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Babi Yar

Babi Yar. Jake Anthony Night Project Term 2. Basic Facts. Babi Yar took place on September 29-30, 1941 It was possibly the biggest two day massacre that took place during the holocaust 33,771 Jews were killed in this single operation. Where?.

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Babi Yar

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  1. Babi Yar Jake Anthony Night Project Term 2

  2. Basic Facts • Babi Yar took place on September 29-30, 1941 • It was possibly the biggest two day massacre that took place during the holocaust • 33,771 Jews were killed in this single operation

  3. Where? • Babi Yar took place in Kiev, Ukraine at the Babyn Yar Ravine • The people who were in the Syrets concentration camp were the victims • They were taken from camp and lined up by the ravine where they were shot into it

  4. Why? • The reasons for this massacre are still unknown • Perhaps is was simply to clear room in the ghetto for more Jews to be shipped into the ghetto • Once Jews were hopeless and useless they were killed • BABI YAR By Yevgeni Yevtushenko

  5. Olga Anstei • Olga was German, but also Jewish as well • Somehow she was able to escape the massacre without being killed • She wrote a poem about babi yar, an experience that has haunted her forever • Babi Yar symposium looks at facts, memories, depictions | BrandeisNOW

  6. How did we find out about BabiYar? • At first we didn’t know about BabiYar because it took place on German territory • When we flew over in planes to take pictures of the land we saw mass bodies laying in a massive group • The U.S. government looked at the pictures and the location and found out about the mass Killings.

  7. How did the Nazi’s try to hide murders? • The Nazi’s would try to bury or get rid of dead bodies because of the crazy amounts of murders • The Germans said that the Jews were resettling in eastern Europe • And when the Jews were moved it was as early as 5 am before anyone was awake

  8. Continued • Slowly information of what was going on began to leak out • Soldiers at home on leave would tell horrific stories about what they had done to Jews • American planes would also fly overhead taking pictures and our troops eventually stepped foot in German territory

  9. After the War • Roosevelt called this an “act of savages” • Everybody was in shock when all of these horrific things hit the media • Many, many Nazis had to go to court and were sent away to jail for the crimes they committed Then all of these “powerful” men went to jail

  10. Continued • The Nazi political party was banned from Germany • The ones that weren’t put in prison were executed • Others simply killed themselves before they got caught • War And Remembrance Part 7 BabiYar Massacre - YouTube

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