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4.2 Architecture Eurostat Portal (Site3) And New Features B. Le Goff 13 and 14 December 2004

4.2 Architecture Eurostat Portal (Site3) And New Features B. Le Goff 13 and 14 December 2004. Rationale for Site3 Site 3 Design principles Situation before Site3 Target situation and current situation New features of Site3 Portal. Contents. ESTAT Portal Platform (EPP)

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4.2 Architecture Eurostat Portal (Site3) And New Features B. Le Goff 13 and 14 December 2004

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  1. 4.2 Architecture Eurostat Portal (Site3) And New Features B. Le Goff 13 and 14 December 2004

  2. Rationale for Site3 Site 3 Design principles Situation before Site3 Target situation and current situation New features of Site3 Portal Contents

  3. ESTAT Portal Platform (EPP) Unique gateway to Eurostat products and services Unified access to Eurostat reference databases Rationale for Site3

  4. Trilingual portal (EN, FR, DE) for statistical information Compliant with Europa II guidelines (IPG) Free access to stats publications, datasets and metadata Contents organised by dedicated sections Users organised in groups (with associated profile) Automated content upload procedures (workflow) Metadata attributes for any type of searchable contents Advanced search facilities on all kinds of contents Pull (search) and push (alerts/notifications) mechanisms E-commerce State of art Enterprise Portal technology (Oracle Portal) Site3 Design Principles

  5. Situation before Site3 Statpub Eurostat Site2 Server External Reverse proxies Doc2Web External users ERP Authentication (Apache Server) NewCronos Europa server Europa Sever Europa network Authentication (Unix Server) Comext Internal users IRP Authentication (ColdFusion Server) Ramon Internal Reverse Proxies Situation 31/07/04: - 24h/7d availability for Estat Website but no fail-over and no contingency - no support for Comext and NewCronos out of regular working hours - no fail-over, no contingency for Comext, NewCronos and Ramon

  6. Target situation Site3: The gateway to EU statistics NewCronos Database (File system) Stats Metadata Database (Oracle DB) Users Eurostat Site3 Site3 Repository (Web Content Mgt) Comext Database (Oracle DB)

  7. External users Internal Users External Reverse Proxies Internal Reverse Proxies ERP Europa network IRP Statpub3 Official Publications Authentification Mechanism (for registered Users) Commission LDAP Eurostat Site3 (Oracle iAS Portal) Site3 Repository (Unix file system) XML Data XML Metadata XML Data On-line queries Suite (Java) Comext Client Comext (C+Java) New Cronos (C+Java) Text Server New Cronos Database (File system) New Architecture (Free dissemination) Comext Database (Oracle DB) - 24h/7d availability in secured environment - Fail-over mechanism - Contingency plan Current situation

  8. Contents: Four types: Publications (official, non-official) Datasets Fixed datasets Open datasets Statistical metadata (methodological guides, legal notices, SDDS fiches…) Links (virtual content items – stored elsewhere) Organised in catalogues that can be browsed All indexed by the same set of metadata attributes Can be downloaded (PDF, HTML, XML file, CSV…) Can be embargoed (Publish date) New features of Site3 Portal

  9. Decentralised management and automated content upload (workflow): Statpub3, Text Server, custom wizards, NewCronos interface Direct access to reference databases EVA/NewCronos & Comext client/Comext Dedicated sections Specialised subsets of the Website: e.g. Euro-indicators, Cooperation, External Trade… User groups Anonymous, Registered, Privileged But could be: Journalists, Students, Economists, … Synchronisation with Commission LDAP Replication of LDAP Comm users in OID New features of Site3 Portal

  10. Search: - Simple search (text only) - Advanced search (based on metadata attributes only) - Contextual search Download: - Item download (PDF) - Bulk download (zipped files)  FTP FAQ: - restructured E-commerce: - Connection to EU-Bookshop (OPOCE) (TBD) New features of Site3 Portal

  11. -On-line user registration (registered users) -Alerts & notifications (on new contents) -Statistics: - on user access - on content access -On-line user support & user surveys (31/12/04) -Service and performance monitoring (BMC Patrol) -New Home page and new sublevel pages ( January to April 2oo5) -Today the ESTAT plateforme is a shared IT Environment , Tomorrow it will be a full IT dedicated Environment to ESTAT ( March 2005) New features of Site3 Portal

  12. THANK YOU for Your attention Any Question ?

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