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2011. 坎培拉生活 - Ideal City to Study and Live. 關於坎培拉 City profile: 建於 1908 年 Established in 1908 人口 Population: 353,000 平均年齡 Average age: 34.7 平均 週 薪 Average wage: $1,443 (全澳水平 National rate $1,243 ) 失業率 Unemployment rate: 2.6% (全澳失業率 National rate 5.2% )
2011 坎培拉生活 - Ideal City to Study and Live • 關於坎培拉City profile: • 建於1908年 Established in 1908 • 人口Population: 353,000 • 平均年齡Average age: 34.7 • 平均週薪 Average wage: $1,443(全澳水平 National rate $1,243) • 失業率 Unemployment rate: 2.6%(全澳失業率 National rate 5.2%) • 全澳最低犯罪率National lowest criminal rate • 年平均生活消費 Average living costs: $18,000 per year • 國際留學生打工學習 Part time job opportunities for international students: • *平均時薪Average hourly rate: $15-20 • *一週最多工作小時數Maximum working hours: 20 per week • 四季平均氣溫 Average daily temperature • 春Spring:19℃夏Summer:27℃秋Autumn:20℃冬Winter:12℃
Preface Student's will initially undertake one year of study at YunTech and will complete the final year of study at UC in Australia. UC will hereafter recognise completed subjects from YunTech and will grant appropriate credit into UC degree programs. Students who complete their studies at UC will graduate with an internationally recognised UC degree.
English Requirements for UC Students must attain an IELTS (Academic) level of 6.5 as per the UC Admission Policy to qualify for direct entry into a UC degree program. Where a student is assessed at being below an IELTS (Academic) level of 6.5, the following pathways will be required: 2.1 Students with an IELTS of 6.0 are required to complete 10 weeks of ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) at the UC English Language Institute. 2.2 Students with an IELTS of 5.5 are required to complete 20 weeks of ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) at the UC English Language Institute. 2.3 Students with an IELTS of 5.0 are required to complete 30 weeks of ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) at the UC English Language Institute.
學生須先於雲林科技大學應用外語系修畢以上專業選修課程計18學分,再於澳洲坎培拉大學修畢以下選修課程計18學分,共計36學分,另須於雲林科技大學取得必修學分並完成碩士論文,方可取得學位。學生須先於雲林科技大學應用外語系修畢以上專業選修課程計18學分,再於澳洲坎培拉大學修畢以下選修課程計18學分,共計36學分,另須於雲林科技大學取得必修學分並完成碩士論文,方可取得學位。 • 為順利修習本學制課程,學生可選擇於一年級先修必修課程或以坎培拉大學之課程抵免必修學分。 • 學生須取得雅思測驗(IELTS) 6.5級分方可參與本雙聯學制;若無,則須於坎培拉大學補修其訂定之課程,待修畢後才可修習雙聯學制之課程。
雲林科技大學應用外語系碩士班選修課程流程圖雲林科技大學應用外語系碩士班選修課程流程圖 YunTech Phase (講授時數-實習時數-學分數)
澳洲坎培拉大學選修課程流程圖 UC Phase cps = credit points
Postgraduate Coursework Tuition Feesfor International Students • PDF file
2011 On Campus Accommodation