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Kindhearted Kids Program!

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Kindhearted Kids Program!

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  1. Responsibilities Vocabulary KindheartedKids Program! • Click on a student picture to learn more about the topic. • Click on the home button to return back to this page. • Use the arrows to move forward and backward in the presentation. • Click on the Two by Two logo above to visit their web site. Cost of Pets Safety

  2. Food and Water Exercise Cleaning Up Responsibilities Teaching Pets Protection Pet Care

  3. Food and Water I have to feed my pet so it won’t die. My pet needs food so it can be healthy. It gives my pet energy, so it can grow up.-Mailalyne

  4. Exercise I will take my dog to the park for exercise, so her muscles can get stronger. I can let her walk or run around the house. (But not near the furniture. She might get hurt).-Stephanie

  5. Cleaning Up When your dog has to go number two, bring a bag so you can clean it up. You should clean it up so you will not have to pay a fine. Clean up your yard so kids won’t step in poop.-Jamari

  6. Protection I have to give my cat a house for protection because it would die if it didn’t have shelter. My house protects my cat from rain, snow, cars, dogs, and cats. Inside my house, I can protect my cat from another pet and garbage. I can protect my cat from other animals by making sure she doesn’t go near them.-Frankie

  7. Teaching Pets I need to teach her to go to the bathroom in the potty box. She needs to learn how to stay out of dog fights. I need to teach her to sit and stay.-Elise

  8. Pet Care I have to watch my puppy so it doesn’t go into the street and put it on a leash. I will give Flopsie a bath to be clean. I will feed Flopsie twice a day with fresh water and food. I will brush Flopsie when she gets fleas. I will teach Flopsie tricks and play with Flopsie. I will give Flopsie exercise.-Kailene

  9. Strange Dogs Protecting Property Safety Petting an Unknown Dog Walking With a Leash

  10. Protecting Property I need a toy for my dog or my dog will chew on my shoe. My shoe is going to be yucky! I need a gate for my dog so it won’t chew on my furniture. I can keep my game on my mom’s dresser so my dog won’t chew on it.-Antonio

  11. Strange Dogs If there was a strange dog, I would make a fist to hide my fingers. They look like hot dogs to dogs! I would stand tall like a tree, not moving. Never look a strange dog in the eyes. They might try to knock you down. If they do, lie like a log and hide your face because that is the first thing they will attack. If a strange dog starts to chase you, stand tall like a tree and hide your fingers. Don’t get scared! When the dog leaves, go to find an adult as soon as possible for help. -Trevor

  12. How to Pet an Unknown Dog When you see a strange dog, you should be careful so the dog won’t bite you. Ask “Can I pet your dog?” to the owner. Let it sniff your fist. Then I will pet the dog.-Amari

  13. Walking With a Leash I keep my dog safe and keep my dog away from other dogs or cats that have rabies. That’s why I keep my dog away from other dogs and cats. That’s why I keep my dog on a leash.-Omarr

  14. Canines and Felines Teaching Pets Foster Pet Parents Vocabulary Overpopulation Companion & Wild Animals Responsibilities

  15. Foster Pet Parents If their owners died, foster pet parents may take care of them. Then they have a foster pet parent forever. If the owner is ready for the pets to go home, then the foster pet parent gives the pets back.-Isabelle

  16. Cruelty and Kindness Cruelty might mean that you don’t give water and food to your pets. Kindness means that you treat your pets with love. Cruelty is not nice, like pulling their tail. Kindness is right because it means that you take care of your pets.-Tatyana

  17. Canines and Felines Canine is another name for a dog. Feline is another name for a cat. Canines and felines are companion animals. A canine is different than a feline because a canine needs a walk every day. A feline doesn’t. A canine’s sound is grr and a feline’s sound is meow.-Jesenia

  18. Overpopulation Overpopulation is if a cat or a dog has too many puppies or kitties. Then they have to put them to sleep because there are not enough people to take care of them.-Ariel

  19. Companion & Wild Animals A companion animal is your buddy. It is huggable, playful and lovable. A wild animal is an animal that is wild, so look at them, learn about them, and leave them alone. Companion animals are nice, like a cat a dog, and a mouse. Wild animals are afraid of us. Bears are afraid of us because they want to protect their babies or their homes.-Kaylee

  20. Responsibilities To be a responsible pet owner you have to take it for a walk everyday. You need to give your pet food and water everyday. You need to take your pet to the bathroom everyday and they need love, too. You also need to give your dog toys and play time. Pets need ID tags, too.-Olivia

  21. Toys Vet Care Cost of Pets I.D. Tags Household Items

  22. Toys I have a dog. It needs toys. It needs a bone and balls to play with and so its teeth stay healthy. I can buy these at Pet Smart. A bone costs $5.00 and a ball costs $5.00 too. I also could buy a $20.00 leash so my dog doesn’t get lost.-Caleb

  23. Vet Care My cat needs rabies shots. It costs $25.00. My cat needs food that costs $10.00. My cat needs a heart worm test that costs $35.00. My cat needs heart worm prevention and flea and tick prevention. It costs $80.00. My cat needs a microchip that costs $40.00. It costs $480.00 to own a cat.-Alex

  24. I.D. Tags My dog needs an I.D. tag, so he can’t get lost. It costs $5.00. We could buy an I.D. tag from Pet Smart. We put the I.D. tag on the collar. We have to put our phone number on the I.D. tag. We also need to put his name and address on the I.D. tag.-Isaiah

  25. Household Items My cat needs a bed. It costs $25.00. My cat needs a brush. It costs $5.00. My cat needs a carrier. It costs $25.00. My cat needs a ball of yarn. It costs $5.00.-Ariana

  26. Created by:Ms. Schaefer’s 2nd Grade classwith Mrs. DostalLincoln School2011

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