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Measurement Topic 4: The causes and effects of World War II

Measurement Topic 4: The causes and effects of World War II. Learning Target #4 Essential Question -Explain the Nazi policy of racial purity, the final solution and the Holocaust. . Terms. Ghettos -Parts of cities blocked off were Jews and other groups were forced to live

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Measurement Topic 4: The causes and effects of World War II

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  1. Measurement Topic 4: The causes and effects of World War II Learning Target #4 Essential Question -Explain the Nazi policy of racial purity, the final solution and the Holocaust.

  2. Terms • Ghettos-Parts of cities blocked off were Jews and other groups were forced to live • Similar to house arrest but whole city • Concentration camps/work camps- Large camps were the Nazi’s sent people to work • Similar to jail-at 1st just for prisoners, then unwanted races • SS-Secret police created to empty ghettos, kill Jews hiding, transport to concentration camps • Death camps- Camps created solely for killing in mass quantities

  3. Racial Purification Step #1: All Slavic people’s and Jews out of Germany to Poland At first voluntary Later by force Step #2: Placed unwanted races into Ghettos and concentration camps (segregation) Hitler/Nazi beliefs Quote from Hitler, “Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only insofar as we need them as slaves for our cultures. Otherwise it is of no interest.” • Felt Germans superior race (Master race- Aryans, blue eyed, blond hair) • Afraid Jews were trying to destroy Germans and control the world • Wanted to get rid of anyone not part of his Master race so he started a purification process

  4. Final Solution • Nazi plan for exterminating Jews and other groups • Ghettos/work camps too slow • Special task force created to round up all Jews and other races • Cities, Ghettos and work camps were cleared • June 1941 • Death Squads created: Killing units • Rounded up Jews • Executed Jews • Shoot • Burned • Gassed • Buried them in mass graves (victims dung own graves) • 1 million Jews killed • Germans thought Death Squads too slow

  5. The Holocaust • The Extermination of the Jews and other unwanted races • Death Camps: Killing camps • 1942 Jews from Ghettos and labor camps were evacuated by train • Most in Poland • People were packed like cattle in freight trains and shipped to Death Camps • Largest Death camp was Auschwitz • Some were worked to death, others used in weird experiments while others were put in gas chambers • Women and children were the first to be gassed

  6. Result • 90% of Jews in Europe were killed • 1.2 million were children • 40% of Roma (Gypsies population) were killed • 3-4 million Russians killed • Europe left to heal from mass deaths of some many caused b

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