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DataBase of Quarkonia

Explore the existing database of quarkonia in high energy physics, including scattering data, cross sections, structure functions, and more. Accessible through HEPDATA, this comprehensive resource is regularly updated with input from research groups worldwide.

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DataBase of Quarkonia

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  1. DataBase of Quarkonia Discussion meeting, Retequarkonii network LLR - 7th october Sarah Porteboeuf

  2. DATABASE • One database already exists in high energy physics : HEPDATA http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/ • “Particle physics scattering data in the form of differential and total cross sections, structure functions, polarisations, etc., from a wide range of reactions is available in the REACTION DATA database.” • “This is compiled by the Durham HEP Database group with additional input from and COMPAS(Russia) group. The database is regularly updated.” • “Literature searching (including citations) is provided in the form of a "mirror" of the comprehensive and highly popular SLAC-SPIRES HEP database, compiled by the SLAC library staff in collaboration with the DESY Library. Updates are obtained nightly from SLAC and the database updated automatically in the early hours of each morning.”

  3. Link to PDF Link to SPIRES, ARXIV, PDG

  4. Search directly in the DataBase Or use data reviews on specified subjects

  5. Direct search in the Reaction Database

  6. Example of search Reaction Au-Au: 21 documents Data related to a publication

  7. Au-Au, RHIC, PHENIX, 130 GeV Mid-rapidity transverse energy distribution Comments

  8. Table of data …

  9. … and plot

  10. Is therealreadyQuarkonia in the Database? Search final state particles J/Psi (FSP J/PSI) Results : 99 documents from various experiments BELLE, CDF, HERA-B, H1, ZEUS, SPEC, BABAR, FMPS, CNTR, EMC, NMC, UA1, DAS, MARK-II, RISK, CALO, TPS, OMEGA, COMB, WAS, PLUTO It already exists a quarkonia database … … But not up to date

  11. Or use data reviews on specified subjects

  12. Ref. to the published paper Presentation by experiment Or by reaction

  13. Summary • HEPDATA is an example of what can be done for a database • Even more: can we imagine Quarkonia database as an item in the HEPDATA data review list ? Framework already exists. Don’t have to do the effort. Do we want to work like HEPDATA?, with HEPDATA? There is already datas on Quarkonia Will they be interested by our project? Database known and used, link with SPIRES and ARXIV. Easy to diffuse and for comparison with other datas.

  14. What should contain the Quarkonia Database? Which systems? Which experiments? Which observables? CERN : NA3, NA51 RHIC : PHENIX, STAR Fermilab: CDF/D0 First Brainstorming….. pp, pp, π-p J/Ψ Ψ’ Open Charm CERN : NA3, NA38, NA50, NA60 pA RHIC : PHENIX, STAR Fermilab : E537/E672/E772/E866 HERA B SLAC NMC AA CERN : NA38, NA50, NA60 RHIC : PHENIX, STAR χ c

  15. What we conclude in Paris • To resume all the Bibliography under the item bibliography list on Twiki https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ReteQuarkonii/BibliographyList • Do a review on existing review data on HEPDATA • Do a review on existing review on Quarkonia When it’s done : contact HEPDATA

  16. The bibliography List Data from : • RHIC : STAR and PHENIX collected by Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac Still missing : open charm in STAR • HERA-B, collected by Pietro Faccioli via Francesco Prino • SPS : NA3, NA38, NA51, NA50, NA60 collected by Francesco Prino • FERMILAB : E866, E789, E772 collected by Mike Leitch via Raphaël • Tevatron : CDF collected by Javier Castillo Stil missing : D0 List not ordered, feel free to check the list and comments

  17. Review on HEPDATA DATA REVIEW The first things to note is that they are all following the same structure, they are all built the same way. The title is : A compilation of blablabla the outline: I -  Genereal  theoritical introduction, physical principle II - Description of experiments III - DATA with  table and plots IV - How to access to Durham Data Base V -  Other reviews  in this series All the data reviews are connected together under a "Data Reviews" mark. If you do a search on IOP web, with the query: "Data Reviews", you will find all the published data reviews. It looks like they have a way to published data reviews. Some of them have theoriticale comparison , but not all.

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