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Vocabulary Power: Enhance Your Language Skills

Learn new words and improve your vocabulary skills with definitions, synonyms, and examples. Recognize common roots and prefixes to understand unfamiliar terms better. Enhance your writing by using diverse words accurately.

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Vocabulary Power: Enhance Your Language Skills

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 14 • ELA5R3 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The studentb.   Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues (e.g., definition, example).c.   Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of common roots, suffixes, and prefixes.d.  Determines pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words using dictionaries and thesauruses.

  2. Alibi (noun) A claim of having been elsewhere when a crime was committed; a reason given to explain something Can anyone confirm your _____________. Synonyms: An excuse, explanation, story, defense My Client was at work at the time of the crime. His boss can confirm his alibi.

  3. Confederate (Adj) joined with others for a common purpose Seven sheikdoms are ________________ states in the United Arab Emirates. (Noun) a person, state, or country that joins with another for a common purpose; a partner on crime Some of our wartime allies are still our ________________ in peace keeping organizations. Synonyms: United, allied, combined; an ally, accomplice Antonyms: Divided, separated; a foe, enemy

  4. 3. Discharge (Noun) A release or letting go; a firing off; a giving off; something given off. A search of the records showed that the army gave the soldier an honorable _____________ . (verb) to let go; to unload cargo or passengers; to fire off; to give off Did the hospital _____________ the patient. Synonyms : to release, dismiss, shoot; a dismissal, release Antonyms : to detain, imprison; to hire, appoint; to load, absorb

  5. 4. Economical (Adj) Careful about spending money or using resources. An ________ shopper waits for sales and always looks for a bargain. Synonyms: Antonyms: Thrifty, frugal, saving Extravagant, wasteful

  6. 5. Frank (Adj) Honest in expressing thoughts and feelings Don’t be offended if I am _____________with you. Synonyms: Direct, blunt, straightforward, truthful Antonyms: Secretive, insincere,dishonest I do not like this food and I do NOT like your suit!

  7. 6. Modify (Verb) to change somewhat A good cook knows how to _____________ a recipe if one or two of the ingredients are not available. Synonyms: To adjust, alter, adapt, vary, revise

  8. 7 Mutiny (Noun) An open rebellion against authority The Boston Tea Party was an act of _____________. (Verb) to rebel against those in charge The captain’s cruelty led the crew to _____________. A revolt, uprising, riot; to revolt, rise up Synonyms: To support, obey Antonyms: Soldiers! Forward, March!

  9. 8. Negative (adj) Saying “no”; not positive or helpful; less than zero; having the same electric charge as an electron. The reply to my question was _____________. (Noun) An expression that says “no”; a photographic image in which light and dark areas are reversed “I can’t” is an example of a _____________. Synonyms: Bad, unfavorable Antonyms: Positive, helpful, good, favorable

  10. 9. Pursue (Verb) To chase in order to catch; to strive to achieve; to carry out During a hunt the dogs _____________a hare. Synonyms: To follow, hunt, run after, aim for, work for Antonyms: To run away, take off, flee, bolt

  11. 10. Reign (Noun) The power of rule of a monarch; a monarch’s period of rule England prospered under the _____________ of Queen Anne. (Verb) To rule as a monarch; to be widespread During the 1920’s, prosperity _____________ . Synonyms: The regime, rule, control; to govern, command

  12. 11. Singular (Adj) Referring to one person or thing only; out of the ordinary “Is” is a _____________verb. (Noun) The form of a word that is used to refer to one person or thing “Mouse” is the _____________of “mice.” Synonyms: Exceptional, unusual Antonyms: Plural, a plural

  13. 12. Swindle (Verb) To cheat out of money or property A dishonest shopkeeper tried to _____________ me. (Noun) A scheme for cheating someone The fraud squad uncovered the _____________. Synonyms: To deceive, trick, gyp, con; a scam, fraud, hoax, racket For Sale! Real Diamond! But it's REALLY a FAKE!!

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