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This ebook is handy in providing<br><br>the essential tips and strategies you need to move to the next level<br><br>financially.<br><br>So, please sit back and have a nice time reading this informative<br><br>masterpiece as it takes you through all that you need to become wealthy and stay wealthy<br><br><br>
Copyright © 2022 Limitless Factor Pte Ltd All rights reserved. Published by Alex Maxwell No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Notes to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The information contained in this book is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and the performance of the information is assumed by the user, and in no event shall the author.com be liable for any consequential, incidental or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information in this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 1: STOP THE LIMITING BELIEF ................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER 2: GETTING INTO THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE ...................................................... 9 CHAPTER 3: SOME WEALTH-BUILDING SECRETS YOU NEED TO KNOW ................................. 13 CHAPTER 4: 5 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ATTRACTING WEALTH SURPLUS ............................... 18 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 24 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 27
Financial surplus is everyone's aspiration. This is so because we are somehow hard-wired to pursue it. But the fact that it is everyone's goal, it appears that only a few people accomplish it. The most common reason why many people can't achieve this is a lack of financial education, especially knowledge of wealth creation and money management. Lack of financial knowledge has been the reason many people are stuck financially, and not because they are not making an effort. For instance, it is difficult for someone who has a wrong notion about money and wealthy people to make a financial turnaround. The reason for that is not far- fetched. They have negative attitudes toward money, which has affected how they relate to money. As far as attracting financial surplus is concerned, knowledge is a critical factor. Unfortunately, some people believe getting a job or starting a business is all they need to attract wealth in abundance. But the truth is you need a sustainable structure that makes money work for you instead of the other way round, and this is a function of financial literacy. 1
It's good to know everything works by principle. This doesn't exclude wealth creation. In other words, one becomes wealthy without following roadmap strategies and principles. These structures provide the support they need to make the change they want. This book is handy in providing the essential tips and strategies you need to move to the next level financially. So, please sit back and have a nice time reading this informative masterpiece as it takes you through all that you need to become wealthy and stay wealthy. Special Note: If you’re in a hurry and you’re not sure if you can finish reading this book, here’s a little something that can help you in your journey towards manifesting the life of your dreams: Click here to find out how to activate your Root Chakra to manifest abundance 2
The way we believe about things in our lives influences the way we interact with them. Today, many are short of basic things not because they have no capacity to get them but because they hold a wrong notion about them. This is especially true about how people make or interact with money. For some people, money is the initiator of everything that's evil. That is a big mistake. Money doesn't have some sort of morality. So it can't determine what is good or what is not. Excessive and unbridled passion or love for money is the basis of evil. It's not money itself. Some even think money- making is one of the hardest things to do. It is scarce and all that. It's sad that many people buy into that myth, and they got choke financially for life. One thing about money belief is that you may not notice you have it. But consciously and unconsciously, they influence your financial decision. In fact, they greatly affect your entire financial health. Those things you were taught in school. The things you heard your parent say about money and 3
what you grew up learning from people you esteem dearly may be the reason why you are broke. Are you surprised? Yes, they might be major obstacles keeping you from getting rich. That's why you must pause and consider how they have greatly influenced your financial decision. Without that, you might not get it right financially. At this point, you may need to remember that getting rich is not all about what you do. Well, that's a significant thing you should consider, but you also need to take some moment to look at what you hold on to that might slow down the pace at which you are making progress financially. Like I said, while what you do matters, your state of mind matters too. You may be doing well in what you venture in, but if your effort doesn't match the attitude you put into it, your result may be limited. So, you need to know whether your attitude is in tandem with what you are doing to become financially successful at whatever you do. The truth is you need the correct and accurate knowledge of money to make money. You need an attitude that embraces, promotes and enhances money-making before you can grow wealth into abundance. Wrong money beliefs stifled your chances of getting rich. They make you feel that money is not meant for you. Sometimes, you feel that money is the highest peak of achievement you doubt you can ever make before exiting this earth. But the truth is all these wrongly presumed ideas about money affect the way you relate to money. They are the reasons you are not there yet. I don't think you grasp that. Come to think of it, do you know it is hard making a huge turnaround financially? Yes. You remember you have exhausted all 4
possibilities but all to no avail. The reason you have wired your mind around wrong thoughts that limit your chances and capability to make money. Money-making is an inherent capacity, but it needs to be enhanced by your perspectives on it. Many people have all that it takes to be rich simply because they neglected the simple logic. You can believe contrary to your power and expect it to yield a positive result. You see, becoming rich is a product of your awareness. How much of what you know and how you know can engage your mind with what you know to attract what you want. No doubt, you have in you, all that is needed to attract abundantly, but that doesn't make you rich automatically. Even the poor know they do. So what plays the key role in your mindset? You can attract as much as you want if you have a positive mindset toward money, and you can have reversed effect if you have a wrong money belief. One of the common beliefs passed down to us is that money is difficult to make. You know, many people think there is only a few people who can perform the magic. The profound truth is there is nothing complicated about making money. There are no money-making secrets you can't learn and practicalize to make the difference you need in your personal finances. Making money requires a high level of courage. Confidence to attempt something unusual. But you may not arrive at it if you don't trust the process. Trusting the process comes from the positive mindset you build about money over time. You don't get it by spiritual impartation or magical power. Your mind needs you to reconfigure so you can think positively about money. 5
When you have any wrong perspective, don't fight it. Query it! Query your perception about money when you think you are not getting it right financially. You talk about how people make money and imagine how they do it. You thought they got some magical power that attracts wealth. No! They got it right mentally, so it becomes easier to get it right financially. Come to think of this: we all want to be rich. We all have aspirations to become billionaires. You know, we want to own a fleet of cars, a mansion, or maybe a small island where we can have life to ourselves. Yet only a few who don't treat that as mere fantasy got that life and are living it. Most people are still wishing they could. Fantasies etched with them the stigma of impossibility. You know, there is a way you think about something and feel it is unlikely to happen in reality. Some people think of owning a huge mansion, but they limit the aspiration to mere fantasy because of their current condition. More so, some people believe it is too late to get started. Maybe after many years of wasted efforts, they just hit the point and feel that it is late. The truth is no matter your age and time; you can put in a little effort and time to research how people gained financial independence yourself. I have met people who were doubting if they could still pursue their financial goals at old age. Some felt there was no time to make up for those wasted years. Some have given up after many failed attempts. For instance, I met a man some four years back who believed some people are destined to be rich somehow. I never took him so seriously at first, but when he told me all he had been through on his quest to make money. I concluded he 6
was frustrated because of numerous failed attempts. I told the story of the famous Charles Darwin, who made he is fortune until he was 50 years and his life took an entirely different turn. The point is no matter the age, time, or period you discover, your financial mindset has adjusted positively, and you can start the process. Don't forget there is no point in life you are too late to learn in life. What you need to guard is your financial mindset. Here is the point; many people aren't getting financial fortune in life because they have the wrong impression about money. Once a negative mindset grabs you consciously or unconsciously, you become susceptible and mentally incapacitated to make meaningful financial decisions. I have learned the significant role of positive money belief in making money. Also, I have to know how a negative money-making mentality can affect people's financial decisions. In fact, the common limiting factor is what people think about money. Imaginably, some people believe that rich people are greedy, dishonest and arrogant. Undoubtedly, this is a view of people who don't know how it is to be rich. People who don't know what it means to be financial-free and want to discourage others from getting rich. Maybe those who want to console themselves as poor people. I’ve heard sayings like “People are not smart enough to get millionaire status”. You know, they have pegged that status to a few smart and intelligent people. But till now, I'm still wondering what makes them think that way. Believe it or not, you don't need to be a stock genius to invest in stocks. The mentality of being too of the knowledge is a self-limiting mindset, no matter how you view it. The truth is, there are many ways to 7
achieve things. Who says you can't climb the proverbial ladder and get to the top without being an expert climber? Make the internet your close pals, and it will take you by hand to your destination unimaginably. The bottom line is attracting financial abundance comes from an accurate money belief system. When you consciously put this practice, you make financially informed decisions that put all negativity at bay. But the way to get started is to stop making excuses. Get rid of some negative assertions that don't reflect reality. For instance, stop thinking you don't deserve money. Refuse to be part of the people that assign a moral value to money. Money doesn't have moral values, nor can it determine them. More so, it would be best if you stopped being vague with your financial goals. Financial surplus is a journey; it begins when you know what having enough money means. So, draft out your financial goals, don't attain any obsessive behavior about it, envision positive outcomes, and you will achieve them. Do you get the gist? 8
Do you want to retire young, vibrant, and with good financial wealth? If your answer is yes, then you need to get started as quickly and soon as possible. However, you have two options: live rich young or live rich old while risking death. If the former choice is yours, you have to ignore the society's default "Get Rich Slow" map and some spoon-feeding financial junks to embrace a system that delivers richer now and adds the hope of freer and better tomorrow. You know the formula of "Get Rich Slow" already. It is all about going to school, getting good grades, securing a well-paid, slashing some income into an investment, saving some 10%..., and someday, perhaps when you are above 60, you will be rich. That structure is incredibly laughable. To state the obvious, it's one of the limiting beliefs you must fight and conquer. 9
Fast wealth is established upon the principle of "more and more increase". I hope you got that. It has to do with exponential increase and not linear. Also, you must know that wealth is not a road; it is a road trip. That means if your focus is on the road and not on the road trip, you will get stranded or get stuck, and your journey to your dreamy financial destination won't be accomplished. All those who made themselves wealthy did it by carefully observing a system. In other words, self-made millionaires have mastered a process till it delivers maximally. It's interesting to know that every wealth event has a backstory of risk, hard work, consistency, perseverance, trial, and sacrifice. If you try to steer clear of the process, you will have the experience. Hence, you must learn the four consistent building blocks that make up a winning financial system. These ingredients are also crucial in getting you to the millionaire Fastlane quicker than you expect. The Channel This is the most important ingredient you need to build a system that works as far as you want to attract wealth faster. The channel or vehicle is nothing but you. Remember, nobody has the vision of wealth creation but you. Others might have, but they do it for themselves, not you. Your vehicle is a complex structure needing constant maintenance and servicing to ensure efficiency during your financial journey. 10
Roadmap Your roadmap has to do with your money belief and preconceived ideas about money and wealth creation. Roads These are the financial paths you move through. You have many roads with countless variations. Speed This talks about your ability to execute or implement all the financial ideas you have gathered. This is one of the most important ingredients as it can determine whether you will get your dreamy destination or not. The millionaires' Fastlane is governed by many principles so much that if you don't follow a pathway through, you might lose track and decide to go back. In all, you need a working structure. All self-made millionaires have and use one to make it to the end. When you consider choosing or designing a roadmap, it's good to know that the Fastlane process demands a lot of hard work and sacrifice. This is why you don't get to see many people on it. Only a few who are willing and ready to make things work to resolve to work through. It is impossible to gain wisdom and personal growth in a journey that someone else does for you. Yours is the journey; the process is yours as well. You have to be instrumental to the change you want, and that begins with your belief systems. Your roadmaps are what reflect your money beliefs. Refuse the slow line to wealth. It consumes time 11
and delays your happy hour. Grab the Fastlane roadmap. It is a lifestyle of choice that enables an optimal environment for rapid wealth creation. You can jump into the millionaires Fastlane by owning your personal business. Ignore the Slow Lane roadmap that requires you to get a job and move from one paycheck to another. Remember, such a system will only confine you to the middle class. Instead, learn the Fastlane equation and make it work for you. 12
Wealth-building is almost everyone's dream. Everyone desires to have the taste of luxury. An endless supply of money to get whatever they want without restrictions. Many of us grew up with the mindset that having fast cars, wearing expensive clothes, owning big houses and so on are signs of wealth, and we desire to have a share. Nothing bad. But the most important thing is to know wealth can be built. Undoubtedly, wealth-building doesn't come by or from having numerous resources, as have been told. But, there is a way to achieve that, and that's what smart and wealthy individuals have figured out. However, before you read further, it's good you know the secret is in money management. 13
To take you further, let's define what wealth is. To you, wealth might be having the greatest and most recent things, right? Some people even think being wealthy has to do with your ability to have more than enough money regardless of any situation life throws at you. You know, being financially secure regardless of any situation you meet yourself. Truthfully, I used to think that wealth is about acquiring tangible things like houses and a fleet of cars. But as life ages me, I get a clearer picture of what wealth means. I realize rich people have a stash of cash that has been invested, and it is bringing a huge financial return. Investment. They know the best way to attract wealth is to invest splash a portion of their income into investment. They leave off the money invested, yet they get investment income on it. The key to wealth building is knowing how to manage and get money to work for you without mincing words. Below are some insightful tips for becoming financial independence you should know; Live Below Your Means The fastest way to run into huge debt is to spend more than you earn. If you can't pay for anything you want, it's obvious you can't afford it. This is why it is necessary that you consciously inculcate the habit of paying cash. Although we are in a modern society where a credit card is all you need to make a transaction, whether you can afford it or not. Studies have revealed that the less you spend when you track the way you spend money. 14
Invest in Your Future and Yourself Don't think you have the luxury of time to invest in yourself and your future. Some people think there's yet time to make things right financially. Stop that thought! Start making an effort, even if all you can afford is little. You will be amazed at what the return it will produce over time. Avoid Risk One of the most important secrets I would like to share is why you should avoid risk. When I mean avoiding risk, I'm talking about protecting yourself from risk. Don't forget you get an annual salary for working. So, you much ensure all things that may hinder the annual inflow are avoided. Losing such grace might result from losing a job, sickness or accident. You can't dictate what life throws at you, but you must prepare for emergence by protecting your income. Consider stashing a sum of money into insurance or saving for that purpose. Increase Your Income Have you considered doubling or tripling your income weekly, monthly or annually? If you haven't, now is the time to do so. Whether you are just considering starting a business, you have been into it, or you are working for someone, having multiple incomes is worth considering if you really want to build wealth. Here are a few ways you can start: •Stash some money into an investment 15
•Apply for High Paying Jobs •Get some side hustles •Save more money •Enhance Your Skillset Have Achievable Financial Goals You need to have financial goals that you are working towards. Such goals serve as a driven or compelling force that will get you going despite many obstacles that might come your way. Understand your financial aim and consistently drive towards it until you lay hold on it. Financial goals keep you financially motivated. It gives the positive vibe you need to push further despite many challenges. Avoid debt One thing wealthy people have in common is a low debt profile. It is impossible to see a disciplined wealthy person with an avalanche of debt because they avoid anything that would make them lose their hard-earned income. Unless, in a few cases, you got some interest-free loan, that money you need to pay comes with a price. Therefore, loan repayment has a significant impact on your business. Most times, they erode your net worth. Those finer things we want in life can indeed come later in the future. It's better to invest in the future earlier so that you can start getting the dividend at the right time. The period you 16
are in the appropriate time you need to build your capital investment. Do so without living on the return you get. That is make money work for you. The bottom line is that wealth creation is a process. It's never rocket science you can get just by mere wishing. You need to be committed and disciplined to produce consistent effects that attract abundant wealth. You may get tired of the process if you are not well equipped with proper financial education. Starting the journey without that might get you frustrated and back out. 17
I don't play the lottery, but I think I share similar desires with the people who do. You know, we are all looking for ways to get more money. But our mindset differs. I discovered people play the game because they get returns that might likely solve all their problems. But unfortunately, a report reveals that over 7o% who receive a windfall of money lose it within a few years. So it's better to learn and apply the principle that attracts wealth surplus rather than seeking a windfall of cash that doesn't last. According to LaShawne Holland, a non-profit strategist and wealth coach, to be on top of the game of money, you have to become a master of your money and not just an ordinary manager of money. Holland postulates that while most people only know how to manage money, really wealthy people learn how to double any money they have. So, the difference is real money 18
winners don't just learn how to manage money; they also master how to multiply it. That's why learning the five principles that multiply your income is important for everyone, including those who play the lottery, to make the change they want in their finances. Segment Money Principle It's sad to know that most people who want to become wealthy operate a single bank account. They also live from one paycheck to another. Do you know what that means? It shows they spend close to if not over, 90% of the income they make. The truth is wealthy people create their own wealth, and they do so by segmenting their money. In fact, that's the first principle that every rich person learns to apply. To create your wealth, you must understand the power of separating your income. It's not a bad thing to have different accounts for different purposes. More so, you must prioritize the use of that account. This is what people call the Millionaires Money Mastery Approach. The method enables you to have the following accounts: •Education Account •Life Expenses Account •Tithe or Charity Intervention Account •Money For Fun Account •Retirement Account •Spending Account Here is the idea; when you have separate accounts, you will be able to segment your income, and that's the first step leading to tracking your spending and making strategic plans to grow your finances. However, it 19
takes a lot of determination, intentionality and discipline to engage this type of principle. You may lose the chances of compounding and doubling the effect of your money. The Power of Vision Principle Permit you to let you know that you need a driving future to alter your current reality. You see, many people are finding it too convenient with the way things are happening for them financially. The truth is surviving only by what comes your way is not enough to get you there. It's not even enough to get you halfway. When you are cool with just getting by, you will discover the limits of why you can't achieve much. But when you are vision- driven, operating from and sustained by the power of your vision, you become productive, and you create ways to attract what you deserve. At this point, I don't need to state that you need to create a financial vision explicitly. It is when you have one, you can think or act from the vision you have for your finances. Rather than creating a financial vision, most people create financial goals. You must be wary of this mistake. Don't get it twisted. I don't mean having financial goals is bad. However, I would like you to know that only answering the question of "How much money do I want to make?" doesn't motivate you to make strategic plans leading to your financial freedom. More so, it's important you know that some blind spots and obstacles are part of what you will experience on your way to your dreamy financial destination. There is a bitter truth, but you can thrive through the power of 20
vision. Your vision determines your ability to succeed; that's why it must be larger than the one you have now. So, design a vision you will operate from. This vision separates you from poor people. Remember, people who are poverty-minded lack the power of vision. Rather than paying the cost of being financially free, they go after money. But get this; vision attracts purpose, and purpose draws wealth. When you understand that simple logic, you get positioned for a freedom-based financial lifestyle. Invest Resource and Time Principle This is one of the most principles you must learn to attract financial surplus, which has to do with creating an enabling environment for money to flow to you. You do this by investing in things that you can appreciate. Many people miss it for life because they invest in things that depreciate. If you are passionate about creating your Powerball, you have to put your resources and time into things whose value will likely increase. Money grows when it is invested in assets that can multiply. That's simple the secret of wealthy people. Better Preparation and Positioning Principle No economy is stable; it moves in cycles. You will be surprised by the outcome you get if you are not prepared and positioned for the new circle. This principle is not strange to rich people. They know that economy grows and shrinks in circles, and they make themselves ready for the outcome they get, good or bad. It is deception to think the economy operates 21
linearly. You don't expect things to happen the way it has always been. If you are passionate about adjusting things to your finances, seek knowledge to understand economic recession, depression, and expansion. The best way to get prepared for multiplication in whatever economic situation is to avoid consumer debt. When you do, you have more than enough money to invest and grow. People who know how to multiply despite economic recession or market fluctuations attract wealth. Plan for Generational Wealth Principle To attract financial surplus and become a sought-after master in the game of money, you need to think beyond your current needs and plan for wealth that will sustain your lineage. Wealth is an important legacy and inheritance that can sustain more than two generations if properly managed. You see, your love for family and people is measured by how you have made them financial secured. They don't have to start from scratch; they will have to continue from the structure you laid down. Don't you love insurance? Won't like to buy shares, bonds, real estate and perhaps invest in forex or so? I'm sure you do. You can leverage all these wealth strategies to build a substantial legacy that will outlive you. Refusing to do this might make your family cry for two reasons when you are dead: You are no more, and you left them poor. Practicing these principles may be something too hard to do, but don't forget each begins with a very simple idea you can easily imbibe into your 22
normal life and habits. Having a vision that compels motivates you about the future. It helps you take courageous steps that are keys to not only becoming wealthy but also remaining wealthy. With that, you will be able to attract the wealth you want regardless of the economic situation you may be in. 23
On a final note, manifesting abundance becomes easier when you heal your root chakra. Healing your root chakra means removing all blockages and releasing all the negative mindset holding you back from attracting true wealth. But first, you must identify your root chakra's significant blockages and learn how to heal them using our best energy healing method. Each healing practice you will be expounded on will help you to shift from negative money belief that promotes scarcity to the abundant mindset that attracts wealth surplus. Shifting your money mindset and energy is the step leading to unblocking your root chakra. You wouldn't know how helpful it would be until you get it done on time. So many people are stuck for life trying to figure out why there are more dreamers than action takers. The truth is, to manifest any idea into reality, you must believe it. You must also trust the process that will get you there. 24
Today, we have plenty of people swimming in ideas, but there are only a few ones living their dream in the realm of fantasy. This is because only a few understand the power of chakras. So many knew something had to change, but only a few knew how to harness the power flow, energy, and spirituality and get the change they wanted. Attracting financial prosperity is easy when you learn to harness the power of flow, energy, and spirituality. It brings balance to your life and gives you the clarity you need to pursue your financial goals. There's no time to waste; learn more now! In all, reading this book has not only revealed the secrets of sustainable income to you, but it has also enhanced your understanding of how money belief can affect the way you relate to money. Over time, most people are unaware of how instrumental their perception of money can affect the way they relate to it. As a result, they held on to certain misconceptions about money, which limited their financial capacity for a long time. But for you, the case is different now. This book has made you see the impact of limiting beliefs on your finances. You were taught how you easily get into the Millionaire's Fastlane to attract wealth surplus. Most importantly, this handy material expounded key secrets that attract financial abundance so that you can learn and use them for a change of level financially. Undoubtedly, the five basic principles shared in it have helped you keep your windfall of cash. It also excludes you from the list of 25
those who lose more than 70% of their income due to a lack of financial education. Click here to find out how to activate your Root Chakra to manifest abundance 26
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