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Overview of CCG in Brighton and Hove. One Clinical Commissioning Group for the city comprising:48 GP practices (each covering 1-16,000 pts)299,000 population184 GPsSplit into three localities: East, Central and WestCo-terminus with Local Authority boundary. Overview of CCG in Brighton and Hove
1. Brighton and HoveClinical Commissioning Group
2. Overview of CCG in Brighton and Hove One Clinical Commissioning Group for the city comprising:
48 GP practices (each covering 1-16,000 pts)
299,000 population
184 GPs
Split into three localities: East, Central and West
Co-terminus with Local Authority boundary
There are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorisedThere are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorised
3. Overview of CCG in Brighton and Hove All practices signed up to the Emerging CCG through an annual Inter Practice Agreement (IPA):
Engage in commissioning processes in partnership with clinicians, patients and the public
Review practice commissioning budgets and develop action plans where appropriate
Participate in education and training events
Abide by mechanisms for effectively managing referrals into secondary care
There are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorisedThere are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorised
4. Clinical Commissioning Leadership Elections in April - all of Primary Care ie GPs, Practice Nurses and Practice Staff;
Chair – Dr Xavier Nalletamby (St Peters)
3 Locality Chairs for East, West and Central
Dedicated Clinical GP/Nurse Leads for priority areas eg mental health, urgent care etc
Commissioning Champions to support commissioning development at Practice level
Reconfigured PCT resource and aligned to CCG structure:
Chief Operating Officer (job-share)
Locality Commissioning teams integrated with clinical commissioning leads.
There are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorisedThere are approximately 3,646 children with disabilities or special needs: 2,545 of these are under 16 years old.
There are around 2,551 children and young people who are deemed to be in need. This refers to vulnerable children and young people and those who are vulnerable in the family setting.
Within the city, 70 out of 10,000 children or young people are looked after by the council. Brighton and Hove has a higher proportion of children in care than the national average, with a higher proportion of these categorised
5. Governance and Accountability CCG Board meets monthly includes lay members, Council, LMC;
Held to account by NHS Sussex for delivery of plans and development of CCG:
As specified in Accountability Agreement
Process for Authorisation by April 2013 “Pipeline” will be launched at September CCG Board
Period of self assessment and development against 6 key domains:
Clinical focus
Public and patient engagement
Sound strategic planning
Governance - including capacity and capability to deliver all duties
Collaborative arrangements
Leadership – clinical and managerial
6. CCG Vision and Values Opportunity to make a real difference to the quality of healthcare in the city
Collective and powerful voice in representing their patients in service design and delivery
Identifying and addressing inequalities of care
Re-connecting clinical community across healthcare settings
Focusing on local clinical priorities informed by constituent practices:
Care of the elderly
Mental health
7. Summary
CCG - optimum configuration for moving forward
Excellent support at practice level for CCG development
Inclusive and democratic selection of very strong clinical leaders working in partnership with managers
Good and developing relationships between CCG and partners across the city
Sound (but nonetheless challenging) financial position from which to build
Focus on strengthening links with neighbouring CCGs
Development of a more systematic process for public/patient engagement building on Practice Participation Groups
Development programme to take us through pipeline for full authorisation by April 2012