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Memberships, FSC, web site, duties/rights, remarks. Alfredo Ferrari CERN, Geneva Switzerland CERN, 21/11/2013. The FLUKA International Collaboration.
Memberships, FSC, web site, duties/rights, remarks Alfredo Ferrari CERN, Geneva Switzerland CERN, 21/11/2013
The FLUKA International Collaboration M. Brugger, M. Calviani, F. Cerutti, M. Chin,Alfredo Ferrari, P. Garcia Ortega, A. Lechner, C. Mancini-Terracciano, M. Magistris, A. Mereghetti, S. Roesler, G. Smirnov, C. Theis, Heinz Vincke, Helmut Vincke, V. Vlachoudis, J.Vollaire, CERN G. Kharashvili, Jefferson Lab, USAJ. Ranft, Univ. of Siegen, Germany G. Battistoni, F. Broggi, M. Campanella, F.Cappucci, E. Gadioli, S. Muraro, R. Nicolini, P.R. Sala, INFN & Univ. Milano, Italy L. Sarchiapone, INFN Legnaro, ItalyG. Brunetti, A. Margiotta, M. Sioli, INFN & Univ. Bologna, Italy V. Patera, INFN Frascati & Univ. Roma Sapienza, Italy M. Pelliccioni, INFN Frascati & CNAO, Pavia, Italy A. Mairani,CNAO Pavia, Italy M. Santana, SLAC, USAM.C. Morone, Univ. Roma II, Italy K. Parodi, I. Rinaldi, LMU Munich, Germany L. Lari, Univ. of Valencia, Spain A. Empl, L. Pinsky,B. Reddell, Univ. of Houston, USA M. Nozar, TRIUMF, Canada V. Boccone, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland K.T. Lee, T. Wilson, N. Zapp, NASA-Houston, USA T. Boehlen, S. Rollet, AIT, Austria A. Fassò, R. Versaci, ELI-Beamlines, Prague, CR M. Lantz, Uppsala Univ., Sweden S. Trovati, PSI, Switzerland P. Colleoni, OspedaliRiunitidi Bergamo, Italy M.V. Garzelli, Nova Gorica Univ., Slovenia Anna Ferrari, S. Mueller HZDR Rossendorf, Germany
Collaboration membership: • Update the membership list: • First of all group “leaders” should send an updated list • Two person charged (Alberto + ?) with scrutinizing the list • … starting from Giuseppe list… • … contacting the various groups for (further) updates … • … possibly contacting dubious cases… • Once the list is settled (by Christmas), provide (web site?) an unique place where the “official” membership list is available, • e-mails list of all members (e-group?) • Maintainers? AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Collaboration membership cont.: • New members: • request of joining the Collaboration should be sent to the FSC • Duties/rights explained and in case requested approved • Resigning members: • Resignation procedure never defined in details • … proposal: resignation should be sent to the FSC • The resigning member is still bound to the Coll. Rules for all activities which could still bear “remnants” of her/his participation (eg publication using results from the devel version etc) AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Fluka Scientific Committee current membership FSC: • Giuseppe Battistoni INFN/Milan Giuseppe.Battistoni@mi.infn.it • Francesco CeruttiCERN/EN Francesco.Cerutti@cern.ch • Alberto Fasso` JLAB Fasso@slac.stanford.edu • Alfredo Ferrari CERN/EN Alfredo.Ferrari@cern.ch(coordinator) • Vincenzo Patera Roma1 Vincenzo.Patera@lnf.infn.it * • Maurizio Pelliccioni INFN/LNF Maurizio.Pelliccioni@lnf.infn.it * • Larry Pinsky UHPinsky@uh.edu * • Johannes Ranft Siegen Un. Johannes.Ranft@cern.ch • Stefan Roesler CERN/RP Stefan.Roesler@cern.ch * • Paola R. Sala INFN/Milan Paola.Sala@mi.infn.it • VasilisVlachoudisCERN/EN Vasilis.Vlachoudis@cern.ch * Two FSC members (chosen internally according to the field of interest) give a quick look at the relevant presentation/publication and in case suggest changes/corrections. The FSC also monitors compliance with the Collaboration rules, decides on new membership etc AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Fluka Scientific Committee membership • The election of the 5 non ex-officio members will take place asap (just after the update of the membership list): the mandate is for 3 years as usual • Whoever is willing to stand for (re)election contact me as soon as possible • As soon as the membership list is settled, a reminder about the election procedure will be sent to everybody including the list of candidatesand the election started(January?) • Two polling officers chosen as usual among the ex-officio members will collect and count the votes via e-mail, I propose Francesco and Paola for this election • the procedure: 5 “points” available for each collaboration member to be used in whichever combination, 1 by 1 for 5 candidates, 5 on the same candidate, etc) AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Manning of the mailing list • At present Stefan Roesler is doing the (very much appreciated) coordination work • Is Stefan still available (I suppose yes)? • Do we have to define backup(s) when he is absent, or do we go on in the same way? • There is a list of volunteers (many thanks to all of them!!!) for the list shifts: do we need more given the increased amount of traffic on the list? • The removal of (Giuseppe) moderation did not cause any noticeable amount of spam • There is a tendency from users to ask more and more “silly” questions, like “please debug my geometry”. Up to which point should we go in helping those users? AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Web site and mailing lists: • Rosario did an outstanding job in patching the present web site • Fixing issues • Duplicating the registration and download procedures in order to make room for the trial version, adding a special field to the user Database • However for both the web site and mailing lists: • Thourough, professional, reworking urgently required • More flexibility, ability to have “special” repositories (eg, commercial licensees, trial version, …) without cumbersome patchwork • Decisions and actions urgently required AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Web site and mailing lists cont.: • Rosario considerations: • The site as it is organized/built now cannot be easily ported to more standard tools (egJoomla, Drupal, Wiki .. ) a re-write from scratch and/or a painful translation is required • Rosario could be available, however first we need to assess whether: • The site will stay in INFN or moved to CERN? • On a dedicated physical machine or a “standard” CERN/INFN platform managed by their IT departments? • Mailing list: still in INFN in Milan, or in a “standard” location like CNAF, or at CERN (e-groups)? • Course: to be managed in the future on Indico? CERN or INFN? • Other issues: conferences (Varenna…) etc? AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Fluka constitution Extracts from the Fluka collaboration constitution : The FLUKACollaboration has been formed for the express purpose of the development, distribution and maintenance of the Code. Specifically, the goals of the Collaboration are: • Development and Maintenance of the FLUKA code • Dissemination of the FLUKA code • Application of FLUKA to selected areas of interest AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Each member shall: • Actively contribute to one or more of the common efforts • Propose to the Collaboration new initiatives and/or applications to be included in the area of common interest. • Once an activity is accepted as a common goal, collaborate with all other interested members along common lines. • Participate to the FLUKA Collaboration meetings, and present to the collaboration results and status of his/her activity • Share with the FLUKA Collaboration members the results and the tools developed in the framework of the collaboration. • Provide to the FSC any code development, for possible inclusion in the distributed FLUKA version. • Use results and tools provided by other members of the collaboration that are not yet publicly available only for common activities • Submit all publications , presentations concerning FLUKA to the FSC in draft. • Inform the FSC about contacts with non-member individuals and institutions that concern Collaboration activities and receive prior approval from the FSC for any possible exchange of information. AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Each member can: • Actively contribute to one or more of the common efforts • Propose to the Collaboration new initiatives and/or applications to be included in the area of common interest. • Once an activity is accepted as a common goal, collaborate with all other interested members along common lines., benefiting from other member work • Influence the development goals of the code according to her/his needs • Use the development version with the latest physics and technical developments for testing and for common activities • Represent the Collaboration presenting contributions at workshops and Conferences. • Profit from results and tools provided by other members of the collaboration that are not yet publicly available (for common activities) • Co-sign publications on activities of common interest • Participate as a teacher in the FLUKA Courses organized every year . AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Authorship • Any Journal Publication or Presentation by any Member that purports to represent work by or under the auspices of the FLUKA Collaborationshall be subject to the provisions of these By-Laws • The principle author shall inform the FSC in advance, and that individual shall also recommend the author list. The FSC shall approve the proposed author list and may require the addition of other names • The FSC may routinely require that the original FLUKA authors be listed on all relevant publications and presentations. • The FSC shall maintain a publicly accessible list on the FLUKA Web-site of the current and past FLUKA Collaboration members…omissis • Publication of material that constitutes merely an application of the FLUKA code by a Member with no special code development content should still routinely be sent to the FSC. Where such application publications may be of broad interest and benefit to the wider FLUKA User Community, the FSC may request that the member/author consider making the work available through the FLUKA Collaboration. AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Poor man summary • Everybody should help, also on boring items • Work in application areas of common interest shall be performed in collaboration with all the interested people • Tools and results shall be made available to other members an possibly included in the code • The development version and other non-public tools should be used only for common activities (and papers) • FLUKA–related papers /presentations should be discussed and circulated before, during and after AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Areas of common interest To be discussed and updated. List as of today: • Medical applications, in particular applications to therapy • Accelerators: beam-machine interaction , geometry building • Cosmic rays? • Neutrinos? • … Whenever one starts activities in new areas using FLUKA she/he should check whether other Collaboration members/groups are interested Action FSC: collect again the topics of common interest and make a list (by February) AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
Some remarks: • Submission of papers/presentations to FSC is sketchy. Somebody always complies, others not • Some frustration, developer-wise, wrt the lack of “returns” (tools, help, etc) on the code side • Please remember, work with new features not yet fully published, should include the relevant developers. This is always true if the devel version is used, but also in many cases with the production version as well if the work makes use of new/unpublished features* • Work on activities of “common interest” is not always involving all interested members… The “stream” should be two-way, not only from the developers to the rest of the Collaboration * Eg as soon as the new release will be out for some time the prod/devel versions will be ~ the same even though many features will still be unpublished AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013
end AF/PS, ELI, 21/11/2013