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INFORM aims to discover and utilize temporary content replicas, optimizing request forwarding for efficient data delivery. Performance evaluation demonstrates its superiority over existing schemes, reducing network overhead. Ongoing work includes analytical modeling, system-level design, simulations, and experimental evaluation with prototypes.
INFORM: a dynamic INterest FORwarding Mechanism forInformation Centric Networking RaffaeleChiocchetti, Diego Perino, Giovanna Carofiglio - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Dario Rossi, Giuseppe Rossini – Telecom ParisTech ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Information-Centric Networking August 12th 2013, Hong Kong
Forwarding in Named Data Networking Request forwarding is performed hop-by-hop by every node Data packets follow the reverse request path close loop between nodes and content item copies How to exploit off-path temporary item copies? /BellLabs/ICN/talks/reality.avi H Interest /BellLabs/ICN/talks/reality.avi/chunk0 A /BellLabs/ICN/talks/reality.avi Interest /BellLabs/ICN/talks/reality.avi/chunk0 B
Two possible approaches: Control plane protocols To distribute information about mid-long term item copies L. Wang, A. K. M. Hoque, Cheng Yi, A. Alyyan, and B. Zhang. OSPFN: An OSPF based routing protocol for named data networking. Technical report, March 2012. Y. Wang and K. Lee. Advertising cached contents in the control plane: Necessity and feasibility. In IEEE INFOCOM, NOMEN Workshop, 2012. Data plane forwarding schemes To exploit short term content item availabilities R. Chiocchetti, D. Rossi, G. Rossini, G. Carofiglio, and D. Perino. Exploit the known or explore the unknown?: hamlet-like doubts in icn. In ACM SIGCOMM ICN, 2012. C. Yi, A. Afanasyev, I. Moiseenko, L. Wang, B. Zhang, and L. Zhang. A case for stateful forwarding plane. Computer Communications, 2013.
INFORM: a dynamic Interest FORwarding for Information Centric Networking
INFORM design goals To discover paths to temporary copies of a content item To forwardrequests for such content items towards the « best » interface To guarantee data delivery To limit the network overhead Other relevant dynamicforwarding design goals not addressed by INFORM: Congestion control over multiple paths Implicit Cache coordination …
From a reinforcement learning framework … INFORM is inspired by Q-routing algorithm [a] implementing a distributed version of reinforcement learning every node istores delivery time estimations for all possible destination nodes d through all possible neighbors v (i.e. Q values): Forwarding steps: Select the interface to the neighboring node v, towards a given destination node d with the smallest Q value, Qi(d,v) node v responds with its the “best” Q value (i.e. best delivery time estimation) Update Qi(d, v) = (1 -η).Qi(d,v)+ η.(mink_in_neighbours(v)Qv(f,k)+rtti,v) [a] J. A. Boyan and M. L. Littman. Packet routing in dynamically changing networks: A reinforcement learning approach. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6, pages 671–678. Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.
…to INFORM! INFORM is independently run by each node in the network, and works at content item granularity • Qi(f, v) stored at every node i for every content f • Exploration of available interfaces • Exploitation of updated statistics
Simulation settings Simulations run using the ccnSim simulator [a] Network topology is modeled as an Erdos-Renyi graph G(n, ρ) N=20 nodes, 8 border routers where clients are connected to 1 content server 10^5 content items Zipf popularity distribution with α=1 Default parameters Connectivity ρ=0.3 Cache size c=15% [a] http://www.telecom-paristech.fr/~drossi/ccnSim
Evaluation – Average packet download time • The download time decreases as the connectivity increases • INFORM providebetween 18-33% improvementw.r.t. min-delaypathforwarding and 10-33% w.r.t. NDN scheme
Evaluation – Average packet download time (cont'd) • Delivery time sharply decreases as the cache size until additional storage capacity does not provide any benefits • INFORM providebetween 5-26% improvementw.r.t. min-delaypathforwarding and 22-25%% w.r.t. NDN scheme
Evaluation – Data overhead • Data loaddecreases as connectivityincreases for min-delayforwarding • Data load first increasesthendecreases for dynamicforwardingschemes
Evaluation – Data overhead (cont'd) • Similar trend as for the connectivity case • INFORM reduces network overheadw.r.t. NDN forwardingscheme
Conclusions INFORM designed to discover and exploit temporary available content replicas and adapt request forwarding accordingly Performance evaluation shows INFORM outperform state of the art algorithms reducing the overhead w.r.t. other dynamic schemes On-going and future work • Analytical modeling of INFORM • System-level design to support INFORM in high • speed devices • Extensive simulations and experimental • evaluation with our prototype