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Wireless Networks Lab – Wireless. 2007/11/07 Chia-Hung Tsai. Lab5. FontalBSP LED UART Stack Wireless Application Queue API Hardware interrupt Mcps interrupt. PIB. PIB P AN I nformation B ase Consist of a number of parameters used by MAC and Physical layers Access
Wireless Networks Lab – Wireless 2007/11/07 Chia-Hung Tsai
Lab5 • FontalBSP • LED • UART • Stack • Wireless • Application Queue API • Hardware interrupt • Mcps interrupt
PIB • PIB • PAN Information Base • Consist of a number of parameters used by MAC and Physical layers • Access • The mechanism that a network layer can used is reading (GET) and writing (Set)
MAC layer PIB access • Get a handle to the PIB
MAC layer PIB access • Some attributes needs to be done using auxiliary functions
Transmit a Packet for MAC PIB • Set a PAN ID • Set the short address
Physical layer PIB access • PHY PIB parameter values • can be returned to the network layer using the eAppApiPlmeGet routine • can be changed by the network layer using the PLME-Set request primitive • eAppApiPlmeSet routine
Physical layer PIB access example • eAppApiPlmeGet • eAppApiPlmeSet
Transmit a Packet for PHY PIB • Set the transmitting channel
macRxOnWhenIdle • macRxOnWhenIdle • Indication of whether the MAC sublayer is to enable its receiver during idle periods • BeaconOlder default is set to 15 • If BO is equal to 15, the value of macRxOnWhenIdle shall be considered relevant at all times • MAC_vPibSetRxOnWhenIdle(s_pvMac, TRUE, FALSE);
Lab5 sample • tx.c • A counter application • After triggering LEDs according to the counting value, it will send the value in a packet to rx node. • rx.c • When it receive a packet from tx node, it will parse the value in the packet and trigger its LEDs by the value. • So, rx.c is still a counter application
Lab sample PUBLIC void AppColdStart(void) { InitSystem(); while (TRUE) { vAHI_CpuDoze(); } }
Lab5 sample PRIVATE void InitSystem(void) { u32AHI_Init(); u32AppQApiInit(NULL, ReceiveISR, NULL); s_pvMac = pvAppApiGetMacHandle(); s_psMacPib = MAC_psPibGetHandle(s_pvMac); MAC_vPibSetPanId(s_pvMac, PAN_ID); MAC_vPibSetShortAddr(s_pvMac, RX); eAppApiPlmeSet(PHY_PIB_ATTR_CURRENT_CHANNEL, CHANNEL); MAC_vPibSetRxOnWhenIdle(s_pvMac, TRUE, FALSE); led_init(); led_on(LED0); led_on(LED1); }
Send packet PRIVATE void sendPacket(void) { MAC_McpsSyncCfm_s sMcpsSyncCfm; MAC_McpsReqRsp_s sMcpsReqRsp; uint8 *pu8Payload; sMcpsReqRsp.u8Type = MAC_MCPS_REQ_DATA; sMcpsReqRsp.u8ParamLength = sizeof(MAC_McpsReqData_s); sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.u8Handle=0; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sSrcAddr.u8AddrMode=2; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sSrcAddr.u16PanId=PAN_ID; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sSrcAddr.uAddr.u16Short =TX; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sDstAddr.u8AddrMode=2; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sDstAddr.u16PanId=PAN_ID; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.sDstAddr.uAddr.u16Short = RX; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.u8TxOptions = 1; sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.u8SduLength = 1; pu8Payload = sMcpsReqRsp.uParam.sReqData.sFrame.au8Sdu; pu8Payload[0] = u8Value; vAppApiMcpsRequest(&sMcpsReqRsp, &sMcpsSyncCfm); }
Receive packet • Step1: Poll the MCPS queue to get an interrupt PRIVATE void ReceiveISR(void) { MAC_McpsDcfmInd_s *psMcpsInd; // poll the MCPS queue do { psMcpsInd = psAppQApiReadMcpsInd(); if (psMcpsInd != NULL) { vProcessIncomingData(psMcpsInd); vAppQApiReturnMcpsIndBuffer(psMcpsInd); } } while (psMcpsInd != NULL); }
Receive packet • Step2: Parse the interruptto get data PRIVATE void vProcessIncomingData(MAC_McpsDcfmInd_s *psMcpsInd){ MAC_RxFrameData_s *psFrame; uint8 au8DeviceData[8]; if (psMcpsInd->u8Type == MAC_MCPS_IND_DATA) { psFrame = &psMcpsInd->uParam.sIndData.sFrame; …… …… // Store the received data for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { au8DeviceData[i] = psFrame->au8Sdu[i]; } } }
MAC_Mcps • In mac_sap.h typedef struct { uint8 u8Type; /* Indication type */ uint8 u8ParamLength; /* Parameter length in following union */ uint16 u16Pad; /* Padding to force alignment */ MAC_McpsDcfmIndParam_u uParam; /* Union of all possible Indications */ } MAC_McpsDcfmInd_s; typedef union { MAC_McpsCfmData_s sDcfmData; /* transmit data confirm */ MAC_McpsCfmPurge_s sDcfmPurge; /* purge confirm */ MAC_McpsIndData_s sIndData; /* data indication */ } MAC_McpsDcfmIndParam_u;
MAC_Mcps • In mac_sap.h typedef struct { MAC_Addr_s sSrcAddr; /* Source address */ MAC_Addr_s sDstAddr; /* Destination address */ uint8 u8LinkQuality; /* Link quality of received frame */ uint8 u8SecurityUse; /* True if security was used */ uint8 u8AclEntry; /* Security suite used */ uint8 u8SduLength; /* Length of payload */ uint8 au8Sdu[MAC_MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_LEN]; /* Payload */ } MAC_RxFrameData_s; typedef struct { MAC_RxFrameData_s sFrame; /* Frame received */ } MAC_McpsIndData_s;
Lab5 • Implement a small game that is similar with the bonus part in Lab4 • Using wireless to replace the UART • Requirement • Server node will be setting a number by hyper terminal through UART • Client node will guess a number through UART and send this number to server node • If client node is guessed a smaller number, server node will relay “the answer is bigger” to client node through wireless • Else , if client node is guessed a bigger number, server node will reply “the answer is smaller” • Else, reply “you are right”