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NuWro nd280 generation & MEC selection ideas. Paweł Przewłocki Warsaw Neutrino Group XSEC meeting , 15.05.2013. Sample summary. Muon reco momentum. I looked into my „ all ” sample (100,000 evts ) using Highland
NuWro nd280 generation & MEC selectionideas Paweł Przewłocki Warsaw Neutrino Group XSEC meeting, 15.05.2013
Samplesummary Muon recomomentum • I lookedinto my „all” sample (100,000 evts) usingHighland • I haveresimulatedthissamplesinceSunday (there was a small bug in the NuWrocodethatcaused neutrino flavours in the fluxfiles to be misinterpreted) • It consists of 100,000 evts, allchannelsaresimulated, including CC MEC Nieves (no more NC MEC – this was wrong) • I willuploadthissampleonto GRID soon • standard CCInccuts (highland v0r15) • Additional 0pi cut (implemented in highland’s BANFF package) applied to results from CCInc • A starting point for MEC selection CCInc CCInc+0Pi
MEC selection – muon variables (1) cos θμ • Comparison CCQE vs CCMEC • „No pions” requirement • reco muon cos theta vs reco muon momentum NuWro CCMEC pμ[MeV/c] cos θμ NuWro CCQE NuWro: Allexcept CCMEC pμ[MeV/c]
MEC selection – muon variables(2) „No pions” requirement energy transfer: CCMEC reconstructednuenergy energy transfer: allexcept CCQE Energy transfer = Eνreco - Eμ First fewbinsarepromising
MEC selection – muon variables(3) cos θμ CCMEC • Muon angle vs energy transfer • „No pions” requirement cos θμ CCQE only Allexcept CCMEC cos θμ Energy transfer [MeV] Energy transfer [MeV]
Plans: MEC selectionusing proton variables • I want to lookat FGD proton tracks • No resultsyet, I hadsomedifficulties with Highland • seemslikeinformationlikedirection, nhits, etc. areavailableonly for a fraction of tracks in FGD • VariablesI’mgoing to lookat • number of protons • energydeposited by protons in FGD • vertexactivity