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Scalable Systems Software Project

Addressing the crisis faced by computer center administrators with incompatible tools, this project aims to improve productivity, reduce costs, and enhance system performance through a scalable software solution. Impact includes job management tools, allocation interface, and faster machine deployment.

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Scalable Systems Software Project

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  1. Scalable Systems Software Project Al Geist Computer Science Research Group Computer Science and Mathematics Division Research supported by the Department of Energy’s Office of ScienceOffice of Advanced Scientific Computing Research

  2. The teamCoordinator: Al Geist Participating organizations NSFSupercomputer Centers DOE Laboratories Vendors Open to all, like MPI forum www.scidac.org/ScalableSystems

  3. The problem System administrators and managers of terascale computer centers are facing a crisis: • Computer centers use incompatible,ad hoc sets of systems tools. • Present tools are not designed to scaleto multiteraflop systems – tools must be rewritten. • Commercial solutions are not happening because business forces drive industry toward servers, not high-performance computing.

  4. 10110001 11001100 00100101 Scope of the effort Accounting and usermanagement Allocationmanagement Resourceand queue management Faulttolerance Checkpoint/restart Security Systembuild and configure System monitoring Jobmanagement Improve productivity of both users and system administrators

  5. Reduced facilitymanagement costs More effective use of machines by scientific applications Fundamentally change the way future high-endsystems software is developed and distributed Impact • Scalable launch of jobsand checkpoint/restart • Job monitoring and management tools • Allocation management interface • Reduce duplication of effort in rewriting components • Reduce need to supportad hoc software • Better systems tools available • Able to get machines up and running faster and keep running • Especially important for LCF

  6. Accounting Scheduler System monitor Node configuration and build manager System software architecture Access control security manager(interacts withall components) Meta scheduler Metamonitor Meta manager Allocation management Job manager and monitor Data migration User database Queue manager Testing and validation Usage reports User utilities High-performance communication and I/O Checkpoint/ restart File system Application environment

  7. Highlights

  8. Metamonitor Meta manager Meta scheduler Metaservices Node state manager Accounting Scheduler System and job monitor Node configuration and build manager Service directory Authentication Communication Allocation management Event manager Hardware infrastructure manager Job queue manager Usage reports SSS-OSCAR Checkpoint/ restart Process manager Testing and validation Progress on integrated suite Componentscan be writtenin any mixtureof C, C++, Java, Perl, and Python. Standard XML interfaces

  9. Production users

  10. Adoption of API

  11. Contact Al Geist Computer Science Research Group Computer Science and Mathematics Division (865) 574-3153 gst@ornl.gov 11Geist_SSS_SC07

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