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What a Pain in the Neck!

What a Pain in the Neck!. b y: Jennifer Ritchie. Text Neck. What is it? People can contract Text Neck by spending too much time bent over texting, or using another hand-held device.

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What a Pain in the Neck!

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  1. What a Pain in the Neck! by: Jennifer Ritchie

  2. Text Neck What is it? People can contract Text Neck by spending too much time bent over texting, or using another hand-held device. To help prevent this problem always hold what you are looking at up in front of you, so you don’t have to bend your neck over it.

  3. Reference According to http://text-neck.com/ Serious cases can even cause: Flattening of Spinal Curve Decreased Muscle Strength Spinal Degeneration Spinal Misalignment Disc Herniation Disc Compression Muscle Damage Nerve Damage Vascular Disease Early Arthritis Loss of Lung Capacity Gastrointestinal Problems

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