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Dr. Matthew Ikl é Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Adams State College

Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence: An Indefinite Probabilities Approach. Dr. Matthew Ikl é Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Adams State College. Probabilistic Logic Networks. A Probabilistic Logic Inference System: unifies probability and logic

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Dr. Matthew Ikl é Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Adams State College

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  1. Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence: An Indefinite Probabilities Approach Dr. Matthew Iklé Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Adams State College

  2. Probabilistic Logic Networks A Probabilistic Logic Inference System: • unifies probability and logic • key component of the Novamente Cognition Engine, an integrative AGI system • BUT independent of Novamente -- designed with ability to be incorporated into other systems

  3. Probabilistic Logic Networks • supports the full scope of inferences required within an intelligent system, including e.g. first and higher order logic, intensional and extensional reasoning, and so forth • lends itself naturally to methods of inference control that are computationally tractable, and able to make use of the inputs provided by • non-logical cognitive mechanisms

  4. Weight of Evidence • What is it? • Why is it important? • E.g. belief revision • One approach: weight of ev. = interval width • [.2,.8] means less evidence than [.4,.6] • Pei Wang’s NARS system • Walley’s Imprecise Probabilities • Heuristic approaches

  5. Indefinite Probabilities • primary measure of uncertainty utilized within PLN • hybrid of Walley’s Imprecise Probabilities and Bayesian credible intervals • provides a natural mechanism for determining weight of evidence • PLN’s logical inference rules are associated with indefinite truth value formulas or procedures • Prior papers have given indefinite truth value formulas for a number of PLN inference rules, but have not dealt with quantifiers

  6. Indefinite Probabilities Review • truth-value takes the form of a quadruple ([L, U], b, k) • There is a probability b that, after k more observations, the truth value assigned to the statement S will lie in the interval [L, U] • Given intervals, [Li,Ui] , of mean premise probabilities, we first find a distribution from the “second-order distribution family” supported on • [L1i,U1i ]so that these means have [L i,Ui] as (100*bi)% credible intervals • For each premise, we use Monte-Carlo methods to generate samples for each of the “first-order” distributions with means given by samples of the “second- order” distributions. We then apply the inference rules to the set of premises for each sample point, and calculate the mean of each of these distributions.

  7. Quantifiers Via Indefinite Probabilities • Goals: • logical and conceptual consistency • agreement with standard quantifier logic for the crisp case (for all expressions to which standard quantifier logic assigns truth values) • gives intuitively reasonable answers in practical cases • compatibility with probability theory in general and PLN in particular • handles fuzzy quantifiers as well as standard universal and existential quantifiers • comprehensive, conceptually coherent, probabilistically grounded and computationally tractable approach

  8. Quantifiers in Indefinite Probabilities • utilize third-order probabilities • non-standard semantic approach • we assign truth values to expressions with unbound variables, yet without in doing so binding the variables • unusual but not contradictory • expression with unbound variables, as a mathematical entity, may be mapped into a truth value without introducing any mathematical or conceptual inconsistency • approach reduces to the standard crisp approach in terms of truth value assignation for all expressions for which the standard crisp approach assigns a truth value. • our approach also assigns truth values to some expressions (formulas standard crisp approach assigns no truth value

  9. Quantifiers in Indefinite Probabilities: ForAll • Suppose we have an indefinite probability for an expression F(t) with unbound variable t, summarizing an envelope E of probability distributions corresponding to F(t) • How do derive from this an indefinite probability for the expression “ForAll x, F(x)”? • we consider the envelope E to be part of a higher-level envelope E1, which is an envelope of envelopes • given that we have observed E, what is the chance (according to E1) that the true envelope describing the world actually is almost entirely supported within [1-e, 1], where the latter interval is interpreted to constitute “essentially 1”

  10. Quantifiers in Indefinite Probabilities: ThereExists • For “ThereExists x, F(x),” what is the chance (according to E1) that the true envelope describing the world actually is not entirely supported within [0, e], where the latter interval is interpreted to constitute “essentially zero”

  11. Quantifiers in Indefinite Probabilities: The proxy_confidence_level parameter • By almost entirely (in ForAll case) we mean that the fraction contained is at least proxy_confidence_level (PCL) • the interval [PCL, 1] represents the fraction of bottom-level distributions completely contained in the interval [1-e, 1]

  12. Quantifiers in Indefinite Probabilities: Fuzzy Quantifiers • indefinite probabilities provide a natural • method for “fuzzy” quantifiers such as AlmostAll and Afew • In analogy with the interval [PCL, 1] we • introduce the parameters lower_proxy_confidence (LPC) and • upper_proxy_confidence (UPC) • Letting [LPC, UPC] = [0.9, 0.99], the • interval could now naturally represent AlmostAll • the same interval could represent AFew by setting LPC to a value such • as 0.05 and UPC to, say, 0.1.

  13. Summary • incorporating a third level of distributions, as perturbations, into the indefinite probabilities framework allows for extension of indefinite probabilities to handle a sliding scale of fuzzy and crisp quantifiers • computationally tractable

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