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Proposal for a simplified SES for Bulgaria Yochka Tsakova Magda Kirsch EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Detailed guidelines and recommendations for drafting standards, training objectives, and competencies in Bulgaria, presented in a manual format for easy use. Includes specific recommendations for integrating professional profiles, domain-specific competencies, and learning outcomes.

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Proposal for a simplified SES for Bulgaria Yochka Tsakova Magda Kirsch EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

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  1. Proposal for a simplified SES for Bulgaria Yochka Tsakova Magda Kirsch EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  2. Documents read • Regulations for drafting the SES • Procedures for drafting the SES • Methodology for drafting the SES • Template for SES • First stage Report on Upgrading standards in Bulgaria • Yochka Tsakova, From skill to competence, Sofia, • Standards from Bnl., Bfr., IRL, etc. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  3. General impression • Documents read are very consistent and form an excellent basis for the drafting of the standards. • 1. The regulations are clear: they can be left as they are. • 2. The methodology is very clear and logical. Recommendation • It would be good to integrate these documents into one manual to be used by the people drafting the standards. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  4. Template for the SES • General impression • Very robust document trying to combine professional profile and training profile; • General Recommendation: • Avoid overlap • Focus on domain specific competences/ learning outcomes • Evaluation tool focusing on these domain specific competences / learning outcomes Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  5. Specific Recommendations Cover page Recommendation to add: • Training qualification; if the standard is used in formal education • English translation of the vocation/profession (towards the Europass certificate supplement) • ECVET/national credits awarded for the qualification/credit. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  6. Specific Recommendations • Access • Entry level = O.K. but suggestion to refer more explicitly to recognition of prior (experiential) learning • Health requirements: O.K. • Profile of the profession • Recommendation to give a brief description of the profession and of the the sector including a reference to the EQF . • A separate, more detailed document can be made to describe the sector, profession(s) and the future (needs) of the sector. This should be the responsibility of the sectors concerned. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  7. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes – can be combined with 4 3.1. The key competencies gained during the general compulsory vocational training –standardized for all occupational areas Recommendation: • Leave this part out as it identical for all standards studied. • Write one basic document to be used by all training providers. (id. 4.1.) Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  8. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes 3.2. The basic competences for performance of the assignments from the vocation’s profile; Recommendation: • Where relevant, integrate competence required in SES and not artificially separate it from the other competences/training objectives. • e.g. : respect for technical rules for safety and security can be linked to the specific rules for a specific vocation. • Other competences (needed for all professions) in basic document referred to before. (id. 4.2.) Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  9. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes 3.3. Specific competences for performance of the assignments from the vocation’s profile gained during the job-specific compulsory vocational training; Recommendation: • Make this part the core of the SES combined with 4.3. • Training content can be replaced by learning outcome Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  10. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes Several options: A. Simplified standard Bnl (see example handed out in April at NAVET) B. Competences as described in Yochka Tsakova’s book “From skill to competence” C. Competences as described by the Bfr • Detailed description of competences based on EQF (each competence is subdivided in knowledge skills and wider competences) • Or a combination of the elements described in the different examples. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  11. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes A. Simplified standard Bnl • Description of key competences; • Success criteria for each of these key competences • Description of situation / context within which the competences must be carried out: e.g. stress, weather conditions (for drivers). Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  12. Key Competence 1. Carry out simultaneous actions Success criteria: Listens or talks to the customer and can at the same time read and follow the information on-screen Mails or chats with the customer while simultaneously following the information on-screen, Listens or talks to the customer while simultaneously using the keyboard or the mouse and the headset, Adjusts the speed of typing in terms of the contact Option 1 : Bnl: Competences for a call centre operator Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  13. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes B. Competences as described in Yochka Tsakova’s book “From skill to competence” • Description of key competences/ key tasks • Description of professional competences needed for each of these key competences/key tasks • Description of the equipment needed to carry out these professional competences. In this concept each key competence could be linked to a unit or module Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  14. Option B. Competences as described by Yochka Tsakova Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  15. Option B. Competences as described by Yochka Tsakova Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  16. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes C. Competences as described by Bfr • Description of key competences/ key tasks • Description of professional competences needed for each of these key competences/key tasks • Description of the degree of competence (distinction between starting and experienced professional) • Description of the indicator to check whether these professional competences have been acquired. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  17. Key Competence 1: 1. Draft a menu/ list of meals and determine the price of the ingredients Task /activities in the PP Sub-competence degree Indicators 1.1. Make a list of ingredients and the price of the latter 1.1.1. Analyse and respect the rules for drafting a menu and the logical composition thereof CM The learner drafts a menu taking into account the gastronomic requirements as well as the requirements of good management 1.1.2. Look for the best price /quality ratio CM 1.1.3. Use correct quantities CET 2. Purchase ingredients Option C. Bfr Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  18. Specific Recommendations 3. Training objectives/ learning outcomes D. Competences described on the basis of EQF • Description of key competences/ key tasks • Description of professional competences needed for each of these key competences/key tasks • Description of the knowledge, skills, and wider competences for each of the latter. Is this still necessary when speaking about integrated competences? Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  19. 1. Specialty 5421001 „Shoe and leather haberdashery production” Professional competences Key competences After completing the occupational and speciality training, the trainee must: Knowledge of: Skills for: Professional and personal qualities Know the organization of the production of shoe and leather haberdashery products The organisation Perform loading and discharging activities of primary and secondary materials and of ready production in the field of the “shoe and leather haberdashery production” Means of transport - types, application. Organization of the production in a leather haberdashery manufacturing factory; Regulations for working with internal factory transport Maintenance of the transport means Discipline Accuracy Firmness of attention Power of observation D. Competences described on the basis of EQF Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  20. Specific Recommendations 5. Evaluation and certification system Main Recommendation: Assess integrated competences : Therefore • Not only final exam but also permanent evaluation should be part of the evaluation process; • It is very important that reference is not only made to theory and practice but also to projects and work placements/ internships as the latter are of enormous importance in e.g. hospitality; • The term theory-based is to be preferred over theory • Percentages between the different parts of the evaluation cannot be the same for different professions and different levels. Annex: Irish example Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  21. Specific Recommendations 5. Evaluation and certification system • Grading system can be maintained • Certification (5.4.) can be maintained 6. Requirements towards the facilities • Can be maintained or combined with 3; • Should take into account new ways of learning; • Can refer to facilities in industry and work placements as schools will not always have the latest equipment. 7. Requirements for teachers • Reference could be made to regular in-service training for teachers and to collaboration with industry. Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

  22. Thank you for your attention ! Phare project on upgrading standards – Sofia – May 2006

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