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René Schalk Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 29-30 September 2008: Working at old age – Emerging theories and empirical perspectives on ageing and work. The role of matching individual and organizational needs in the employment relationship as a facilitating factor enabling longer working lives.
René Schalk Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 29-30 September 2008: Working at old age – Emerging theories and empirical perspectives on ageing and work The role of matching individual and organizational needs in the employment relationship as a facilitating factor enabling longer working lives Kerstin Isaksson
Definition and meaning of “age” The dynamics of matching of individual and organizational needs over time Research-based knowledge on HR-policies Differences in psychological contracts between European countries Conclusions: how to take into account the specific needs of each age group in organizations, and how to enable older people to stay employed? Content Kerstin Isaksson
Meaning of “age” Representation of possible definitions of the concept “Ageing” and indicators (Adapted from De Lange et al., 2006) Aging ageing Underlying causal changes Biological, psychological, social and societal changes across time Type of Definition Chronological Age Functional Age Psychosocial Age Organizational Age Life-span Age Health Social or self perceptions Home situation Possible indicators Calendar Age Company Tenure Kerstin Isaksson
Matching organizational and individual needs Context: labour market, economic developments, flexicurity policies Employer demands/ offers Employee demands/ offers The psychological contract Changes over time (career prospects, work/life balance, tasks/assignments) Kerstin Isaksson
The content refers to the perceptions of the employee on the promises and obligations of the employer and him/herself implied in the employment relationship The fulfillmentof the psychological contract is concerned with whether the promises and obligations have been met The psychological contract Kerstin Isaksson
Psychological contract • Psychological Contract • Content of PC • promises made • State of PC • fulfillment of promises • violations Individual outcomes Age Background variables Organisational outcomes Kerstin Isaksson
Identity theory: older employees identify more less expectations on obligations, greater degree of fulfillment P-E fit theory: balancing career and private life different patterns of obligations at different points in time Rising expectations: older employees have higher expectations more obligations, more violations No age-related differences Theoreticalbackground of changes with age Kerstin Isaksson
Are there systematic differences in content and fulfillment of employer obligations related to age? Does the country context make a difference? Research questions Kerstin Isaksson
Seven European countries, three sectors Permanent employees N = 3351, 54% female, 69% non supervisory Age categories: <30, 31-40, 41-50, > 50 years Sample of permanent employees from the Psycones project Kerstin Isaksson
Content of PC (employer obligations) Has your organization promised or committed itself to…. (yes/no) 15 employer promises Content of PC (employee obligations) Have you promised or committed yourself to…. (yes/no) 17 employee promises Contract fulfillment For each item “To what extent has this promise or commitment been kept?” (Scale 1-5) Violations(6 items) Measures (employee perspective) Kerstin Isaksson
Fulfillment of employer obligations Kerstin Isaksson
Fulfillment of employee obligations Kerstin Isaksson
Country differencesnumber of employer obligations Kerstin Isaksson
Country differences fulfillment of employer obligations Kerstin Isaksson
Country differences fulfillment of employee obligations Kerstin Isaksson
No age differences in Number of Employer and Employee Obligations (Content of the Psychological Contract) Lower Fulfillment at lower ages No age differences in Violations Conclusions (1) Kerstin Isaksson
Country effects in number of emlopyer obligations Better delivery with age in Germany, Sweden, and Israel, worse in Spain, UK, Belgium and The Netherlands No country differences with age in fulfillment of employee obligations Conclusions (2) Kerstin Isaksson
Size of effects Career stages and specific obligations? Continuity effects? I-deals? Discussion Kerstin Isaksson