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Electronic Archive Information System

Electronic Archive Information System. Saulius Ragaišis, Adomas Birštunas, Antanas Mitašiūnas, Arūnas Stočkus Vilnius University, Lithuania MitSoft, software company Baltic DB & IS 2012 2012-07-10. Objectives. Presentation of Lithuania’s road preparing for electronic documents.

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Electronic Archive Information System

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  1. Electronic Archive Information System Saulius Ragaišis, Adomas Birštunas, Antanas Mitašiūnas, Arūnas Stočkus Vilnius University, Lithuania MitSoft, software company Baltic DB & IS 2012 2012-07-10

  2. Objectives Presentation of Lithuania’s road preparing for electronic documents. Special attention to development of Electronic Archive Information System (EAIS) that was the final step completing this preparation.

  3. 2000: Law on Electronic Signature

  4. 2006: “Tool-first” approach (e.g., Justa) 2007: e-Servicing (Declaration) System of the Insurers (EDAS)

  5. 2008: Minimalrequirements forthe specifications 2009: ADOC specification 2010: MDOC specification

  6. 2009: public free software tools 2009: e-Servicing System ofthe Citizens (EGAS) 2011: Electronic DeclarationSystem of State Tax Inspectorate (EDS) 2011: the Government electronic signature information system (ELPAS) 2011: EAIS

  7. Model of Electronic Document

  8. Interoperability problem • The main standardizations efforts in the EU are still targeted to electronic signature formats. • Member states should be able to process (validate) the e-signatures formats: XAdES, CAdES, and PAdES. • The true artifact of interoperability is an electronic document.

  9. Conventional official documents Very complex entity: • Various content • Appendices and/or attached independent earlier created documents • Signed by one or more signatures • Registered and possesses corresponding attributes

  10. Official electronic documents • Should be adequate to the conventional documents • Consist of three parts:- content, - signatures,- metadata.

  11. Logical structure of el. document

  12. Current el. document specifications

  13. Product line Signa • SignaDesktop – public free Windows OS application(download from http://www.mitsoft.lt/) • SignaWeb – public free web application (available at https://signa.mitsoft.lt/) • SignaSDK – a set of application libraries for Java and .NET platforms (supports all current specifications) • SignaDocs – web application for enterprises (featuring multiple users, electronic document workflows and the ability to sign with qualified signatures multiple electronic documents in bulk; ELPAS is based on it)

  14. Electronic Archive Information System

  15. Project goal To create an integral open IS for accepting and storing electronic documents of National Document Fund (NDF), providing a legal access to the stored documents using IT and communication means, administering NDF efficiently and providing electronic services.

  16. EAIS important features • Deals with electronic documents that are original documents, having the same legal value as handwritten (handsigned) documents. • Assures the integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation and possibility to use the electronic documents for a long or unlimited time. The system is unique (we do not know other corresponding system).

  17. EAIS main parts • Public portal • Internal portal • Storage of electronic documents:- physically located in Vilnius and Šiauliai- data replication- accessible through internal portal only

  18. EAIS subsystems

  19. EAIS important functionality • Authentication of external users through e-government gateway • All public functions could be invoked interactively and through corresponding Web services • Flexible configuration of authenticity checks • Retention risk management: - converting content into long-term storage files (PDF/A format)- extending e-signatures to XAdES-A format- means for physical preservation of electronic documents

  20. EAIS conclusions • EAIS has been launched in October 2011. • The first national archive storing electronic documents signed with qualified e signatures. • Currently EAIS deals with electronic documents of ADOC and EGAS specifications.

  21. Actions in progress • PDF-LT specification. • Adjustment of the Law on Documents and Archives. • Transfer of Government decrees (electronic) to EAIS.

  22. Summary • “Standard-first” approach should be chosen. • ADOC and MDOC specifications were nominated as main strategic innovation 2010 in Lithuania. • Product line Signa was awarded as a winner of national contest “Innovative Product 2011”. • Electronic Archive Information System is unique not only in Lithuania, but also in the world.

  23. Questions?

  24. Appendix

  25. Simplest signing scheme

  26. Simplest validation scheme

  27. Advantages of el. documents • Save time and costs of ordinary post services and/or further management. • The scanning costs per year in Lithuania would exceed 10 M€. • Average 3-year ROI of electronic documents management exceeds 300%. • Full reliability of document content, possibility to use fragments for preparation of other documents, possibility to search in a document text.

  28. Classification of interoperability solutions

  29. Physical structure of el. documents • ZIP-based electronic document (container)format conformant with ETSI TS 102 918 • XAdES electronic signatures of detached topology according to ETSI TS 101 903 • Metadata is an integral part of the electronic document, i.e. it is embedded according to ISO 15489-1 • Main document should be stored in root directory. Appendices and attached documents may be stored in one or more directories (maximum number of levels ≤ 3). • …

  30. Example. Logical-physical mapping

  31. ADOC content formats • Word processing: docx, odt. • Spreadsheets: xlsx, ods. • Presentations: pptx, ppsx, odp. • Vector graphics and text formats: pdf. • Raster graphics formats: tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, jfif, png.

  32. Electronic document signatures • Signatures standard: • XAdES v1.4.1 • Electronic signatures formats: • XAdES-EPES • XAdES-T • XAdES-C • XAdES-X • XAdES-X-L • XAdES-A • Signatures may be: • Parallel • Hierarchic

  33. MDOC specification • 90 % based on the ADOC v1.0 • MDOC specification redefines allowedmain document and appendix formats: • Machine readable content formats: xml, ffdata • Visualization formats: css, xslt, fo, mxfd, pdf • Image formats: tif, jpg, png (only for appendixes) • Attachments are not allowed • MDOC specification defines special requirements for content data visualization

  34. Software requirements • CWA 14170:2004 Security requirements for signature creation applications • CWA 14171:2004 General guidelines for electronic signature verification • ETSI TS 101 861 V1.2.1:2002 Time stamping profile • ETSI TS 101 862 V1.3.3:2007 Qualified certificate profile

  35. EAIS public free tools • Web application (available at https://adoc.archyvai.lt); if compared to Signa Web this application is more beginners oriented, as all the time user is guided by wizards. • Signa Desktop

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