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Sistema de Alerta de Tsunamis del Caribe

Sistema de Alerta de Tsunamis del Caribe. Christa G. von Hillebrandt-Andrade Directora e Investigadora Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico, UPR, Mayagüez Conferencia “Las Fuerzas Armadas en apoyo a la atención de eventuales desastres: Tsunamis”

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Sistema de Alerta de Tsunamis del Caribe

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  1. Sistema de Alerta de Tsunamis del Caribe Christa G. von Hillebrandt-Andrade Directora e Investigadora Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico, UPR, Mayagüez Conferencia “Las Fuerzas Armadas en apoyo a la atención de eventuales desastres: Tsunamis”  Sede de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa (Casa del Soldado) Washington, D. C. 26 de Agosto de 2008

  2. Agenda • Elementos del Sistema de Alerta de Tsunamis • Determinación de la Amenaza y Riesgo • Vigilancia • Sísmica • Nivel de Mar • Comunicaciones • Educación, Preparación y Recuperación

  3. Generation, Propagation, and Inundation Phases of Tsunamis long wavelength

  4. Tsunami INDONESIA, December 26, 2004, Mw 9.3

  5. Since 1530, 95 Tsunamis Have been observed in the Caribbean Fatalities Due to Tsunamis Date Place Fatalities 1692 Jamaica 2000 1842 Haiti ~300+ 1853 Venezuela 600-4000 1867 Virgin Islands 23 1882 Panama 75-100 1906 Jamaica 500 1918 Puerto Rico 140 1946 Dominican Republic(1) 1790 1946 Dominican Republic(2) 75 TOTAL 5503 to 8928 • Statistics fromCaribbean Tsunamis,  A 500-Year History from 1498-1998by Karen Fay O'Loughlin and James F. Lander (ISBN 1-4020-1717-0 2003 edition) and Tsunamis of the Eastern US, NGDC, 2002 Science of Tsunami Hazards, vol 20, #3, pg 120 and NGDC, 2006.

  6. Tsunamis in the Caribbean From NOAA National Geophysical Data Center

  7. Principal Earthquake, Landslide and Tsunami Sources Source: U. ten Brink, USGS Major faults and structures in the Caribbean with the potential of generating large local and regiaonal tsunamis from earthquakes and submarine landslides.

  8. Other Caribbean Tsunamigenic Sources, Also Mostly short-fused • Subaerial and Submarine Landslides • Subaerial Volcanoes- Soufriere Hills, Montserrat • Submarine Volcanoes-Kick ‘em Jenny • Tele-tsunami (e.g. “Lisbon” Nov. 1, 1755)

  9. The risk from tsunamis has increased dramatically due to population growth, coastal infrastructure development and tourism US Virgin Islands, 1867 US Virgin Islands, today During high season, there can be as many as 25,000 people arriving on cruise ships during a day. During low season, as much as 15,000 people/day.

  10. Tsunami Inundation Maps • Information Required: • Tsunami sources, eg. Faults • Digital elevation models of near shore topo and bathymetry • Inundation model-TIME, MOST Tsunami Inland Flood Limit for Mayagüez,PR

  11. Vulnerability • Vulnerability Factors • Age • Sex • Race • Family/Marital Status • Special Needs • Education • Housing • Economic resources

  12. Monitoring Components of Tsunami Warning System • Seismic monitoring-accurate and timely detection and determination and dissemination of hypocentral parameters. Initial performance criteria: messages for all earthquakes M 5 or greater within 5 minutes of origin time. • Sea Level Monitoring • Tide Gauges-confirmation of tsunami heights and arrival times at coastal locations, validate tsunami inundation models • DART Buoys-confirmation of tsunamis and real time forecasting of tsunamis • Other geophysical instrumentation, GPS, hydroacoustic sensor – developing technology and infrastructure.

  13. Seismic Stations Available in Real Time for the CEWS • Conributing Networks • USGS Caribbean Seismic Network • ANSS-USGS • Global Seismographic Network • U. Colima, Mexico • RS El Salvador • INETER, Nicaragua • OVSICORI, Costa Rica • Baru Network, Panama • Seismic Research Unit, Trinidad and Tobago • Montserrat Volcano Observatory • Martinique Volcano Observatory • KNMI, Dutch Antilles • Puerto Rico Seismic Network, UPR • Seismological Institute, DR

  14. TsunamiReady Tide Gauges • Efforts are underway to increase the number of sea level stations available in real time. PRSN hosted a workshop in June, 2008. • http://www.ioc-unesco.org

  15. DARTBuoys

  16. Tsunamis Warning Centers • National • Nicaragua • Regional • US NOAA West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center • Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands • International • US NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center • Planned • Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center WCATWC PRSN Earthquake Information

  17. Communications and Dissemination • 24 hour capability to rapidly receive and disseminate emergency information messages “80% of tsunami mortalities occur within the first hour after the source event” (exception: 1946 Aleutian tsunami) EOS-AGU, v.88, n. 52

  18. Tsunami Education, Awareness and Drills

  19. Preparation and Distribution of Evacuation Maps.

  20. Installation and Maintenance (replacement) of Tsunami Warning Signs

  21. Response and Recovery Planning • Response Plans • Roles and responsibilities • Communications • Drills • Recovery Plans • Safety and security • Mass casualties • Civil Infrastructure

  22. Intergovernmental Coordinating Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG-C) • UNESCO/IOC body • 30 member states, commonwealths, territories • Established in 2005 • Sessions held in 2006, 2007 and 2008

  23. Puerto Rico TsunamiReadyPartners

  24. Conclusions and Recommendations • Further analysis of the hazard and risk is required • Near shore bathymetry and topo digital elevation models • Very important that the infrastructure and capabilities of the almost 30 local and subregional seismic networks continue to be strengthened and supported. • Upgrade the sea level infrastructure in the region.

  25. Cont. • Improve the capabilities for receiving and disseminating information and warning messages • The establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center and Caribbean Tsunami Information Center in the region for most effective advisory service before, during and after an event and accessible capacity building platforms for the region. • Improve education, preparedness and recovery plans

  26. More information… • UNESCO/IOC/ICG Website  • http://www.ioc-unesco.org/ • NOAA Tsunami Website • http://www.tsunami.gov • PRTWMP website with tsunami inundation maps • http://poseidon.uprm.edu • PRSN • http://redsismica.uprm.edu Thanks for your support and attention

  27. Our Mission: Avoid this… Gracias, Thank You NY Times

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