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Phase out Electric Shower Unit Water Heater

Implementing a project to substitute electric shower unit water heaters with renewable energy in households and resort hotels. The project aims to phase out electric units in favor of cleaner energy options like compact heat pumps and hot water solar collectors. The cost-effective initiative aligns with reducing energy intensity and promoting green growth. The objective is to install 500,000 renewable energy units, achieving a significant shift towards sustainability. Budget allocation and project goals follow the vision and mission statements focusing on promoting cleaner energy sources and increasing renewable energy projects.

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Phase out Electric Shower Unit Water Heater

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  1. Phase out Electric Shower Unit Water Heater Accounting Environmental Friendly Compact Heat Pump or Hot Water Solar Collector as Renewable Energy for Substitution of the Electric Shower Unit Water Heater in Domestic Sectors and Resort Hotel Prince of Songkla University,Thailand Project Overseer:Dr.Twarath Sutabutr. Assistant: Dr.Kuaanan Techato

  2. Rationale: Phase out ESU to CHP or HSC CHP: 0.78-1.25 kW, 300 L storage, COP 4.2-5.5 (300-800 kWh/year) ESU: 3-5 kW 3,800 kWh/year RE – cleaner energy In line with APEC to reduce intensity 45% by 2023, free trade, and green growth HSC: 2 m2 20 W pump, 1.25 kW heater (0 kW if off grid), 150 L efficiency 43.8-52.6% (100-530 kWh/year)

  3. 500,000 ESU/year x 3kW difference to CHP or HSC or 1500 MW Energy consumption Hot water Load Curve in Household

  4. Project Objectives 1 Create a frame work of phasing out for electric shower unit water heater for using in economies 2 Enhance understanding the feasibility of substitution 3 Build interest from consumers, designers, contractors, regulators, and manufacturers   

  5. Outcome The installation of 500,000 electric shower unit water heaters would be substituted by either 0.5 kW heat pump or 0 kW of hot water solar collector or about 1,500 MW per year Well-known standard is used for performance testing to be good for consumers comparison and fair play among manufacturers for free trade

  6. Budget 120,000 USD Traveling 7,500 (3 seminars) Labor 40,000 (6 man-years) Hosting 22,500 (3 seminars) Publication 20,000 (3 seminars) Other 10,000 (10% university) Self funding from pilot case participant 20,000 USD

  7. Alignment Align to Vision Statement of EWG: Achieves greater energy security through the use of a wide variety of energy sources that are developed in a safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable manner Align to Mission Statement: Endeavouring to double the share of renewables in the APEC primary energy mix by 2030, and increasing the number and type of renewable energy projects Align to Deliverables: Develop Cleaner Energy Sources: APEC Member Economies meet their energy needs in a way that minimizes impact on the environment and is safer for future generations

  8. Project Overseer Information and Declaration:Name:   Dr. Twarath Sutabutr   Title:  Deputy Director General    Organization:  The Departmemt of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency  Postal address:  17 Rama I rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand   Tel:+662 221 7975E-mail: twarath@dede.go.th 

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