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EET 2261 Unit 10 Timers; Pulse Width Modulation. Read Almy , Chapters 20 and 21. Homework #10 and Lab #10 due next week. Quiz next week. Communicating with External Devices.
EET 2261 Unit 10Timers; Pulse Width Modulation • Read Almy, Chapters 20 and 21. • Homework #10 and Lab #10 due next week. • Quiz next week.
Communicating with External Devices • We’ve used the HCS12’s general-purpose I/O ports (Ports A, B, E,…) to communicate with simple devices, such as switches and LEDs, that use standard TTL-level signals (0 V for LOW and 5 V for HIGH). • In addition to this low-tech form of communication, our HCS12 contains many blocks that implement more complicated communication bus standards.
Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Blocks on the HCS12 • The HCS12 has two asynchronous serial communications interface blocks named SCI0 & SCI1. • Each SCI block has two I/O pins: RxDfor receiving data, TxDfor transmitting data. These pins are shared with the general-purpose I/O port S. • Figure from p. 6 of textbook or page 23 of Device User Guide).
SCI0 and SCI1 on the Dragon12 • On the Dragon12 board: • The HCS12’s SCI0 is normally connected to the board’s USB port, through which the chip communicates with CodeWarrior on the personal computer. • The HCS12’s SCI1 is normally connected to the RS232 interface. • The board has movable jumpers that let us reconfigure the board’s communication resources for different needs.
Block Diagram of Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Block • See block diagram on p. 12 of the SCI Block User Guide.
Special-Function Registers Associated with the SCI Block • The 8 special-function registers located at addresses $00C8 to $00CF let us control the operation of the SCI0 block. • The 8 registers at addresses $00D0 to $00D7 are for the SCI1 block. • See p. 37 of Device User Guide.
SCI Baud Rate Registers (SCIBDH and SCIBDL) • These two registers combined hold 16 bits, of which 13 form a number called SBR. • The SCI’s baud rate depends on SBR and the system’s bus clock frequency, as follows: Baud rate = Bus clock freq / (16 × SBR) • Figure from p. 5 of SCI Block User Guide.
Possible Baud Rates • As stated on the previous slide, the HCS12’s baud rate is given by Baud rate = Bus clock freq / (16 × SBR)where SBR is a 13-bit number. • So it’s usually not possible to set the HCS12’s baud rate exactly to one of the standard values used by other communications devices (such as 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200). • But usually we can get close enough for communication to take place successfully.
SCI Data Registers (SCIDRH and SCIDRL) • These registers hold the data that is being either transmitted or received. • For 8-bit data (the most common situation), only SCIDRL is used. • Figure from p. 11 of SCI Block User Guide.
SCI Control Register 1 (SCICR1) • The bits we care most about in this control register are: • M, which we use to specify whether we’re working with 8-bit or 9-bit data. • PE, which we use to enable or disable parity generation/checking. • PT, which (if parity is enabled) we use to specify whether even or odd parity is used. • Figure from p. 6 of SCI Block User Guide.
SCI Control Register 2 (SCICR2) • The bits we care most about in this control register are: • TE, which we use to enable or disable data transmission. • RE, which we use to enable or disable data reception. • Figure from p. 7 of SCI Block User Guide.
SCI Status Register 1 (SCISR1) • The bits we care most about in this status register are: • TDRE, which tells us whether the transmission data register is empty. • RDRF, which tells us whether the receive data register is full. • Figure from p. 8of SCI Block User Guide.
Steps for Transmitting Data • Programming the SCI to transmit data: • Set baud rate using SCIBDH:SCIBDL registers. • Write $00 to SCICR1 register, indicating 8-bit data frame, no parity bit. • Write $08 to SCICR2 register to enable transmission, also disabling interrupts. • Monitor the TDRE bit of the SCISR1 register to make sure data register is empty before sending a byte to SCIDRL. If TDRE = 1, then go to the next step. • Write the byte to be transmitted to SCIDRL. • To transfer another byte, go to Step 4.
Steps for Receiving Data • Programming the SCI to receive data: • Set baud rate using SCIBDH:SCIBDL registers. • Write $00 to SCICR1 register, indicating 8-bit data frame, no parity bit. • Write $04 to SCICR2 register to enable reception, also disabling interrupts. • Monitor the RDRF bit of the SCISR1 register to see if an entire byte has been received. If RDRF = 1, then go to the next step. • Read the received byte from SCIDRL. • To receive another byte, go to Step 4.
Microsoft HyperTerminal • A Microsoft Windows accessory program named HyperTerminal lets you send or receive data over your computer’s RS-232 port. • Shown here is a dialog box for configuring HyperTerminal.
Review: Communicating with External Devices • In previous weeks we used the HCS12’s general-purpose I/O ports (Ports A, B, E,…) to communicate with simple devices, such as switches and LEDs, that use standard TTL-level signals (0 V for LOW and 5 V for HIGH). • In addition to this low-tech form of communication, our HCS12 contains many blocks that implement more complicated communication bus standards.
Communication Blocks in the HCS12 • These blocks include: • Two serial communications interface (SCI) blocks. • Three serial peripheral interface (SPI) blocks. • Two controller area network (CAN) blocks. • One inter-integrated circuit (IIC) block. • Figure from p. 6 of textbook or page 23 of Device User Guide).
Two Meanings of “Bus” • Sometimes the term bus simply refers to a group of conductors (wires or circuit board traces) that carry signals from one device to another. • Examples: address bus, data bus • At other times it refers to a standard set of specifications (voltage levels, timing specs, connectors, etc.) used for communication between devices. • Examples: RS-232, SPI, USB
Many Bus Standards • There are dozens of bus standards in common use. From Wikipedia’s article on the USB bus:
We’ll Start with the SCI Blocks • With all of these HCS12 blocks and bus standards, this is a large and complex topic. • We’ll restrict our attention the HCS12’s SCI blocks (Chapter 24) its SPI blocks (Chapter 25), and its IIC block (Chapter 26).
Terminology: Serial vs. Parallel • Some bus standards apply to serial communication (1 data bit transferred at a time). • Others apply to parallel communication (several data bits—usually 8—transferred at a time).
Terminology: Bits per Second and Baud Rate • These are two common measures of speed in communications. Many writers loosely treat these as being synonyms, but this is not strictly correct. • Bits per second (bps) is the easier to understand. Often expressed as kbps or Mbps. • In the simplest cases, baud rate equals bps. In more sophisticated schemes, the two are related but not equal. Traditional baud rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.
Terminology: Simplex vs. Duplex • Simplex: Information flows in one direction only. • Example: a temperature sensor sending data to a personal computer. • Half-duplex: Information can flow in both directions, but only one at a time. • Example: walkie-talkie. • Full-duplex: Information can flow in both directions at the same time. • Example: telephone.
Communications Terminology: Asynchronous vs. Synchronous • In asynchronous communication, the two devices do not share clock signals, so they use “handshaking” signals or some other method to coordinate their activity. • Widely used serial asynchronous standards: • RS-232 • RS-423 • RS-422 • RS-485 • USB (Universal Serial Bus): can operate synchronously or asynchronously.
Communications Terminology: Asynchronous vs. Synchronous • In synchronous communication, the sender and receiver share a clock signal. • Widely used serial synchronous standards: • SPI (“four-wire,” or “three-wire” variant) • IIC or I2C (also called “two-wire”) • 1-wire
Ports on a Typical Laptop Computer RS-232(Serial) USB(Serial) PS/2 Mouse (Serial) IEEE 1394(Serial) Printer (Parallel) VGA (Analog video)
Ports on a Fluke 45 DMM IEEE 488 (“GPIB”) option not installed (Parallel) RS-232(Serial)
RS-232 Standard • First version created in early 1960’s. • Obsolete in some respects, but still very widely used. • In recent years, has been applied in ways that its original creators never imagined, sometimes leading to problems. • Original spec defined 25 pins (signals), but often only 9 or fewer are used.
Terminology: DCEvsDTE • In any RS-232 application, each device is designated as either Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment (DCE). • Simple case: When you connect a personal computer to a modem, the computer is the DTE and the modem is the DCE.
Connectors • Original RS-232 standard called for a DB-25 connector. Since many later applications didn’t use most of the pins, it became common to use DE-9 connectors (often incorrectly referred to as DB-9).
RS-232 Signals • The nine most important signals:
RS-232 Voltage Levels • TTL voltage levels are: • 0 V for a binary 0. • +5 V for a binary 1. • This scheme is “unipolar” because it doesn’t use negative voltages. • For transmission over a cable, it’s undesirable to have either logic level close to 0 V. • So RS-232 uses a “bipolar” scheme, with: • +3 V to +25 V for a binary 0 (“space”) • -3 V to -25 V for a binary 1 (“mark”)
MAX232 Chip • Since TTL voltage levels are incompatible with RS-232 voltage levels, many digital systems need to translate from one to the other. • A popular chip for this purpose is Maxim’s MAX232A.
RS-232 on the Dragon12 • The Dragon12 board contains an RS-232 interface, which consists of a MAX232A chip and a DE9 connector. • See the Dragon12 Schematic Diagram 3.
HCS12 Uses a Scaled-Down RS-232 Interface • Recall from earlier that the RS-232 standard defines 25 lines, but that most applications get by with fewer than 25. • With the HCS12’s Serial Communications Interface, we use only three lines: RxD, TxD, and Signal Ground. • So we’re not using any of the handshaking lines (such as CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR).