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Eternal Love: Faith, Hope, and Endless Grace

Experience the power of love and grace through a mesmerizing PowerPoint presentation. Dive into the depths of your soul with soothing music and inspirational visuals. Let the message of patience, kindness, and enduring love resonate within you. Discover the miracles of faith, hope, and the greatest of all, love. Join us on a journey of spiritual awakening and reflection. Subscribe now for more inspirational content at sisterraquel.com.

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Eternal Love: Faith, Hope, and Endless Grace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Powerful PowerPoint 02 bernie lopez eastwindreplyctr@gmail.com www.sisterraquel.com Rooms of your soul Turn speakers on. Click manually. music claire de lune debussy tony pastor at the piano

  2. Rose petals depicting the Holy Trinity in the miracles of Our Lady of Grace. There were dozens of such petals. San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City.

  3. Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs. Love is not proud. It is not rude or self-seeking. It is not prone to anger nor does it brood over hurt.

  4. Love does not rejoice in falsehood but in truth. There is no limit to love’s forbearance, to its trust and its hope, its power to endure. Love never fails.

  5. There are in the end three things that last, faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8,13

  6. From end to end, all earth shall turn to the Lord and worship Him. All families of all nations shall bow down before Him. Generations to come shall be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to people yet unborn the salvation He has bestowed.Psalm 22:28,32

  7. Suffer the little children to come to Me, The famous mural painting of the Last Supper by Joey Velasco using squatter kids as models. and I shall nourish them through you.

  8. for more inspirational materials, browse through the ministry library – http://www.sisterraquel.com/2010/04/archive00-entire-ministry-library/ get them automatically by subscribing at www.sisterraquel.com the mystery of the healing oil – http://www.sisterraquel.com/2010/02/announcement3-–-blogsite-library-links/ queries and prayer requests - sr.raquel.rvm@gmail.com images joey velasco NASA – hubble heritage sapphire production vintage graphics paul harris dr drauzio varella eastwind collection unknown internet sources THE LORD REIGNS IN CYBERSPACE amdg Powerful PowerPoint 02 - bernie lopez eastwindreplyctr@gmail.comwww.sisterraquel.com

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