Plagiarism By: Sae and Chris
Understanding Plagiarism • Understanding plagiarism is important because we need to know how to prevent from plagiarizing. If we don’t know what plagiarism is and we copied some information and we didn’t meet the requirements to get a way from plagiarism we might get in big trouble in work and school.
Class Definition “using other people’s work and ideas as though it’s your own” • 6. Perfect crime • 7. The labor of Laziness • 8. Style and organization plagiarism • 9. The misinformer • 10. Idea 1. Self Plagiarism 2. Missing footnote 3. Improper paraphrase 4. Ghost writer 5. Copy and paste
5 examples of academic staffs plagiarizing and getting punished 12345 • Principal Jim Caudil------------Fired from job • KaavyaViswanathan---------Fired from job • Bollywood---unknown • Michael Bolton -------------- 5.4 milliion • MariamSticklen -------------- fired from job
Avoiding Plagiarism • Plagiarism can be avoided by not copying other people’s ideas and making them look like yours. • There are several websites that can check plagiarism such ashttp://www.grammarly.com/?q=plagiarism&gclid=CJmkqdWs160CFU576wodTDfWEA • If you really want to put in that person’s idea, put quotation marks and reference it so that people know that it’s not your idea.
Summary • So now you know that plagiarism is “using other people’s work and ideas as though it’s your own” , and you also learned 10 types of plagiarism. You also learned that when you grow up and plagiarize, there will be Sevier consequences. Not like now when you either get detention, calling your parents and tell them that you’ve plagiarized etc, but getting fired or and maybe fined.
References • http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-05-30/news/0805300022_1_plagiarism-school-district-school-year • New york Times article • http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/8634 • .http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/ward_l_churchill/index.html?scp=1&sq=teachers%20fired%20for%20plagiarism&st=cse • http://www.statenews.com/index.php/article/2010/04/msu_professor_admits_to_plagiarism_in_2008_article