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Grade Wars!!

Grade Wars!!. Presented by: The Stallions. Stallions Mission and Goals. Our Mission: We are committed to providing the knowledge, skills and support to prepare students for the future. Goals: Special Education - inclusive classrooms for students with disabilities

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Grade Wars!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grade Wars!! Presented by: The Stallions

  2. Stallions Mission and Goals • Our Mission: We are committed to providing the knowledge, skills and support to prepare students for the future. • Goals: • Special Education - inclusive classrooms for students with disabilities • Physical Education - continued motor skill development and promote healthy lifestyles • Math - Have students realize the importance of math in real-world situations • Social Studies - Demonstrate knowledge of ways to be an effective citizen

  3. Day One: Planning Day • First Friday • Advisory teams introduce week’s plans to students • Students will decide which events they would like to take part in • Preliminary planning

  4. Day Two: Pajama Day and Advisory Team Quiz • Monday: • Students dress in pajamas and points are awarded for participation • Each advisory team participates in a quiz that is given over the loudspeaker. Points are given based on correct answers • Penny Wars begins and continues throughout the week. Team that is assigned to this committee works on finding organization to donate to

  5. Day Three: Hillbilly Day and Door Decorating Contest • Tuesday: • Students dress in ‘hillbilly’ costume and points are awarded for participation • Each advisory team decorates their door. Teams are judged and points are given for winning door designs for each class/grade • Penny Wars continue

  6. Day Four: Hawaiian Day and Academic Relay • Wednesday: • Students dress in Hawaiian costume and points are awarded for participation • Students that have signed up for the Academic Relay participate in it • Those who previously signed up to help with this count points and cheer on teams • Final day of Penny Wars

  7. Day Five: Decade Day and Staff Basketball Games • Thursday: • Students who dress in ‘decade’ cloths are awarded points for participation • Students assemble to watch members of staff play basketball • Students on Penny Wars committee count up pennies and determine a winner, to be revealed on Day Six

  8. Day Six: School Colors, Picnic and Game Day • Friday: • Students wear school colors • Penny Wars winners are announced and donation is made to designated organization • Winning grade is announced • School picnic during lunch hours • Games being played outdoors, in gyms, etc.

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