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Evolution of US Political Parties: From Founding Ideologies to Modern Platforms

Learn about the beginnings of political parties in the US, the evolution of the Democratic and Republican parties, their core beliefs, and the advantages of the two-party system. Explore the role of third parties and their impact on elections.

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Evolution of US Political Parties: From Founding Ideologies to Modern Platforms

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  1. Political Parties in the United States Chapter 9, 10, 11 Notes

  2. Components of a political party • A political party is a group of citizens who share similar views and concerns on public issues (platform), and how the government should respond to these issues. • Joining a political party is a responsibility, and it is voluntary. • Being a member of a political party gives a citizen a vehicle to voice their concerns.

  3. Reasons For Political Parties • It is the most reasonable and organized way for a large group of people to express common goals. • It provides an avenue to select candidates that will represent the party. • It helps make the party’s candidate more accountable to the members of the party.

  4. Beginnings of Political Parties In the US • The first 2 parties in the US were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

  5. Federalists • The Federalists wanted to establish a strong federal/national government. • They favored national laws over state laws. • They were led by Alexander Hamilton. • The wealthy aristocracy were the main supporters of this party.

  6. The Anti-federalists • The Anti-Federalists wanted a national government with limited power. • They favored more state rights. • They wanted individual freedoms included in the Constitution. • This party was led by Thomas Jefferson, and was supported by the more common people. • They would eventually form the democratic-republicans which would form the democratic Party.

  7. Opposition to Political Parties • President George Washington, in his farewell address, warned against the development of parties. • He believed that different parties could divide the new nation, and cause disunity for our young nation. • He was right if you think of the Republicans and the Democrats of today.

  8. The Birth of Our Parties Today • The Democratic Party- Their symbol is the donkey. • They formed in the 1820’s by a group called the “common people”. • The Democrats believed that the government was being controlled by and for the wealthy. • They believed that the little man did not have a voice in government.

  9. Democrats Continued… • The Democrats also pushed for the removal of voting restrictions. • This would lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the 19th Amendment. • This movement was started by Andrew Jackson, and he was elected the first Democratic President in 1828. • This period in American history became known as the Jacksonian Democracy due to its appeal to the common man

  10. The Republican Party • Sometimes is called the GOP, or the Grand Old Party. • It was formed in the 1850’s by people who wanted to abolish slavery. • The movement was led by Abraham Lincoln who became the first Republican president in 1860. • Republicans tend to be conservative and more traditional.

  11. The Parties of 2007 • The Democrats believe that more federal government control is needed to solve the problems of the people. • They tend to be more liberal, or open minded about major issues. • This is their platform: • They are pro-choice on abortion. • pro-gun control • For national healthcare. • They support same gender marriages. • They are against prayer in schools. • They are against tax cuts. • Democrats want equality for everyone in the US..

  12. Parties of 2007 Continued… • The Republicans feel that the national governments role should be limited. • They tend to be conservative and favor traditional values. • This is their platform: • They feel that the state and local government can better decide what is better for its people than can the federal government. • They are pro-life on abortion. • They are against gun control. • They support the death penalty. • They are against same gender marriages. • They are for prayer in schools. • They tend to favor the rich over the poor (Opinions vary).

  13. Advantages of the Two Party System • The parties are almost equal in strength. • There have been 15 Democratic Presidents and 18 Republican Presidents in our history. • Voters are presented with clear choices. • This system has been successful for over 150 years. • Political extremes are usually avoided. Most candidates have to be more moderate in order to win an election.

  14. Third Parties • Single Issue Parties • Ideological Parties • Independent Parties • These parties try to get a message across to voters.

  15. Third parties usually develop because of discontent with the major parties. • No third party candidate has ever won a presidential election. • They do influence who will win an election. • In recent years the most successful third party candidate has been Jesse Ventura, who was elected governor of Minnesota in 1998. • In 2000 the third party candidate, Ralph Nader of the Green party took votes from the Democrat Al Gore. • This allowed the Republican George W. Bush to win the election. The final numbers were Bush 50%, Gore 50% and Nader 1%.

  16. Organizing Political Parties • National Committee- Each party has a national committee, led by a national chairperson. • Their purpose is to give candidates exposure. They also assist in fundraising to pay for campaigns. • National Convention- Each party holds a national convention in August, before the November election. Each state sends delegates to the convention.

  17. Selecting a Candidate • At the national convention the party selects a candidate that will represent them. • The candidate supports and pushes the party platform if they are elected president. • The presidential nominee, then selects a running mate for vice-president. • The two running mates will represent the party in the November election.

  18. Plank v. Platform • The party has a platform. The platform is the parties stance on major issues. This platform is what attracts people to the party. • A plankis an individual issue like abortion, or gun control. All of the planks form the parties platform.

  19. Campaign Financing • It comes from 3 sources. • 65% of financing comes from public funds. The Campaign Act of 1976 allows each taxpayer to contribute 3 dollars of their tax refund to the President’s re-election fund. • 10% comes from private donations. Each citizen is limited to 2000 dollars a candidate. • 25% come from Political Action Committees. PAC’s may contribute up to 5000 dollars per candidate

  20. Influencing Government • Interest Groups- Are groups of people that share the same ideas on particular issues. Examples are PETA, MADD, NRA, NAACP, and the AARP. • These groups try to influence Congress to pass legislation that favors of their opinion. • PAC’S- Political Action Committees, are the politically active part of an interest group. • Lobbyists- PAC’S hire people to go to Washington to try to influence law makers. These people are called lobbyists, and the lobby Congress. • Usually the group with the most money has the greatest influence.

  21. Soft vs. Hard Money • Soft Money- is money donated to a political party. There is no limit on the amount of soft money that can be donated. This is a loop hole for big lobby groups to donate tons of money to influence the government. • Hard Money- is money that is donated to an individual candidate. Individuals are limited to 1000 dollars a year, while PAC’s can donate 5000 per candidate.

  22. Voting Qualifications

  23. You must be 18 years old. • You must be a US citizen. • You must be registered in the state that you are voting in. In North Carolina, you must be registered at least 30 days before the election. • States control their own voting laws.

  24. Voting Stipulations • According to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, no special conditions or requirements can be placed on voting (tests or the ability to read or write). • There are exclusions, people in prisons, people in mental hospitals, and people who are not citizens may not vote in elections.

  25. Primary Elections • These are elections held several months prior to the general election in November. • The purpose is to select a candidate to represent the party in November. • Republicans face off against Republicans, and Democrats fight against each other. • They are like the playoffs in football or the brackets during march madness. • The winner of each primary face each other in the Super bowl.

  26. Open vs. Closed Primaries • A Closed Primary- Voters can only vote for candidates in their own party. • Independent voters may not vote in a closed primary. • In NC we have a closed primary. • Our primary is held on the first Tuesday in May. • This keeps one party from influencing the other party. • An Open Primary- Voters can vote for a candidate from any party. • Independents are allowed to vote in an open primary.

  27. General Elections • The general election is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. • This is the election that determines who will sit in office.

  28. Voting Terms • Locally Cabarrus County is divided into voting districts or precincts. When a voter registers, they are assigned to the nearest precinct to their house. Most polling places are located in schools. • Ballot- this is the voting form which lists the candidates and their party. This is a secret ballot. It is known as the Australian ballot. • In Cabarrus County we use a punch ballot.

  29. Straight vs. Split Tickets • You can vote with either a split ticket, or a straight ticket. • With a split ticket you vote for the candidate regardless of their party. • You vote based on the quality of the candidate • On a straight ticket you vote for a party not a candidate. Usually either Republican or Democrat. • You vote a straight ticket if you only care about the party not the individual candidate.

  30. Selecting the President • The president is elected indirectly. • We vote for electors who go and elect the President. • This is called the Electoral College. • It is a winner takes all system. • When you vote, your vote is called a popular vote. • Whichever candidate wins the majority of the popular votes, wins all of the electoral votes for that state. • Electoral votes vary for each state.

  31. Electoral College Continued… • The number of electoral votes per state is determined by that states representation in Congress (Representatives+ Senators). • The larger the state population, the more votes that state gets. • North Carolina has 15 electoral votes. • California has the most with 54 electoral votes. • Winning Total- There is a total of 538 electoral votes. • A candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes to win the election. • If a candidate does not receive 270 or more electoral votes, then the House of Representatives selects the President.

  32. Special Types of Elections • Recall election- this is done when constituents are upset with an incumbent. They can vote to recall that person (Arnold). • Run-off election-this is when there are 3 or more candidates and none of them reach a majority. The top two vote getters face off against each other to see who will win. This is usually done in primary elections.

  33. Majority vs. Plurality • Majority- is when a candidate receives over 50 percent of the vote. • Plurality- is when a candidate wins an election but does not receive a majority of the votes.

  34. Referendum vs. Initiative • Referendum- is when a government legislative branch places an proposition on a ballot for the voters to approve or reject. • Initiative- is when the people start a petition in order to get a proposition placed on a ballot for approval or rejection.

  35. Public Opinion • Polls- Are surveys intended to find out the public’s ideas on key issues. • Direction- indicates whether an issue is positive or negative. • Intensity- indicates how strong the issue is with people. • Stability- indicates how long the issue has been around in the media. • Remember, sometimes questions can be asked a certain way to be biased one way or another.

  36. Propaganda • Propaganda is used to try to influence American voters to vote for a candidate. • It is also used by interest groups to try to sway public opinion in their favor.

  37. Propaganda Techniques • Just Plain Folks- using regular people in ads to influence viewers. • Glittering Generalities- using general statements to mislead voters. • Bandwagon- tell people that we are all doing it so should you (peer pressure). • Endorsements- getting celebrities to endorse your issue. • Symbols- using symbols such as flags to influence public opinion. • Name Calling- Don’t vote for him he is terrible. • Stacked Cards- giving misleading statistics to influence public opinion.

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