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POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACT OF INCREASED TERTIARY ATTAINMENT. Alena Bušíková , M.B.A. V ysoká škola manažmentu 25 th September, 2012. Content. Benefits and costs of education Rate of return on investment in education Increased tertiary education across the EU countries

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  1. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACT OF INCREASED TERTIARY ATTAINMENT Alena Bušíková, M.B.A. Vysoká škola manažmentu 25th September, 2012

  2. Content • Benefits and costsofeducation • Rate ofreturn on investment in education • Increasedtertiary education across the EU countries • Analysis of the increased tertiary attainment for Slovakia • Conclusions and recommendations

  3. goal • To evaluate the positive and negative impact of increased tertiary attainment on an example of Slovakia

  4. Benefits of education • Average income of an educated person is higher than the average income of a less educated individual • The chance of becoming unemployed is lower with a higher level of education • The crime rate diminishes with an increased level of education • The family planning is more coordinated with a higher level of education • The productivity of an educated individual should be higher and subsequently, the GDP of the economy should be higher

  5. Costs of education • Private: fees, out of pocket expenses for textbooks, travel, accommodation, opportunity costs • Public: payments for buildings, electricity, faculty, librarians, and administrators plus opportunity costs

  6. Rate of return: Public and private NPV in selected countries for tertiary education Source: Education at a Glance, 2010

  7. Increasedtertiary education across the EU countries • Support for increased tertiary attainment from European Strategy Europe 2020 as one of its main goals is to have the share of people aged 30-34 completing tertiary education at least 40% by 2020 • National Programs Source: Strategy Europe 2020

  8. The percentage of tertiary educated people aged 30-34: selected countries Source: own computation based on the date from Eurostat

  9. Analysis of increased tertiary attainment for slovakia Source: own computation based on the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

  10. Problems accompanying the increase of tertiary educated people for slovakia • Increase in the numbers of teachers did not keep up with the increase in the student population • The funding for both tertiary education and research has been declining • The results of our surveys are rather critical of the increased numbers of students • Teachers – 1,314 respondents • Employers – 242 respondents

  11. Teachers’ survey: Source: own survey (1387, 1395 and 1404 respondents)

  12. Employers’ survey: Source: own survey (279, 274 and 274 respondents)

  13. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contact: Alena Bušíková, M.B.A. City University of Seattle/Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne abusikova@vsm.sk

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