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Stopping of root canals in the temporal and second teeth at children with accounting the state of root. Types of the roots stopping. Testimony. Technique of stopping of root. After a sciagraphy picture distinguish 5 stages of development of root of tooth and perіodont :.
Stopping of root canals in the temporal and second teeth at children with accounting the state of root. Types of the roots stopping. Testimony. Technique of stopping of root
After a sciagraphy picture distinguish 5 stages of development of root of tooth and perіodont: І- the stage of growth of root in length; II- the stage of the unformed apex; III- the stage of the unclosed apex; IV- the stage of unformed perіodont; V- the stage of the fully formed root and perіodont.
Distinguish 3 types of rezorbation of roots of temporal teeth (T. F. Vinogradova, 1967). • The first type is characterized by even rezorbation of all roots of, which begins in the area of apexes and spreads in vertical direction; the signs of rezorbation in the area of bifurcation are minimum, rezorbation of roots prevails. • For a 2 type the characteristic is that next to partial rezorbation of roots and rezorbation of one root prevails in the area of bifurcation, that reverse to the rudiment of the second teeth; at overhead large cheek-teeth this above all things disto - buccal root, in lower is distal. • For a 3th type characteristic predominance of rezorbation in the area of bifurcation; the maintainance of morphological safety of apex part of root is possible. In the area of біфуркації often there is connection with crown pulp.
Delivery of Irrigants Syringe Commercial endodontic syringes have a fine bore to allow delivery of irrigant into the apical part of the root canal system. Gauge 27 needles are manufactured with a cut away tip to allow irrigant to pass out sideways and reduce the risk of apical extrusion. A Monoject syringe, which has a safe-ended tip
Placing a rubber stop on the needle will prevent extrusion of irrigant beyond the apex of the tooth
Intracanal medicaments are advocated to: • Eliminate bacteria after chemomechanical instrumentation • Reduce inflammation of the periapical tissues • Dissolve remaining organic material • Counteract coronal microleakage.
Properties of resorcin - formalin liquid The act of this liquid (mixtures) is based on destroying microorganisms the pair of formaldehyde and near apical property of resorcin. A liquid easily fills root-canals, deeply penetrate in dentinal tubulis and after polymerization locks them, insulates a root-canal from periodontitis. Getting to periodont, a liquid destroys ephithelial mews and granulation fabric. Reactive inflammation which arises up ends with scarring and formation of bone fabric. It is negative property of resorcin - formalin liquid colouring tooth in a rose color. To prevent colouring, insulate the crowns of the tooth — to treatment a crown is oiled by Vaseline or is inundated by a beeswax, gypsum, dentine, abandoning opening for penetration in a root-canal; before the isolation of crown of the tooth in a root-canal enter and abandon a root needle with a roller, which is then drawn out. After treatment of root-canals by a impregnation method they are stopped by paste, to cements.
Technique of preparation of resorcin - formalin liquid A liquid is prepared immediately in front of application: consistently mix up two parts of formalin, two parts of resorcin, one part I will rub caustic; the warm liquid (mixture) of darkly-cherry blossom appears. In a few hours this liquid acquires oily consistency viscid, then hardens and is done glassy.
STOPPING OF CHANNELS Stopping of root-canal at patients with perіodontitis is the important stage of endodontical therapy. Two basic tasks decide in the case of high-quality his implementation. Foremost, stopping of channel has for an object to create a barrier between the external and internal environments of organism. The features of morphology of cavity of tooth do not allow fully to delete the organic matters which disintegrated, and also attain the state of sterility of channel. That is why air-tight stopping of channels is the unique mean of blockade and rendering harmless of toxic products of disintegration and microorganisms in a channel, apical delta and dentinal tubulis. Secondly, a mean which fills a channel unavoidable contacts with perіodont, that is why he must be the neutral matter biologically, to correct not the irritating operating on fabrics. The channel stopping must guard perіodont from external irritants. In addition, as there is an inflammatory process in periapical fabrics, stopping must act part of original medical bandage, which corrects the medicinal operating on inflammation and thus stimulates the processes of regeneration. This role of the channel stopping can be realized, foremost, on condition of its introduction to the root-canal and dense filling him to perіodont. Only in such case terms are created for biological influence on a pathological hearth in periapical fabrics.
At the end of the XIX item such requirements belonged to the channel stopping: • Stopping not must disintegrate. • It must be antiseptic characteristics. • Not must correct the irritating operating on perіodont and periapical fabrics. • Not must have pore and suck in secrets which are selected from a periapical area and is disintegrated. • Material of stopping must be easily brought into a root-canal. • Material of stopping not must decolorize tooth. • Material of stopping must be readily-removable from a channel.
Gofung (1943) added the followings requirements to stopping: 1 Stopping must achieve apex, densely filling a channel and dentinal tubulis. 2 To be X – ray contrast. 3 To render harmless maintenance of root-canal, forming the compound with him. 4 To be not washed by a tissue liquid which goes out from a periapical area. 5 Must fill not only a basic channel but also lateral channels of root.
In our time for the best choice of the endocanal stopping main its properties are incorporated in 3 groups. I. Biological properties • Endocanal stopping not must damage periapical fabric. • Must correct the protracted antibacterial action. • Must stimulate reparetion processes in perіodont. • Not must sensibilisate organism and to have antigens internalss. II. Physical and chemical • 1. Endocanal stopping must have high adhesion, to provide its tripping with the walls of channel even in the conditions of humidity, densely to close the apical opening and dentinal tubulis. • Not must change physically, that to have not pore and contraction. • Not must change chemically, that to dissolve not in a tissue liquid. • To be X – ray contrast. • To paint not a tooth. III. Technological (practical) • Endocanal stopping is guilty it is easily to prepare and be added to treatment. • To be plastic and it is easily to fill a channel. • 3. To be added to deleting from a channel in the case of necessity.
To pasture on the basis of hydrooxide of calcium • Due to the reaction (рН about 12) hydrooxide of calcium at filling to them of root-canal operates bactericidal, destroys necrotizing fabrics, stimulates osteo-,dentine- and cementogenesis. Application of incongealable paste on the basis of hydroxide of calcium is rotined for the temporal stopping of channel in treatment of destructive forms of perіodontit, cyst - granulation and root cysts. • Carefully treated instrumental and medicinal a channel is filled by paste by canalfiller. At destructive forms the leadingout is recommended to pasture for an apex. A tooth is closed by an air-tight bandage. In 3—4 weeks hydroxide of calcium in a channel is replaced by fresh portion, and then — one time in two months. After achieving a positive result a channel is cleared and is stopped by permanent solidifiable material. • For the temporal stopping of root-canals such preparations are produced on the basis of hydroxide of calcium: "Kalasept" (Skania Dental), "Multi-Cal", "Tempkanal" (Pulpdent), "Sealapex" (Kerr). • Some of them contain iodoform: "Endocal" (Septodont), "Vitapex" (Japan), "Metapex" (Korea), hydroxiapatit: "Cal Ultra" (Ultradent); kortizon: "Biocalex" (Slump).
Classification of materials for the permanent stopping of root-canals 1. Pastes-encapsulants which harden. Simple (on zincoxideevgenol basis, zincoxideevgenol paste and polymeric (synthetic — "АН 26", "Plus AH", Dentsply; "Diaket", ESPE). With the therapeutic action (on zincoxideevgenol basis —"Endospad", Dentsply "Pulpispad"; "Endometasone", Septodont and on polymeric basis — "Sealapex", Kerr).
2. Primary hardening fillers. • Plastic (gutta-perchas pins). • Hard(silver pins). • Combined ("Thermafil", Dentsply).
Depophorez by copper-calcium hydroxide • This method combines medicinal treatment and stopping of root-canal. A method is developed and scientifically grounded by the known professor German by a scientist-chemist A. Knapvost. • Testimony.Depophorez is rotined at treatment of teeth with gangrenous content of channels, with devitaelising tailings of mash, fi channels, at granulomatous perіodontit, root’s cysts, presence of perforations, with the wreckages of instruments, and also teeth, earlier treatment without result by a endodontical method. • The strong bactericidal action and deep penetration of the steady-state system of hydroxide ofcopper-calcium of СuСа(O)2 oflies in basis of method, that consists of 3 active components: ions of hydroxiapatit, ions of colloid hydroxide of copper and hydroxylic ions. • Hydroxide of copper-calcium is effective against anaerobic bacteria and mushrooms aerobic; his polyvalency bactericidal action by the ions of copper of Cu++ or [Cu(OH) 4]2" is provided due to • to the proteolisis action of ОН-ions; • to destruction of hydroxicopper albumens of microorganisms by deleting of sulphur from amino acids; • •disintegration membranes of microorganisms and their spores forms. • Duration of the bactericidal influencing of hydroxide of copper-calcium is based on ability of sulfide of copper under the action of oxygen again to grow into the sulfate of copper of, which is able again to enter into the reaction with the sulfur-containing albumens of microbes. That is why disinfectant ability of ions of copper recommences constantly.
Name all types of stopping of root-canals the roots stopping by a gutta-percha. This: it is stopping only by plastic stopping materials; stopping by pins is in combination with a filler; stopping by a gutta-percha. . The same thingcones: method of central pin, or one cone; sectional method of stopping of channel. Multicone: method of cold lateral condensation of gutta-percha; method of hot lateral condensation of gutta-percha; method of vertical condensation of hot gutta-percha; • stopping of root-canal by a termahplastic gutta-percha (systems of "Thermafil", "Quick-Fil").
Hot lateral condensation of gutta-percha A cone is selected that corresponds to the apical dimension and taper of the prepared root canal. It is fitted to the working length with tug-back.
A cold finger spreader is inserted alongside the master cone and gentle lateral condensation is applied. A heated spreader is then placed in the space and used to adapt the gutta percha whilst it is thermoplasticized. Spreaders should be removed from the canal when they are cold to avoid displacing the gutta percha. Pressure should be applied to counteract the shrinkage that occurs during cooling. A light coating of sealer is placed on to the walls of the root canal using a hand file, endosonic file or gutta percha point.
An accessory cone is coated in sealer and inserted into the space created by the spreaders. The sequence for lateral condensation is the same as before: cold finger spreader first followed by the heated spreader. Gentle lateral forces are used to adapt the cones while cooling. The gutta percha cones are cut off level with the pulp floor using an electric heater tip or hot instrument. Vertical pressure is applied with a cold plugger for several seconds. The process is repeated with more accessory cones.
The down pack •The cone is cut off level with the pulp floor using the system B tip. •Light pressure is applied with a cold Machtou plugger (Maillefer, Bellaigues, Switzerland). • The activated System B tip is plunged apically into the gutta percha until the stop is 2-3 mm short of the reference point. • The wave of compaction is continued without heat until the rubber stop is at the reference point. • Apical pressure is applied for 10 seconds as the gutta percha cools. • A short burst of heat is applied and the System B tip is removed. • A cold plugger is used to compact the apical segment of gutta percha.