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Cholera & Sanitation in Ghana

Cholera & Sanitation in Ghana. Joycelyn Larbie Walden University PUBH 6165 August 1 st , 2014 Instructor: Dr. Thron. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01175/zim-460_1175607c.jpg. OBJECTIVES. Define/Overview of Cholera Epidemic on Cholera in Ghana

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Cholera & Sanitation in Ghana

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  1. Cholera&Sanitation in Ghana JoycelynLarbie Walden University • PUBH 6165 • August 1st, 2014 Instructor: Dr. Thron http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01175/zim-460_1175607c.jpg

  2. OBJECTIVES • Define/Overview of Cholera • Epidemic on Cholera in Ghana • Signs & Symptoms, complication, risk factors, causes, treatments, and prevention • Ways of controlling the spread of Cholera • Target: General Population

  3. Purpose • To increase awareness of preventive measures to reduce cholera • To increase the knowledge on sanitation

  4. Overview oF cholera • Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibriocholera • An estimated 3-5 million cholera cases and 100,000 – 120,000 deaths occur annually • Incubation period of 6 hours to 5 days • The outbreaks are spread over 40-50 countries.

  5. How cholera spreads (Source: adapted from AMREF, 2007, Communicable Diseases Distance Education Program, Unit 11)

  6. Poor Sanitation Large proportions of urban residents in Ghana live in unplanned communities and receive poor services. Water and sanitation coverage in the country is low (approximately 61% and 40% respectively) and only 19% of Ghana’s urban population has access to an improved source of sanitation. http://www.ghanadistricts.com/images/sublinkphotos/social_16_em.jpg http://www.ghananewsagency.org/health/government-institutes-policies-to-improve-sanitation--76307

  7. Symptoms of cholera • Profuse painless watery diarrhea without fever • Vomiting of clear fluids • Dehydration • Rapid heart rate • Restlessness or Irritability (especially in children) • Dry mucous membrane Rice-water stool from a patient

  8. Severe dehydration of cholera Very sunken eyes Skin pinch goes back very slowly http://healthmad.com/conditions-and-diseases/cholera-3/ Drinks poorly or unable to drink http://internationalfaithmissions.blogspot.com/2011/10/this-is-nidel.html

  9. Treatment • Seek Medical HELP URGENTLY • Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) • - 80% of cases can be treated with ORS gets better • - It should be used during and after IV therapy • Antibiotics •  prepackaged mixture of sugar and salts to be mixed with water • and drunk in large amounts. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=cholera+water&oq=&gs_l=#q=treatment+for+cholera&tbm=isch&imgdii=_

  10. IMMUNIZATION FOR CHOLERA • Vaccination • Injectable Cholera Vaccine • Oral Cholera Vaccine: • - There are two types that gives good protection for up to3years • - But doesn’t give 100% protection. Hygiene and sanitary • precautions should be applied. • - Given 2 doses for those above 6 years old and 3 does for those • 2-6 years old, 7 days to 6 weeks apart.

  11. Complications • Low blood sugar; unusually result in seizures, unconsciousness • Low potassium levels; due to loss of large quantities of • minerals can interfere with heart and nerve function • Kidney failure • Shock • Coma • Death

  12. Cholera Prevention • Drink only properly treated water • Avoid ice unless you are sure it’s from sate water source • Always eat foods that is well cooked and always served hot • Avoid raw seafood and other raw food • Always wash your hands before preparing food, work, and after the use of sanitary facilities.

  13. SITUATION in Ghana (1) • In March 2011, Accra recorded 4,190 cases and 36 deaths. • Between June and July 2014, Greater Accra region recorded a toal of 878 cases; out of this number, 604 cases and eight deaths were reported in the Accra metroplosis alone. • Poor sanitation, over population, and scarcity of clean drinking waterare the primary reasons Retrieved from: http://photos.myjoyonline.com/photos/news/201111/832998586_175714.jpg

  14. SITUATION in Ghana (2) • General deplorable state of latrines & urinals • lack of hand washing facilities • inadequate and poor storage of drinking water & inappropriate refuse disposal • 31% of school children lack access to safe drinking water, whilst 78% do not have access to good sanitation

  15. What Needs to be Done? • Target investment to the poorest community • Allocate higher investment to sanitation • Priorities elimination of open defecation • More awareness for the people

  16. Programs & Organizations • The government of Ghana has developed: • - Ghana Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( GWASH) project • - Awareness and preventative measures teaching • - Develop short and long term multi-sectoral plan • National Cholera prevention and control plan • National Task Force

  17. CONCLUSION • Wash your hands before cooking, before eating and after using the restroom • Cook food and drink safe water • Go to the health facility as soon as possible in case of any acute watery diarrhea.

  18. References Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Cholera. Retrieved on August 2, 2014 from http://cdc.gov/cholera/disease.html WHO. (2014). Cholera. Retrieved on July 31, 2014 from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets Ghana Government. (2014). Cholera Outbreak In Ghana by Hon. Deputy Minister of Health. Retrieved on August 2, 2014 from http://www.ghana.gov.gh/index.php Guillaume C., Bernard C., Jean G. (2006) Cholera Threat to Humans in Ghana Is Influenced by Both Global and Regional Climatic Variability. Ecohealth Journal Consortium 2006 10.1007/s10393-006-0061-5 Frank B. Osei. Spatial statistics epidemic data: the case of cholera epidemiology in Ghana. PhD thesis, 2010

  19. Questions!!!!!! Thanks everyone for your attention!

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