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A Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying Methodology

A Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying Methodology. Hao Tian, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, and Hong Yang Department of Computer Science Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia USA. Outline. Introduction DSC-DM and DSC-QL Implementation Conclusion. Motivations.

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A Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying Methodology

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  1. A Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying Methodology Hao Tian, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, and Hong Yang Department of Computer Science Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia USA

  2. Outline • Introduction • DSC-DM and DSC-QL • Implementation • Conclusion OUTLINE

  3. Motivations • New trends in database applications • Data structures: simple → complex • Query capability: backend (DB) → front-end (UI) • Traditional data management technologies • Originated and grew within the business domain • Facing many challenges from other domains (especially life sciences) • Cannot fully meet the needs today. • Motivated by issues in life science applications • Data representation & query capability for life scientists “High-throughput ‘omic’ technology is increasingly used in clinical and epidemiological studies; however, our ability to analyze and interpret high-content and complex databases has not kept pace.” -- Vernon & Reeves, 2006 • Domain knowledge vs. database knowledge • Life scientists need more capabilities and less dependence on computer scientists. INTRODUCTION

  4. Limitations of SQL and OQL • DBMS-dependent. • Users have to work explicitly at the database level. • No support for user-defined data types and functions in pure SQL. • Methods in OQL are not trivial. • Designed for database administrators and developers. SQL: SELECT n.neuronid FROM neuron n, neuron m, electrical_synapse es, chemical_synapse cs WHERE n.neournid=es.precellid AND m.neuronid=es.postcellid AND n.neournid=cs.precellid AND m.neuronid=cs.postcellid AND cs.type = ‘inhibitory’ OQL: SELECT n.neuronid FROM neuron n, neuron m, electrical_synapse es, n.output o, o.connection c WHERE c.type = ‘inhibitory’ AND n = es.preCell AND m = es.postCell OR c.type = ‘inhibitory’ AND m = es.preCell AND n = es.postCell INTRODUCTION

  5. Limitations of Graphical Query Builders • Powerful but require a good understanding of SQL/OQL. • Build a query through graphical interfaces. • Developed by DBMS vendors, third-party companies or individuals. • For DB administrators, not suitable for naïve users. INTRODUCTION

  6. Limitations of Form-Based Query Interface • Designed for end-users. • Limited expressive power (only supports predefined types of queries). • Application-dependent. • Can become obsolete as the database evolves. INTRODUCTION

  7. Conceptual Query Languages (CQL) • Based on a conceptual data model, rather than database structure. • Can be either translated into DBMS-supported query languages or evaluated by a particular program. • No extensive studies so far. Employee +-- has Salary > 90000 +-- either speaks count(Language) > 1 | or – drives Car +-- has Color ‘red’   ConQuer Query Example INTRODUCTION

  8. Pros and Cons of CQLs • Pros • Formulate queries at the conceptual level. • Hide database details from end-users. • Improve query capability for end-users. • Have less cognitive burden and great usability. • Cons • No built-in support for domain-specific or user-defined functions. • No implementation details for most of them.[Gogolla et al., 1991; Hohenstein et al., 1992; Grant et al., 1993; Lawley et al., 1994] • Integrated into a software and cannot be applied to existing applications. [Auddino et al., 1991, Rosengren, 1994; Bloesch et al., 1996] INTRODUCTION

  9. Goal • Design a methodology for domain-specific conceptual data modeling and querying that can • be applied to any particular domain. • empowers end-users to represent, manipulate, and query the data effectively and efficiently. INTRODUCTION

  10. Domain-Specific Conceptual Query Language Traditional Query Language Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Model Data Model Database Schema Domain Knowledge Overview of Methodology • Provide a conceptual data model (DSC-DM) • capture more domain semantics than EER. • Provide a conceptual query language (DSC-QL) • uses only the abstract concepts and functions in DSC-DM. • Can be applied to any domain and major types of DBMSs. • Require domain knowledge, rather than database details. • Dynamic support for user-defined functions. INTRODUCTION

  11. Outline • Introduction • DSC-DM and DSC-QL • Implementation • Conclusion OUTLINE

  12. DSC-DM • The basis of DSC-QL and created by domain experts • Automatically converted into physical data models. • Three components • Data structure diagram • Similar to EER • Annotation table and meta-attribute table • For annotation, controlled values, complex data structures, and meta-attributes like data type, unit, standard error, and so on • User-defined function (UDF) • Domain-specific functions & Application-specific functions • Can be dynamically defined by end-users DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  13. DSC-DM Example User-Defined Functions Neuromodulation Domain-specific functions: Signature: E_connect (Neuron n, Neuron m) Semantics: Both n and m areof type Neuron. n is electrically coupled with m. Implementation: EXISTS (n.neuronid, m.neuronid) [ElectricalSynapse c, c.input.neuron.neuronid=n.neuronid, c.output.neuron.neuronid=m.neuronid] OR [ElectricalSynapse c, c.output.neuron.neuronid = n.neuronid, c.input.neuron.neuronid = m.neuronid] … Application-specific functions: … Function Connection ElectricalSynapse hasComponents Component ChemicalSynapse output input Conductance HasFunction HasG Molecule Locate Homolog Soma Ganglion Biliteral Electrophysiology hasMolecule Electrophysiology Link HasFP ProjectTo hasSoma Axon Nerve FiringPattern hasAxon Literature Neuron Reference Book Picture MemberOf Data Structure Diagram Annotation Table Meta-attribute Table DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  14. DSC-QL • High level conceptual query language • Uses only abstract concepts in DSC-DM. • Flexible, extensible, and readily usable. • User-defined functions • Composite & set attributes • Super classes • Dot-path expressions (mono-valued & multi-valued) • DBMS-independent. DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  15. DSC-QL Syntax • General structure: (result-list) [query-criteria] • Can be combined by UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS. • Basic terms • Declaration: E.g. Neuron n, n.hasMolecule.molecule m • Attribute reference: E.g. n.name, n.hasMolecule.molecule.name • Comparison: E.g. n.hasMolecule.molecule.name = ‘5HT’ • UDF: E.g. e_connect(n, m) • Sub-query E.g. EXISTS (n) [n.hasMolecule.molecule.name =‘5HT’] DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  16. DSC-QL Examples plasticity type Neuromodulation Function Connection ElectricalSynapse • All serotonergic neurons: (Neuron n)[n.hasMolecule.Molecule.name = ‘5HT’] • Which inhibitory synapses exhibit facilitation? (Connection c)[c.type = ‘inhibitory’, c.plasticity = ‘facilitation’] hasComponents Conductance HasFunction output input Component ChemicalSynapse HasG Homolog name Molecule Biliteral Electrophysiology .Electrophysiology Locate hasMolecule HasFP Soma Ganglion hasSoma Link FiringPattern ProjectTo Neuron hasAxon Axon Nerve name MemberOf DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  17. DSC-QL Examples Cont. plasticity type Neuromodulation Function Connection ElectricalSynapse • Which neurons are electrically coupled with neuron “R3-13” • (Neuron n)[e_connect(n, m), m.name = “R3-13”] Uses DSF • (Neuron n)[n.input.electricalSynapse.output.neuron.name = ‘R3-13’] OR Substitute [n.output.electricalSynapse.input.neuron.name = ‘R3-13’] • (Neuron n)[Neuron m, m.name = “R3-13”, Normal Form EXISTS(c)[ElectricalSynapse c, c.input.neuron.neuronid = m.neuronid, c.output.neuron.neuronid = n.neuronid] OR [ElectricalSynapse c, c.input.neuron.neuronid = n.neuronid, c.output.neuron.neuronid = m.neuronid]] hasComponents Conductance HasFunction output input Component ChemicalSynapse HasG Homolog name Molecule Biliteral Electrophysiology .Electrophysiology Locate hasMolecule HasFP Soma Ganglion hasSoma Link FiringPattern ProjectTo Neuron hasAxon Axon Nerve name MemberOf DSC-QM AND DSC-QL

  18. Outline • Introduction • DSC-DM and DSC-QL • Implementation • Conclusion OUTLINE

  19. System Architecture DSC-QL Query Q DSC-DM Domain Knowledge Grammar UDF Things that end-users need to know XML Converter DSC-QL Normalizer UDF.XML DSC-QL Normal Form DSC.XML Mapping.XML DB Generator DSC-QL Translator SQL OQL … … Object-Oriented DB Relational DB ODL/SQL_DDL/etc. IMPLEMENTATION

  20. Translation Example 1 • DSC-QL: (Neuron n)[n.hasMolecule.Molecule.name = ‘5HT’] • Normal Form: (n.name) [Neuron n, n.hasMolecule.Molecule m, m.name=‘5HT’] • SQL Translation: SELECT n.name FROM Neuron n, (SELECT tid1.neuronid AS pk, tid3.* FROM Neuron tid1, hasMolecule tid2, Molecule tid3, WHERE tid1.neuronid = tid2.neuronid AND tid2.moleculeid = tid3.moleculeid) m WHERE n.neuronid = m.pk AND m.name = ‘5HT’ IMPLEMENTATION

  21. Translation Example 2 • DSC-QL (Connection c)[c.type = ‘inhibitory’, c.plasticity = ‘facilitation’] • Normal Form (c.connectionID)[ElectricalSynapse c, c.type=‘inhibitory’, c.plasticity= ‘facilitation’] UNION (c.connectionID)[ChemicalSynapse c, c.type=‘inhibitory’, c.plasticity= ‘facilitation’] UNION (c.connectionID)[NeuroModulation c, c.type = ‘inhibitory’, c.plasticity = ‘facilitation’] • SQLTranslation SELECT c.connectionID FROM ElectricalSynapse c WHERE c.type = ‘inhibitory’ AND c.plasticity = ‘facilitation’ UNION … UNION … IMPLEMENTATION

  22. Translation Example 3 • DSC-QL (Neurons that have a chemical synapse to neuron R3-13) (Neuron n)[c_connect(n, m), m.name=“R3-13”] • Normal Form (n.name)[Neuron n, Neuron m, m.name = ‘R3-13’, EXISTS (n.neuronid, m.neuronid)[ChemicalSynapse c, c.output.neuron sysid1, c.input.neuron sysid2, sysid1.neuronid=n.neuronid, sysid2.neuronid=m.neuronid]] • SQL Translation SELECT n.name FROM Neuron n, Neuron m WHERE m.name = ‘R3-13’ AND EXISTS( SELECT n.nueornid, m.neuronid FROM ChemicalSynapse c, (SELECT sid1.connectionID AS pk FROM ElectricalSynapse sid1, input sid2, neuron sid3 WHERE sid1.connectionid = sid2.connectionid AND sid2.neuronid = sid3.neuronid) sysid1 (SELECT sid1.connectionID AS pk FROM ElectricalSynapse sid1, output sid2, neuron sid3 WHERE sid1.connectionid = sid2.connectionid AND sid2.neuronid = sid3.neuronid) sysid2 WHERE c.connectionID = sysid1.pk AND c.connectionID = sysid2.pk AND sysid1.neuronid = n.neuronid AND sysid2.neuronid = m.neuronid) IMPLEMENTATION

  23. Implementation • Two translation algorithms (DSC-QL→SQL and DSC-QL→OQL) have been introduced. • Two system prototypes have been built. • Traditional business domain – Relational DBMS: Oracle 10g • Neuroscience – OODBMS: EyeDB • Current version is a standalone Java application with a command line query interface. A web-based graphical query interface is under development and will be released very soon. IMPLEMENTATION

  24. Outline • Introduction • DSC-DM and DSC-QL • Implementation • Conclusion OUTLINE

  25. Related work • Many domain-specific query languages: • Target at a particular domain such as Web Search Engine, Intrusion Analysis, genomic information, and high energy physics analysis. • Cannot be applied to other domains. • Some conceptual query languages (CQL): • ERQL: Built on EER model; No support for UDFs and meta-attributes; No implementation report. • ConQuer: Based on Object Role Modelling (ORM); Must be used in a pre-developed graphical user interface. • CBQL: Based on ConceptBase; Work on deductive database, Hard to grasp for naive users. • A few query methodologies • LabBase: Constructs a domain-specific DBMS, LabBase, on top of a persistent object system, ObjectStore; Specifically tailored to the domain of laboratory information system. • CQL in SUPER project: A graphical query language bound to a pre-developed editor; Not support UDFs; Hard to understand for naïve users. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY

  26. Contributions • No domain-specific conceptual data modeling and querying methodology has been proposed so far. • It combines the virtues of conceptual and domain-specific query languages, can be applied to any domain and all major types of DBMSs, can be integrated into most existing applications. • End-users can directly interact with the data based on their domain knowledge, instead of the database details. • DSC-DM can capture more domain semantics than EER such as user-defined functions, meta-data, and annotation information. • DSC-QL has the same expressive power as SQL, but is much simpler and more suitable for end-users. It can be translated into SQL and OQL and dynamically supports new user-defined functions without reprogramming the application system. CONCLUSION

  27. Future Work • Implement the support to native XML database • Add data manipulation function into DSC-QL CONCLUSION

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