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Modelling control. P. Piovesan, A. Soppelsa in collaboration with L. Grando, G. Marchiori, L. Marrelli, L. Piron, D. Terranova, P. Zanca Consorzio RFX, Euratom-ENEA Association, Padova, Italy. The goal …. The main goal is to realize an IDEAL SHELL through magnetic feedback.
Modelling control P. Piovesan, A. Soppelsa in collaboration with L. Grando, G. Marchiori, L. Marrelli, L. Piron, D. Terranova, P. Zanca Consorzio RFX, Euratom-ENEA Association, Padova, Italy
The goal … • The main goal is to realize an IDEAL SHELL through magnetic feedback Br=0 at r=a (plasma radius) + helical boundary conditions? (L. Marrelli and A. Boozer talks)
The goal … and real life • Our main goal is to realize an IDEAL SHELL through magnetic feedback • But in real life we have to face some facts: • Discrete active and sensor coils ALIASING OF SIDEBAND HARMONICS • Gaps, portholes, … MODE COUPLING, ERROR FIELDS • Active coils and sensors are coupled • Finite penetration time of Br through the shell • Finite bandwidth and current limits of power supplies + active coils • Shell proximity • … Br=0 at r=a (plasma radius) + helical boundary conditions? (L. Marrelli and A. Boozer talks)
PID gains chosen to induce mode rotation and phase unlocking, based onsimulations with the torque-balance code RFXlocking (by P. Zanca) • State-space Simulink e.m. model of the wall + feedback system (by G. Marchiori, A. Soppelsa) Inductance matrix among active coils and sensors from vacuum measurements Power supply + coil controller PID mode controller Irefm,n br,refm,n Irefi,j Ii,j Poloidal index: i=1,…,4 Toroidal index: j=1,2,…,48 bri,j C FFT-1 A M + bfi,j - m = -1,0,1,2 n = 0,1,…,24 br,clm,n br,cli,j Sideband cleaning + extrapolation to r=a FFT CLEAN Where we are … • Clean Mode Control br cleaned from the SIDEBAND HARMONICaliasing due to the discreteness of the active coils and sensors Mode unlocking current up to 1.6MA helical states with improved confinement
power supply saturation (1, -7) (1, -8) current on m=1,n mode (A) (1, -9) IP (MA) Where we are going … • When increasing the current above 1.6MA, we may encounter the current limit of the active coil power supplies • Related with self-organization to the helical state (1,-7) • Some coil power may be saved by reducing the CMC gains • RFXlocking code predicts that extrapolation to r=a needs more current without improving control (P. Zanca, PPCF 2009) • Alternative strategies should be tested at 1.5MA first
n = -1,…,-23 n = -7 Simulation Experiment Max. m=1 displacement of LCFS (mm) • RFXlocking (with 3 shells) may provide an estimate of the ultimate CMC limit, within some assumptions (e.g. uniform wall) • Quantitative comparisons with the experiment are ongoing (L. Piron, P. Zanca) Max. m=1 displacement of LCFS (mm) KP, proportional gain on (1,-7) IP (MA) Ultimate limit of CMC? • How far is CMC from IDEAL SHELL performance? • The secondary mode scaling is favourable, while the (1,-7) mode may fix the ultimate limit • Error fields may also play a role
br(a) / br(res) for (1,-7) mode we are here CMC optimization • Recent modelling with RFXlocking suggests that several optimizations of the CMC controller are possible: • Tuning of derivative gains 20% reduction of br for the (1,-7) mode and other modes • Remove complex gains? • Extend CMC to all modes? • Higher gains on m=0 modes at deep F • Alternative approaches? • Could stopping the mode rotation allow a further reduction of br? • Chose gains to induce an ordered rotation of locked mode? (more details in D. Terranova and G. Marchiori talk)
Locked mode angle • First correction tests with the dynamic pseudo-decoupler are promising and suggest some possible optimizations: • Less derivative action to reduce noise on output • Toroidal symmetry assumption may be too strong • All mutual inductances should be measured radial magnetic field (T) brefi,j Ii,j bri,j brefi,j ~ M-1 M toroidal index Error fields at toroidal gaps • Major EFs identified Should we avoid or correct them or both? • Main EF due to vertical field penetration through the two toroidal gaps: • Locked mode prefers gaps, especially during the start-up phase, but also during flattop • Effects on secondary modes and/or QSH?
Feedforward correction of error fields Ishell F IEF,refi,j bri,j Irefm,n br,refm,n Irefi,j Ii,j C FFT-1 A M + + - bfi,j br,clm,n br,cli,j FFT CLEAN Feedforward EF correction • More sophisticated feedforward EF correction schemes, to be applied also during plasma, may be designed and tested: • The m=0,n=1 current in the shell is measured and should be proportional to the EF • A pseudo-decoupler may be designed, starting from the inductance matrix among currents in the Field Shaping windings and radial field sensors • ANSYS simulations of the two gaps to determine the fine structure of the EF
EFs at the equatorial gap • The radial magnetic field penetrates faster through the equatorial gap, which may cause significant poloidal mode coupling • Is this comparable to the coupling introduced by toroidal geometry? Phase difference among bf1,n(a) and br1,n(a) bf1,n(a) (mT) br1,n(a) (mT) time (s) m=1, n=-7 + m=1, n=0 m=0, n=7 m=1, n=+7 m=2, n=7 I1,n (A) time (s)
erm,n Irefm,n br,reqm,n C M-1 ~ Reduced modal decoupler • To correct the EFs at the equatorial gap, a dynamic (or static) modal decoupler is being designed: • Start with reduced dimensions, e.g. m=1, n=-7 only effects on QSH? • Then try to extend it to the main secondary modes
bri,j br,refi,j Irefi,j Ii,j CVS A M + - Advanced virtual shell • The virtual shell scheme on the other hand may have some advantages: • Does it make sense to Fourier decompose EFs and act on them as if they were modes?
bri,j br,refi,j Irefi,j Ii,j CVS A M + - br,cli,j CLEAN Advanced virtual shell • The virtual shell has some advantages: • Does it make sense to Fourier decompose EFs and act on them as if they were modes? • A Clean-VS scheme may be designed: • With sideband cleaning (presently without extrapolation to r=a)
Advanced virtual shell • The virtual shell has some advantages: • Does it make sense to Fourier decompose EFs and act on them as if they were modes? • A Clean-VS scheme may be designed: • With sideband cleaning (presently without extrapolation to r=a) • With different gains in different positions, to compensate for gaps and other features bri,j br,refi,j Irefi,j Ii,j CVS A M + - br,cli,j CLEAN
Advanced virtual shell • The virtual shell has some advantages: • Does it make sense to Fourier decompose EFs and act on them as if they were modes? • A Clean-VS scheme may be designed: • With sideband cleaning • With different gains in different positions, to compensate for gaps and other features • OR with a dynamic pseudo-decoupler (to be re-designed on cleaned measurements) bri,j br,refi,j Irefi,j Ii,j C A M D + - br,cli,j CLEAN
Advanced virtual shell • The virtual shell has some advantages: • Does it make sense to Fourier decompose EFs and act on them as if they were modes? • A Clean-VS scheme may be designed: • With sideband cleaning • With different gains in different positions, to compensate for gaps and other features • OR with a dynamic pseudo-decoupler (to be re-designed on cleaned measurements) • Is it worth developing all of this at plasma radius? • Mutual inductances among active coils and “virtual sensors” at r=a are needed: • Can they be measured from mutual inductances among active coils and bf sensors? • Very detailed and good measurements of mutual inductances would be needed • Can they be estimated from FEM e.m. codes, such as CARIDDI?
Hybrid scheme • More physics-driven control schemes may be designed, based on proper combinations of the VS, MC, and FF schemes introduced above (once these have been all investigated separately):
Ishelli,j FEEDFORWARD ERROR FIELD CORRECTION F MC + PSEUDO-DECOUPLER IEF,refi,j Irefm,n Filter n>n0 C FFT-1 D br,refm,n + + + - Iref1,-7 Filter n<n0 CD FFT-1 MODE DECOUPLER ON m=1, n=-7 or most important m=1 modes br,clm,n br,cli,j CLEAN FFT SIDEBAND CLEANING + EXTRAPOLATION TO r=a Hybrid scheme • More physics-driven control schemes may be designed, based on proper combinations of the VS, MC, and FF schemes introduced above (once these have been all investigated separately): Ii,j Irefi,j bri,j A M bfi,j