturbance and maintain function

  10. Bar-EcoRe: The structure WP1: Community structure WP2: Trophic interactions WP3: Population distribution WP4: Resilience & Early warning

  11. Bar-EcoRe: WP1 WP1: Community structure past community structure & control processes investigate past and present spatial and temporal variability in fish and benthos communities in the Barents Sea in relation to environmental variability in space and time

  12. Bar-EcoRe: WP2 WP1: Community structure trophic transfer spatial coupling impact of increased T° WP2: Trophic interactions investigate how climate variation propagates through the Barents Sea ecosystem through changes in species interactions

  13. Bar-EcoRe: WP3 WP1: Community structure multi-species spatial distribution models and maps WP2: Trophic interactions latitude WP3: Population distribution longitude investigate the effects of past climate / human pressure on the spatial distribution of Barents Sea plankton, benthos and fish populations.

  14. Bar-EcoRe: WP4 WP1: Community structure INDICATORS of species resilience community resilience early warning signals WP2: Trophic interactions WP3: Population distribution investigate how organismal, population and community properties influence Barents Sea ecosystem resilience and assess/forecast changes in resilience associated with climate change and fisheries WP4: Resilience & Early warning

  15. Bar-EcoRe: The people WP1: Community structure WP2: Trophic interactions WP3: Population distribution WP4: Resilience & Early warning Michaela Aschan, Nina Marie Bersås, Grégoire Certain, Maria Fossheim, Randi Ingvaldsen, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Edda Johannesen, Kathrine Michalsen, Benjamin Planque, Raul Primicerio, Magnus Wiedemann and others...

  16. Bar-EcoRe: The panels WP1: Community structure WP2: Trophic interactions Scientific Advisoty Panel Stakeholders Panel WP3: Population distribution WP4: Resilience & Early warning Thinking Working Disseminating

  17. Bar-EcoRe: The panels Michel Greenacre Andrey Dolgov Ingvar Byrkjedal Simon Jennings Thierry Boulinier Ken Drinkwater Marten Scheffer Directorate of Fisheries Bar. Sea Manag. Plan, Directorate of Nature Resources ICES IOC NAMMCO Joint Russian-Norwegian Commission Scientific Advisoty Panel Stakeholders Panel Thinking Working Disseminating

  18. Participants at the BarEcoRe kick-off meting – Tromsø June 2010 Thank you!

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